Successful Escape! Target: River

In an instant, the rat was caught off guard. It made the little rat so afraid that all the hair on its body stood up. Just as it reacted and was about to struggle and scream, its nose twitched, as if it had smelled something familiar. Its spiritual eyes lit up and it stopped struggling. It actually stayed obediently in his claws. Of course, even if it wanted to scream and struggle, it could not.

After obtaining the target of this trip, Bai Chuan first carefully glanced in the direction of the three of them. After seeing that he didn't attract their attention, only then did he carefully place the small wooden box and rat in front of him with his two claws and quietly leave with his back facing them.

It was worth mentioning that Bai Chuan's Environmental Simulation, which was also known as his invisibility ability, did not make Bai Chuan's entire body transparent. Instead, it simulated the surrounding environment by changing his color to achieve a visual cognitive impairment.

Therefore, under such circumstances, as long as Bai Chuan used his body to block the small wooden box and the rat, he could disappear with them. After all, his body had always been there. It was just that they could not see and subconsciously ignored him.

And so, just like that, Bai Chuan carefully left the center of this accident with the most important treasure. As soon as he was far away and realized that they should not notice the commotion here, Bai Chuan immediately increased his speed. His entire snake body shot out like an arrow and fled towards the river.

After all, although he had secretly picked up a bargain and gained a huge advantage, it did not mean that the other party could not react. Moreover, Bai Chuan guessed that their reaction speed should be extremely fast. So, if he didn't leave now, when would he?

In his previous life, Bai Chuan, who was a human, knew how terrifying humans were. He definitely could not return to his previous nest. Perhaps their investigation could not go underground, but Bai Chuan did not dare to take the risk.

After all, in this huge forest, the other party could find a small rat. At that time, even if the other party could not find him, they could track the rat to him.

Perhaps he could abandon that rat now. However, he also wanted the Icy Silkworm model. He did not dare to eat it. No one knew if he could withstand the power of the Icy Silkworm. If he killed it, he was afraid that it would counterattack on the verge of death.

Although Zhang Dadan had said that this thing would not be able to resist this rat, could he really believe his words? Even a rabbit would bite when it was anxious. Whoever believed him was really that big fool.

Bai Chuan did not dare to gamble with his life. After all, this was his first time coming into contact with a supernatural power like frost. Therefore, he could not give up now. At least, he had to wait until the scan was successful.

Therefore, if he wanted the power of the Icy Silkworm, he would definitely not abandon that rat. Of course, other than that, the problem with his nest was also a little big, because the traces of intelligent creatures inside were too obvious. If they found out, they would probably not only want the Icy Silkworm, but also him.

Therefore, he only had one choice: run! Run as far as possible. It was best not to stay in this mountain range.

This was because from the previous observation, it was obvious that those people had high positions in human society. If such people could not find their target, they would send a large group of people to search for him.

Then, no matter how big the mountain range was, he might not be able to dodge it.

On the other hand, running also requires skill. The traces of running on land were too obvious. Not to mention the speed problem, just his physical strength might not be able to withstand it, let alone the smell and traces.

Therefore, he only had one choice, which was to enter the river and follow the current to leave as soon as possible. It would be best if he could enter the sea. At that time, he would be able to completely erase his traces.

After all, compared to land, the sea was truly vast and boundless. No matter how wide the traces of human exploration on land were, they could not do anything to the sea.

This gave him enough time to develop.


While Bai Chuan was fleeing, on the other side, the battle between the three of them had already reached its most intense moment.

The muscles on Zhang Dadan's body were bulging, and black patterns that looked like living creatures covered his entire body. It was constantly emitting a weak blood-colored light, as if it was supplying his body with endless power. He waved his fist that was wrapped in a huge golden armor wantonly, smashing and waving it. Every attack caused the atmosphere to whistle.

On the other side, Granny Snake had used some kind of secret technique. The green bamboo snake behind her had actually turned into an arm. It was an extremely agile and poisonous snake hand. Each of her attacks was incomparably tricky. She would either attack the lower or the upper body's vital points. Once one was bitten, it would be pitch-black and smelly.

Compared to the other two who were slightly dehumanized, the handsome young man, Zhou Zhen, was more normal. A slender right hand glowed. Upon closer inspection, there was no trace of blood. It no longer had the texture of human flesh and blood. It was as beautiful as flawless white jade. He held a saber and straightened his body. The tip of the saber was curved, and his saber kept swinging and slashing. Every time he slashed down, a layer of transparent fluctuation would appear around the blade. It was because the air was quickly compressed and distorted.

However, at this moment, the three of them continued to fight and accidentally approached the position of the Icy Silkworm. Then, Granny Snake glanced at it and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh no, the Icy Silkworm is gone!"


As soon as she said this, the few people who were fighting couldn't help but pause for a moment. They all retreated warily to avoid being ambushed, but their eyes looked towards the place where the Icy Silkworm was previously.

When they looked around, they realized that the Icy Silkworm and the rat had already disappeared.

"Where's my Icy Silkworm? Did one of you secretly take it?" Seeing this, Zhang Dadan went mad. He had not broken through normally, and because he had swallowed Martial Stones and devoured countless lives, his rationality had long since dissipated.

If he couldn't get the Icy Silkworm now, he would go crazy sooner or later. He had clearly suppressed these two people. As long as he continued to exhaust them, it would not be long before he could take them down.

By then, he would be able to rely on these corpses that were filled with power essence and the Icy Silkworm to completely break through to Limit Seven and join the Demon Sect.

The plan was going according to his plan, but now…

Who was it?! Who was ruining his plan! He first asked crazily. Fortunately, he still had the confidence to do so. Then, he seemed to have thought of something. He took out something that looked like a compass from his waist and heaved a sigh of relief.

Now that the Icy Silkworm was no longer suppressed by the rat, it immediately wanted to struggle. Regardless of the motive of the person who took it away, as long as he did not want any trouble, he would definitely bring that damn rat along.

And he could follow the rat. However, he couldn't drag it out for too long in fear that the Icy Silkworm would be gone. It was best for him to chase after them now, but it was a pity for the flesh and blood that he had painstakingly obtained. Fortunately, his remaining rationality allowed him to differentiate between priorities.

He glared at the two of them and bared his teeth. "I'll let you off this time. The next time I see you, you're dead."

With that, he quickly rushed into the distance.