Breakout Star

" Got any threes? " Hop pop questioned" I ain't tellin' you nothin old man," Polly says as the Plantar's played a deck of cards.

Suddenly,Anne burst out of the basement with red dots all over her face yelling.

" Aah! "" Is someone dead? " " Why are we yelling! "

" Just look, " Anne says as the Plantar's gasped drawing weapons.

" She's diseased! "" We'll have to quarantine her! "" No struggling Anne. "

" What no guys,it's not a disease,it's just pimples.It's just a human thing, " Anne said as they three calmed down,Anne just sighed sitting at the table holding a spoon." Everyone already treats me and Y/n like monsters,this is just going to make it ten times worse, " Anne said as Y/n yelped as rapid footsteps were heard in the basement.It went quiet until Y/n emerged with cloth wrapped everywhere except her nose and eyes." I knew this day would come,I'm so hideous, " Y/n complained,her voice was muffled a bit." Oh great,now Y/n has em too, " Anne says even more worried.

" Aw come on Anne,no one treats you guys like monsters, " Sprig stated.

" Are you kidding?We can't even go outside without making a scene, " Anne stated recalling numerous times she and Y/n have gone out and the town frogs would call them anything but friendly and run away.

" Ok,fair point fair point,but who cares what they think,we love you, " Sprig exclaims.

" Uh huh, I'm going to go hide in the basement until this clears up, " Anne states." Sorry Anne,but nobody's hiding anywhere today,I need help at the vegetable stand, " Hop Pop explained as Y/n felt herself grow pale.

" You've got to be kidding me, " Y/n said frustrated.Anne just face planted her head on the table.

The five were walking through town to there stand,they had already set up and were sitting behind the stand.Anne and Y/n were very much displeased as they hid there faces with cloth and sunglasses.

" Alright kids,get out there and sell like your lives depend on it,because they do.We really need this, " Hop Pop stated as it showed the stand was bare with no one around.The kids started going out and advertising there stand,Y/n had stuck with Anne as the two tried to casually sell scream beans but everyone ran.Two little frogs started to run towards the two not paying attention was they knocked the girls over causing there disguises to fall off.Y/n quickly used her arms to shield face but the town frogs had already seen it as they gasped at the two.

" Leaping larvae,look! " One of the frogs said as everyone stared.

" No!No!Don't look at me, " Anne said embarrassed as the frogs spoke among themselves.

" There worts!Beautiful ruby red worts! " A frog yelled as the two looked confused,though that didn't make Y/n pull her hands away from her face.

Everyone started giving compliments as they gathered around and hoisted the two up.

" Three cheers for the girls with the ruby red worts! " Some frog said as they frogs started to cheer.

Back at the Plantar's home the place was full of gifts and stuff.

" This is awesome!Just look at all these gifts, " Sprig said as Anne smiled while Y/n looked troubled." People like us,they really really like us, " Anne said as Y/n spoke," I don't know I didn't like the attention and touching, " Y/n said as Anne simply stared for a second before looking at Sprig.

" They really seem to like your human bumps," Hop Pop says as Anne gasped.

" We'de better take care of these money makers if we want to keep this up, " Anne said smearing butter on her face.Without warning Anne had spread some on Y/n's face causing her to make a look of disgust," Ew, " Y/n says wiping it away," too much? " Anne says as the Plantar's give a disgusted look.

Anne opens the door hearing something as she and Y/n investigate.

" Anne,Y/n.Ladies.Care to join me for a joy ride? " Mayor Toadstool said as he gestured towards his fancy snail.

" Get out! " Anne said amazed as Y/n squinted her eyes.

" We all get to ride in that?Awesome! "" Finally,the luxury I deserve," Hop Pop spoke but was stopped by Mayor Toadstool." I'm afraid only Anne and Y/n are invited,just look at those beautiful worts," Mayor Toadstool said as Anne dragged Y/n onto the snail,Mayor Toadstool joining them quickly.

" Don't look so glum guys,it's just a ride.We'll be back in a few," Anne said as Y/n made a noise of discomfort before the snail took off.

" It begins."" Huh?"" Fame changes people kids,and not in a good way," Hop Pop explained.

" Woo!Man this snail is fast," Anne comments.

" Ladies we can help each other,I can make sure you two stay popular and in return you can help me with my reputation,how does that sound? " Mayor Toadstool offered.

" Well actually-"" Sounds harmless,can I honk the horn? " Anne questions.

" Sure."" Woo! "

Later on Anne and Y/n sat at tables signing autographs,Anne winked at a fan causing them to fall over.Y/n had taken just waved nervously as she continued to get bum barded with autographs to sign.

The Plantars were having a rough time with the fans destroying the crop just to get to Anne and Y/n.

Anne and Y/n had cut many ribbons,and gaining more popularity.Thing didn't seem to be great for the Plantar's however,there crops were always getting destroyed when the two just happened to ride by.Later on Mayor Toadstool had taken the two to City Hollow.

" Here we are,from now on Ladies,this is your new home, " Mayor Toadstool said as the two looked at the fancy styled room.

" This is awesome,and to think only yesterday people were treating us like monsters,look at me now baby," Anne spoke.

" Crazy,how they change now," Y/n mumbled sitting down.

" Hehe,glad you're enjoying yourselves,stick with me and I'll make sure you never go out of style.Now take care of those worts," Mayor Toadstool said tossing the two butter before leaving.Soon after Hop Pop,Sprig and Polly climbed in through the window," hey guys,got time for a visit?" Sprig questioned." Oh hey guys," Anne greeted," you came! " Y/n perked up walking towards them.

" Just look at this place,epic right! " Anne spoke gesturing around the room.

" It's great!"

" Ya,can you believe we were living in your basement?No offense, " Anne stated as Y/n just scratched the back of her head.Anne had looked at the time and spoke," oh shoot!We've got to wrap this up,We've got to sign autographs,kiss tadpoles and do some interviews all before dinner," Anne says pushing the Plantars out the door," so good to talk to you guys,love you mean it mwa," Anne says shutting the door.

" The heck was that!It was like she was a different person! " Sprig said," ya a crazy person," Polly added."This stinks," Sprig says earning a hit on the head by Hop Pop," hey!None of that.When one of your own makes it big,you support them no matter what,because deep,deep,deep,deep,deep down they're the same person," Hop Pop spoke.

Anne frowned a bit listening to there conversation.

" Ladies I think I found you the perfect dresses for tonight," The Mayors assistant states as Y/n and Anne exchange looks.