Chapter 332: Terrified Hattar and the Rebellious Kingdom's Nobility

"This is the best news we've received!" Harrov said with a relieved tone, if the Magic level of [Aira] still remained at the standard of a few hundred years ago, then the combined strength of them would be enough to defeat the enemy.

"Do not take this lightly, Harrov!" Vittorio reminded him.

Setting aside the actual strength of the [Aira] entity for the moment, the church alone is not so easy to deal with; it has grown into a massive entity after hundreds of years of development.

On the surface alone, they would have to face at least five legendary enemies...

Lynn nodded as well, that Divine's Projection had displayed a sort of power that seemed capable of distorting space and even slowing down time, which significantly concerned him.

This was only an incarnation, and one could only imagine how powerful the true [Aira] would be when utilized.