The confrontations-part one

After Stella finished her conversation with prince Henry and left his room, she bumps into a girl on her way back.

The girl staggers and falls down flat on her bottom. Stella looks at the girl and sees she's in her age bracket. The girl is young, slender and had dark brown hair with black eyes. Her hair is packed in a ponytail.

"Can't you see where you're going?", the girl asked expecting an apology.

"Don't blame me for your lack of stamina. You were the one who bumped into me", Stella replied.

"How dare you?".

"Look I have more important things to do so I'll find another time to waste on you okay".

"Do you have any idea who I am? I can have you throw out of this palace this minute!"

"I had no idea you were a bit important but that isn't going to change my perception of you".

"You have some guts for a servant".

"Well I have to deal with people like you everyday so I try to get better at handling them".


"You look pathetic from up here so I'll advise you get up from the floor".

"How dare you?!", she snapped as Henry approaches them.

"Just get up already".

"What's going on here?", Henry asked.

"Henry you're here".

"Hi Prince Charming, Stella said with a smile.

"Neither of you answered my question", he said still waiting for an answer.

"Darling this incompetent servant pushed me to the ground and then she insulted me afterwards", the girl replied.

"Stella do you want to explain yourself?", he asked.

"If you actually believed a word she said then you must be the dumbest person to have ever lived", Stella replied.

"Out with it already", he said.

"Well this little princess over here decided to not use her eyes for a while and then bumped into me. After that she wanted me to apologize for her mistake and that is something I will never do especially when someone like her is involved".

"Bella are you alright?", he asked as he helps the girl get up.

"I'm fine Henry. Thanks for helping me out".

"Wow so you're Bella. What a coincidence! My name is Stella and I'm sure Henry hasn't told you yet so I have the honor of telling you. I'm Henry's fiancée", Stella said with a satisfied smile.

"What do you mean by you're his fiancée? Do I look like someone you can mess with?", Bella asked.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do handsome", Stella said as she pats his back.

"Henry is she telling the truth?", Bella asked.

"It's kind of complicated Bella. My dad just told me he wants me to get married to her and I don't have a say in it", he explained.

"And you're just telling me now? What am I going to tell my family and friends back home?", Bella asked.

"Tell them you don't have what it takes to be the queeen", Stella replied.

"Stay out of this you slut. Do you think you can seduce him away from me?",

"I don't need to go that far just to get rid of you. You really don't have any importance in this place and you can never be of any importance. The one who should be referred to as a slut should be you. Leaving the younger brother for the older just so you could become queeen, how despicable".

"Henry are you just going to stand there and watch her run her mouth?", Bella asked.

"I'll spare you this time cos it's the first time we're meeting but the next time you step out of line, I'll make sure I put you in your place", Stella said with a fake smile.

"You can't do anything to me", Bella said.

"Nobody is here to protect you anymore so I'll advise you watch your back", Stella said as she stands beside Bella. You never know when something bad might just happen", she whispered and then she walked away.

"What kind of a fiancé are you? You just stood there and said nothing!", Bella snapped.

"You were the one who made trouble and didn't admit it so why should I get involved?", he asked.

"So that's how you want to play now?", she asked.

"Bella I have important things to do so I can't argue with you right now", he replied.

"So I'm no longer important? You said you love me and you'd never leave me!".

"I just said all that to get you to leave AJ because I didn't want to see him happy".

"You made me leave AJ for nothing?".

"I guess your greed got the best of you".

"You are pure evil".

"I'll take my leave now. If you have a problem with my father's decision you can always go talk to him about it. But remember that one he's made a decision it's impossible to make him change it".

"You're actually enjoying this. You like her".

"Of course I do. She's got everything I want in a lady unlike you and she also knows her self worth".

"You won't get away with this Henry".

"I'll see you around Bella. I hope you can show up for my wedding", he said as he walked away.

"I promise you that I'm going to pay to back for this".

In the throne room Bella walks in and sees someone standing with their back facing her.

"I want to speak to the king", she demanded.

"And why do you want to speak to my father?", the person asked as he turns to face her.


"Hi Bella".

"What are you doing here?", she asked shocked to see him.

"I live here", he replied.

"It's been a long time since we last saw".

"I would have loved to keep it that way but seems like fate wants to play tricks with me".

"I'm so sorry about what happened. I had no idea that your father wanted me to become the queen".

"Well he doesn't want that anymore".

"What did that girl offer him?".

"I guess something better than you did".

"Why are you being so mean AJ? We are supposed to be goood friends".

"And why do I have to bear the torture of being a friend to you?".

"AJ I am really sorry about what happened between us. It was never my intention to leave you for Henry. I regret that decision every single day".

"I think you just started regretting it today since you found out you were replaced with a peasant who doesn't even match up to you. You're not sorry Bella you just want my pity and sympathy so you can fool me into getting back together with you".

"AJ why do you think so lowly of me?".

"I went away for just a year and then what I get when I come back is that my girlfriend is now my brother's fiancée. Do you know how it feels when the person you love the most stabs you in the back and leaves you there to bleed?".

"I waited for six months AJ. You ruined us when you chose to give up your right to the throne just to make Emma royalty. Do you know how I felt that day? You made a mockery of my feelings. People laughed at me after you left saying that my boyfriend chose a peasant over me. I wasn't going to wait for someone who gave up everything for someone else".

"Emma needed my help that's why I did that".

"You gave up your chance at being an amazing king to your people just for her".

"The only thing you ever cared about is becoming the queen and I promise you that will never happen. I'm going to be at Henry at his own game and prove to you all that being nice doesn't mean I'm weak. I will prove that to you especially so that the next time you want to get my sympathy and pity, you'll have to be at the brink of death", he said as anger burned in his eyes.

"AJ?", she called terrified by the look on his eyes.

"Make sure I don't see you anywhere near me or Stella or else I'll make you regret the day you ever stepped foot in this palace".

"You care about her too?".

"I don't care about her. I just don't want to see an innocent person get dragged into your mess".

"Did you even love me?"

"Love is too good of a word to be wasted on you", he said as he walked out.

"So both brothers hate me now. How wonderful", she said as she sighed. "I must find a way to get AJ back even if I have to get my hands dirty", she said with a smirk.