{All About Y/n Wu} UPDATE

Y/n Wu



  * She likes to keep out of trouble MOST of the time

  * She can sometimes be corny,and is always tries to fit in

  *She has separation anxiety,Anne is trying to help her but it will be a challenge

   *Hasn't happened yet but she can get jealous and sometimes envy's Anne for making friends easier than her

   * Sometimes she can be a push over,she isn't really the social type despite trying to fit in.Her only friend was her twin Marcy,but her and Anne are working in there friendship

   * She is very secretive,she feels others shouldn't worry about her problems and tries to keep them to herself

*Cooking*Photography*Learning/studying modern/ancient culture/languages*.........

- Upon feeling anxiety Y/n finds herself not being able to eat,anything she consumes is instantly thrown up unless she can stop the anxiety.Anne thought it had went away but she soon realized it would take more than a few days for something this serious to heal.


A: I can tell you it will be near ' Reunion ' but for now she still has it.It just sometimes happens and sometimes it doesn't

A: The vines in her hair aren't even touching her scalp.Her hair is preventing the vines and thorns,that have attached itself to her hair,from injuring her

A: Actually it's the other way around,of course romance will be in here but it won't be as often shown.I will tell you that both Anne and Sasha will develop something for Y/n

A: That's for me to know and you to find out later,I can say that what they represent have a connection.Nothing more.