Rats Who Have Contacted Humans?

Outside, the storm raged.

Inside, it was dry and comfortable.

At this moment, as soon as the snake opened its mouth, the trembling rat immediately did something that shocked Bai Chuan.

It stood up on its hind legs and put its two front limbs together in front of its chest. Then, its chubby little body knelt down in front of Bai Chuan's snake head. It let out a fawning squeak and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Speaking of which, this rat didn't know if it was lucky or unlucky. It was a rat born in a human village near the foot of the mountain. Not long after it was born, before it even opened its eyes, it was unlucky enough to encounter the entire rat family being discovered and destroyed by the local villagers.

Fortunately, it had survived back then. When it was about to be killed, three compassionate monks came to the village. The monk in the lead had a benevolent expression on his face. He stopped the group of villagers and gave them some money to ask them to hand it to him.

Obviously, the villagers agreed, so it was given to the monk as an exchange. For some reason, the monk stopped at the temple near the village and adopted it. He kept it by his side every day, knocking on scriptures and chanting Buddhist scriptures. From time to time, he would feed it some food, but sometimes, the food tasted a little strange.

Under such circumstances, it successfully survived. It did not know if it was because of the people coming and going every day and all kinds of information. Having grown up, it was actually much stronger and more agile than its kind. Moreover, it could understand a little of the monk's hints.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long.

Not long after, the monk who had fed it died. According to the words of the two-feet people, he should have "passed away", right? In any case, it did not understand. It only knew that the monk would never wake up again. In the future, no one would feed it, and no one would be kind to it.

It hid in the sleeve of the monk's chest in a daze and looked at the two disciples who usually followed behind him in fear. At this moment, their peaceful expressions were no longer there. They had a ferocious expression as they fought for something. In the end, they even took off the clothes of the monk who was taking care of it. It was so frightened that it fled in panic. Fortunately, the two people ignored it.

And so, just like that. For the first time, it experienced the hardships of life. It had to rely on snatching and stealing. Once it was discovered by humans, it would be beaten half to death. Fortunately, it had not learned anything else in the past few years, but it was quite good at kneeling.

It realized that if it was hungry, it would secretly eat the food in the houses of those gorgeously dressed families. Even if it was discovered that it could not escape, as long as it cleverly imitated them and knelt down to kowtow and beg for mercy, there was a high chance that it would be spared.

As for the reason, it did not know much. After all, it was just a rat. Unfortunately, this kind of life did not last for more than a few days. A storm came, a landslide, and a flood destroyed everything.

Unfortunately, it was swept away by the flood.

Fortunately, it did not die. When the flood swept over, it was extremely lucky to hold a large log and rush into the green forest with the water. And now, it welcomed the most difficult moment of its rat life—it had encountered its natural enemy, a snake!


A rat actually kowtowed like a human? This scene simply stunned Bai Chuan. This was the first time he had seen such a smart rat. For a moment, he actually forgot what he wanted to do. After being stunned for a while, he came back to his senses. At this moment, his interest was piqued.

In order to prove that it was not a coincidence, he leaned his head closer and carefully sized up the rat. In an instant, the rat, who was kneeling and kowtowing, was involuntarily pushed to the edge of the tree hole by the snake head. The timid rat wanted to get away from this dangerous mouth. It naturally stood on its hind legs and stuck close to the tree wall. Its small forelimbs were wide open, and its eyes were closed as it trembled.

Three seconds later.

"Drip~" The strange sound of water dripping.

Bai Chuan moved his snake head away in disgust. Disgusting! He suddenly realized that he could not eat. What should he do? In the past, the food he ate was killed by him, so he did not pay much attention to these questions. Now that he saw this scene with his own eyes, he actually resisted.

After coiling his body again, Bai Chuan paid no further attention to the rat and closed his eyes to rest. In any case, this rat would not be able to escape. Moreover, he was only a snake now. Even if he wanted to communicate with the rat, he could not. The only thing he could be sure of was that this rat's intelligence was not ordinary, and it was a little humane. He just didn't know if its intelligence was common or special in this world.

If it was the former, it would be interesting. This proved that this world was not ordinary. After he became stronger, he might be able to evolve into a supernatural creature.

Thinking about it, he was really excited.


Was it spared? The rat, who closed its eyes and thought that it was going to die, waited for a long time, but it did not feel any pain. Moreover, the strong dangerous smell beside it had dissipated a lot.

This made it feel at ease. At the same time, it secretly opened its eyes and discovered the snake that had already closed its eyes to rest. This discovery made it heave a sigh of relief. It looked down and saw its urine dripping.

Was this another way to escape danger? Standing up to pee? Although he didn't know the specific reason, the little rat understood that obtained another life-saving skill, which was to stand up and pee.

However, since the snake had let it go, should it repay the kindness? The little rat tilted his head. It first shook off the water on its body and recalled the scene when it followed the kind monk. It cleverly moved to the side of the big snake and rubbed its little claws. It pressed it tentatively and raised its rat head to bark ingratiatingly.

At this moment, Bai Chuan, who was resting with his eyes closed, felt an abnormal pressure on his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw a little rat looking at him ingratiatingly, rubbing its little claws from time to time. It looked like a humble person who had to carefully please others.

Good lord, just from this appearance, Bai Chuan immediately confirmed that this rat must have come into contact with humans for a long time. However, he didn't understand what this rat wanted to do. He glanced at its wet body in disdain and moved away to avoid it.

At this moment, he had already given up on eating this rat. He still did not know the exact situation of this world, but such a humane rat was obviously extraordinary.

If this was an ordinary world, it would be fine if he ate it. He was afraid that it was like the folklore in his previous life. All things could cultivate, humans could cultivate to become immortals, and demons could cultivate to become demon gods and immortal demons. Once he ate this, if the other party had any background, such as the patriarch of his family being a demon immortal or guardian immortal, it would probably be a lot of trouble. It was not that he was afraid, but it was better to avoid unnecessary trouble and form good karma.

At that time, they might repay him and throw him a cultivation technique or something. Of course, all of this was on the basis that it did not threaten his survival. If he was really hungry, who would care so much? He would just swallow it in one bite. After all, with his ability, as long as the little rat did not court death.

He would accumulate grain and slowly become king. There would always be a day when he roamed the nine heavens.