This Is a New Life

After fantasizing about the future, Bai Chuan finally calmed down and carefully calculated the time.

Four days. There were still four days left. After four days, he would receive points again. This time, the points would also mean that he would become stronger faster in the future. Thinking of this, he was a little impatient. He really wanted to cross these four days now!

In order to ensure that no accidents would happen, Bai Chuan decided not to go out for the next few days. Every day, he would eat his fill and return to his cave to stay obediently.


Under such circumstances, two days passed in the blink of an eye, and Bai Chuan's previously chaotic schedule finally adjusted.

On this day, Bai Chuan, who had eaten a black-tipped snake as usual, suddenly felt that something was wrong with him.

"Strange, why do I feel that my eyes are a little strange today? Did I not sleep well?" After muttering to himself, Bai Chuan shook his head and felt that something was wrong.

This was because in the past, he could not see things clearly, but at least the area within a hundred meters was still especially clear. But now, his eyes seemed to be stained with something.

Everything looked a little blurry.

What was wrong with him? After all, he had eaten many living creatures he had encountered during this period of time in order to obtain the ability model. It was far beyond the range of the King Cobra's recipe. Or was he sick? Had he been parasitized by something?

This was the first time in his snake like that he encountered such a situation. Bai Chuan did not know what had happened. At this moment, his heart was a little heavy. With a heavy heart and a full stomach, he no longer hesitated.

He crawled straight to his nest. At the same time, because of the sudden problem with his eyes, he was not sure how tomorrow would be and if he could still go out to hunt. Therefore, in order to resist the variables, on this day, he did not activate his crazy digestion.

This was the first time since he came to this world that he thanked snakes for having the ability to last a long time after eating it once.


When he woke up the next day, Bai Chuan realized that the problem was getting worse. If yesterday's vision was only blurry, then today's vision was about 500 degrees.

It could be said that if he looked a little further, it would be a complete blur. The King Cobra relied on his vision to hunt. Under such circumstances, let alone hunting, he would probably have to be careful even when crawling.

At this moment, he was suddenly glad that he had strengthened his Danger Perception ability first, because his sharp hearing and keen sense of smell didn't make him completely lose his perception of his surroundings.

However, in this situation, he had an inexplicable premonition. This feeling urged him to leave the tree hole as soon as possible because the tree hole was no longer safe for him.

At this moment, he needed a narrow hole that could only accommodate him. Bai Chuan did not know if the premonition that had appeared in his heart was right, but after careful consideration, he felt that it was still somewhat reasonable.

First of all, his tree hole was in midair. Moreover, it used to belong to birds, but he had occupied it. Now that he had almost lost his vision, it was difficult for him to see clearly when he encountered birds. Moreover, if he did not leave the tree hole and return to the ground, he was afraid that if he lost his vision the day after tomorrow, it would be a problem for him to even go down the tree. It would be a joke if he accidentally fell from a tree and was seriously injured.

After serious consideration, Bai Chuan followed the premonition in his heart and carefully went down the tree. He thought that perhaps this inexplicable premonition came from biological instincts?

This instinct was really mysterious!


He crawled carefully along the way. Although this place belonged to him, he was afraid that intruders would appear at this time. Fortunately, because he had been out hunting every day recently, many animals were already familiar and afraid of him. When they saw him crawling over so brazenly, they were so frightened that they fled in all directions. Therefore, after a day of searching, he finally found a long, narrow, and deep cave in the afternoon.

After he completely entered, he finally relaxed. However, until now, Bai Chuan realized that his vision had deteriorated even more severely. He had almost lost his sight. This discovery made his heart sink. At the same time, his mood became more and more sensitive.

For the sake of his sense of security, he coiled his snake body and aimed his snake head in the direction of the cave entrance. The two bumps on the top of his head kept sensing the movements outside, and his snake tongue kept flicking out. The poisonous fangs in its mouth were ready to be released at any time. As long as an accident happened, he could shoot out the venom in the next second. He guaranteed that no matter who barged into this cave at this moment, they would not be able to escape his crazy attacks.

The only thing that made him feel lucky was that he did not feel anything strange except blindness.

Time passed slowly. From the sun setting in the west to the sun rising in the east, and then the sun setting in the west and rising again. Two shifts had already passed day and night.

After three days of suffering, Bai Chuan finally saw light again.

At this moment, he was touched.

At this moment, it was as if he had experienced a new life.

At this moment, it was as if he had experienced a cleansing.

If he were to write a book at this moment, he believed that he would be able to write a book that would make people cry, "If you give me three days of light". At this moment, he finally understood what was wrong with him.

Because the abnormally tense, itchy, and painful feeling in his body told him the truth. This was the path that all snakes had to take—molting! This was a hurdle that all snakes had to overcome.

Old skin grows old, new skin grows.

Don't wonder why Bai Chuan had molted in such a short time. Su Song of the Song Dynasty once wrote in the Primary Graphic Herb: "Snakes molt anytime, when they are not clean, they molt, or when they are full, they molt."

This means that snakes often shed their skin when their bodies are impure or their scales are damaged, or when they are full. After understanding this, he thought about what Bai Chuan had done during this period of time.

Eat, yes! He ate every day! Even if most of the energy in this food had been converted into energy by the interface, it should not be forgotten that as a snake, Bai Chuan's absorption ability was not strong. Even if most of the energy in the food was not absorbed and converted into points, but dissipated, his body was still wrapped in energy at all times.

That was why he had to shed his skin so quickly.

After understanding this point, Bai Chuan knew that what was about to happen was still a torture. This was because he had just completed the prelude to molting. Next, he still had to take off the old skin on his body.

As soon as the snake's body swam again, Bai Chuan immediately felt that his body had become much larger. If he was only three meters tall before, he was now more than three and a half meters tall. Moreover, he should be much bigger in the days ahead. But that was for later.

Since the most difficult time of molting had passed, Bai Chuan also wanted to return to the tree hole. Along the way, he specialized in finding places with narrow branches and bushes. His snake body crawled around, and his old skin either exploded and fell off naturally or was scraped off by various branches.

It had to be said that the feeling of a layer of skin slowly falling behind him as he moved forward was really too strange, but it also felt refreshing.

If Bai Chuan had to describe it, it would be the feeling of a sudden gust of wind blowing on a hot day and you stripping yourself naked. He was naked and very sensitive when the wind blew, but he also felt relaxed as if all the teeth in his mouth had been cleaned.