Searching for the Electric Eel

At this point, Bai Chuan already understood his current defense and the attack power of his sharp claws. Don't underestimate the fact that he only broke through his scales and snake skin with 80% of his strength.

One had to know that Bai Chuan's current strength had reached Level 2 Strength. This was not a power that could be easily ignored. If his initial guess was correct, Level 3 was an ability that only the top of the pyramid had. Then, Level 2 could already dominate a region. This ability matched the strength of a wild boar. Therefore, it was not bad.

At this moment, Bai Chuan's entire body was focused on his wound, watching it slowly bleed. At first, the blood overflowed steadily and slowly. Five minutes later, the rate of blood overflowing slowly decreased and began to solidify. Ten minutes later, the blood stopped flowing, leaving only a blurry wound. Half an hour later, Bai Chuan began to feel an itch from the wound on his body.

Upon closer inspection, he could vaguely see that the flesh buds seemed to be growing. An hour later, the itch grew stronger. However, at this moment, Bai Chuan also felt a little mentally exhausted because he had been focused on staring for too long. He was mentally exhausted.

He looked at the approximate time and took a nap. The next day, when he woke up, he realized that his wound was almost healed. Only a white mark and the scales that had yet to grow showed what he had done yesterday. Other than that, he felt that he was even hungrier than before.

Speaking of which, as he evolved, he realized that he didn't look like a snake anymore.

Normal snake hunting cycles had nothing to do with him. He did not know if he would enter hibernation like other snakes this winter. Bai Chuan looked at the cool weather and thought. Then, he looked at the wound that had yet to fully grow scales and decided to wait a little longer.

If he wanted to do a good job, he had to sharpen his tools first. This kind of thing could not be rushed. He had waited for so long, so there was no need to rush.


Three days later, night began to fall.

Bai Chuan, who had reached his peak condition, left the cave he had lived in for half a year after eating and drinking his fill. He swam towards the north. Soon, he came to the shore of the wide river again. He did not go into the water, but just swam upstream along the shore.

Along the way, his sharp and agile eyes kept observing the shore and the river, focusing on the muddy water. Although his eagle-like eyesight had decreased because of the night, he still had thermal vision. With the two combined, he could sense all the living heat sources within a radius of 20 to 30 meters.

His focus was blatantly domineering, but it frightened the animals who secretly drank water at night. However, he didn't care about that. He was just looking for his target.

What was he looking for?

There was no doubt that it was the electric eel! Now, his ability has reached a bottleneck. He was no longer as weak as before. At that time, even an ability was helpful to him. Therefore, abilities were especially easy to obtain.

But now, the abilities that could be of great use to him were basically on some incomparably powerful creatures.

If he wanted to obtain it, there would definitely be a conflict. However, once there was a conflict, even now, he could not guarantee that he could take it down. There was a high chance that they would die together or he would die unilaterally.

Of course, it was not that weak creatures did not have that powerful ability, but it was either too difficult to find or he could not obtain it at all. At this moment, he realized that the creature that he could easily take down usually did not have the ability to help him.

It could be said that he was in an awkward position where he was inferior to the strong but superior to the weak.

Strong, right? He was indeed strong. At the very least, he could easily take down the old him. However, it was impossible to compare it to tigers and brown bears. Therefore, he was also a little troubled.

That made him think of the electric eel.

Although the electric eel was strong, after careful consideration, Bai Chuan found that he could still take it down if he was prepared. Once upon a time, even if he met the electric eel, he would not dare to have any ideas. Sometimes, under his rational analysis, he would even choose to avoid it. No matter how much he craved its ability, he did not dare to attack. Now, he actually started to take the initiative to search with a purpose.

Had he gotten carried away?

No, it was just that he had become stronger and believed that he had the confidence to take down the electric eel.

In his previous life, he had been curious about the electric eel for a while and had learned about this strange creature. The electric eel was a freshwater fish that could discharge powerfully for a short period of time. Its body was thick and long, and its maximum size could reach 2.5 meters. It was nocturnal and came out at night, mainly to hunt small fish. Moreover, it prefers to stay on shallow marshes or muddy shores, where a casual strike can produce 650 volts of electricity and up to 800 volts of electricity.

However, one should not underestimate the fact that the highest was only 800 volts. This was already close to the high-voltage range defined by the country in his previous life, which was 1,000 volts. In some industries, this kind of voltage was already considered high-voltage. Moreover, the safety voltage of the human body was only 36 volts or less. Generally, 220 volts could easily electrocute a person to death. Not to mention the high voltage of 650 or 800 volts.

As long as the voltage was not pitifully low, a human would not be able to escape death if they were hit.

Once he obtained this Power Generation ability, he would truly have a super killing weapon, a super ability that was like a trump card. At that time, there should be no creature that could withstand his attack.

Once bitten by his venomous teeth, the opponent could only watch helplessly as his death came.

However, the premise of all this was that he could take down the electric eel.

Why was he so confident?

Bai Chuan looked at his new claws that were filled with cuticles and smiled without saying anything. The sharp claws were wrapped with a high resistance cuticle, the ability to breathe underwater, and the super strong regeneration ability.

He was confident that he could take down an electric eel.

Why didn't he dare in the past?

It was because he didn't dare to bite down, because the only attack method of snakes was their mouths. Their mouths were too close to their brains, so Bai Chuan didn't dare to take the risk.

At the same time, he did not have the ability to breathe underwater. If he accidentally fainted while fighting the electric eel, wouldn't he drown to death underwater? Don't think that this is a joke. Many powerful animals that were unfortunately killed by the electric eel died so aggrievedly.