Lily-Pad Thai

" There ya go,now you're getting it," Anne said as she watched Sprig flip some dough until it fell on his head.

" Anne,you wanna chop up some veggies with Y/n for me? " Hop pop questioned.

" You got it H.p," Anne said grabbing a knife next to Y/n as she started to cut veggies very fast." Bet I can chop faster than you," Y/n challenged as they two started to chop faster," I didn't know you were good in the kitchen," Anne commented.

" There's a lot of things you don't know about me," Y/n joked as she finished just in time with Anne.

" Wow,where'd you two learn to cut like that? " Hop pop questioned.

" My parents said I should focus more on hobbies since I wasn' smart as Marcy.So the first hobby I took up was cooking,I turned out to be great at that but I rarely did it so I moved on," Y/n explained to Hop pop.

" Ya know Y/n,my parents actually owned a Thai restaurant back home," Anne spoke as she scrolled through pictures on her phone until she stopped on an image of a restaurant," I used to work there all the time and help out,I hope they're doing ok without me," Anne finished." Well how about that,a restaurant," Hop pop commented when all of the sudden an explosion was heard behind them.

" Yup I blew up the pizza "" Oh dang it Sprig,well looks like this meals a bust.Who wants to eat out? "

The five found themselves walking into 'Stumpy's Diner'.

" Oh wow,this place is NOT to code," Anne said as the five entered the Diner." Aw man,the font on these menu's are way too small," Anne said as she sat next to Y/n.

" Here ya are,four bowls of slop.Enjoy,or don't,makes no difference to me," the presumed owner said leaving.

" Thanks Stumpy "

After a few seconds obnoxious voice could be heard as a customer started to complain to Stumpy about his restaurant.

" Ugh,who's that jerk?And why won't he shut up? " Anne questioned Sprig.

" That is Albis Duckweed,he writes for the paper,they have comic strips sometimes," Sprig explains.

" Blah,he thinks he's better than everyone else just because he talk good "" It's true "

Hop pop and Polly commented.

" Ugh,a foodie.Say no more,we delt with snobs like him back at home,just listening to him is driving me crazy.Ugh,I can't take this any more," Anne said slamming her hand on the table.

" Luckily,I know how to drown annoying voices out," Y/n said zoning out.

Hop pop sighed.

" Anne just ignore it and enjoy your slug gruel,Anne? " Hop pop questioned.

" Hey,lay off buddy,running a restaurant is hard," Anne spoke walking up to the two.

" Kid what are ya doin? "

Albis laughed," well what does a creature like YOU,know about running a restaurant? " He questioned.

" Well what does a little lizard like you know about anything.Besides,my parents ran a restaurant back home so I know what I'm talking about," Anne spoke confidently.

" Well I'm sure if your parents were anything like you,I'm sure there restaurant was terrible," Albis said as Anne glared.

" Oh ya,well tell you what then.Why don't you come back in...I don't know.Two days or something,and we'll have completely turned this place around," Anne declared.

" I uh,I beg your pardon what? " Stampy said confused.

" Oh wager is it?Fine,I'll be back in two days,looking forward to writing my review and shutting this place down," Albis said droping his cloth on the floor and leaving.

" And oop,I'm back,what did I miss? " Y/n questioned as Sprig,Polly and Hop pop looked at Y/n like she was a disturbing beast.

" You heard none of that? "

" Nope,I'm a master at blocking out noise," Y/n stated proudly.

Everyone walked over the Anne." Anne did you just promise to save this restaurant? "

" She what-"" In two days!?" Sprig added as Y/n mentally face palmed.

" By yourself?"

" Yup,that's uh,pretty much what happened," Anne said a little nervous.

" Ugh,me and my big mouth "

Later,early in the morning Stumpy had dragged a dead creature back to his Diner.He opened the door as he tried to turn on the mushroom but it seemed to not work as a mumbled about replacing it.

" Hey Stumpy! "

" Ah!How long ya been here? " Stumpy questioned startled.

" All night, couldn't sleep!Brought a friend,soo!You ready to beat that critic? " Anne questioned as Y/n was fast sleep at a table.

" What do you want to start with?The menu, redecorate? " Anne questioned as a gooey substance fell from the roof behind her.

" Burn this place to the ground and start over-"

" Look kid,you're on your own.Do whatever you want,it's not going to make a difference in the end anyway," Stumpy said as a small rock fell from the roof and hit Y/n on the head.

" Ow! " She said startled from her sleep.

Anne mearly gave a laugh," that is where you're wrong," Anne said as she started playing montage music.

Once Anne got Y/n to fully wake up the two started to get to work cleaning the place up,Anne took out the trash while Y/n cleaned the cobwebs.

A trash monster started to chase Anne right as a spider jumped on Y/n's face as screaming could be heard outside the Diner aswell as the inside.

Stumpy just watched each girl with amusement.

After that,Anne and Y/n made there way inside the kitchen as they observed the stack of messy dishes.

Anne grabbed what she presumed was the creature to clean the dishes but it got out of control as Y/n tried to grab the,out of control, creature aswell but in the process getting wet and slipping on the floor.The dishes were about to fall until Stumpy came in and offered to help the two.It took a while but soon the inside of the diner looked as good as new." I've got to hand it to you two,the place looks great,you even scrubbed the Wally out."

" That's what you think! "

" The critic is going to be blown away "" Blown away?Ha!No," Anne said walking off," all we're done is mop the floor and clean some dishes,this place is still a house,of some broken dreams," Anne exclaimed opening a certain to reveal the outside of the Diner.

" Go away stain," Y/n said as she scrubbed harshly on a stain.

" Harsh but on point "" If we're going to impress that critic,we've got a LOT more work to do,we need a complete and total transformation," Anne explained as she placed a whole Blue print down." Oh I'm going to need my whole Hammer hand for this," Stumpy said as Y/n observed the blue print.

" When did you have time to make this? "" Doesn't matter,we've got a long night ahead of us," Anne replied to Y/n as the three started to get to work.

By morning many frogs had gathered by the Diner in amazement,it was more polished on the outside and everything seemed new.

Anne came and greeted the frogs,she was dressed very differently as she smiled and started to explain the new improved restaurant.