t h r e e

Hermione walked into Potions class and quickly sat down in the back, which was very unlikely of her. She quickly set her things down and met eyes with two confused boys.

"Hermione, why are you sitting over there?" Harry asked while Ron made his way over to the empty seat next to Hermione.

"No!" Hermione stuck out a hand and pushed Ron off the seat. "This seat is taken -- I-I'm saving it for Ginny." Hermione stuttered through her words as she got up, grabbing Ginny away from Harry. She quickly pushed her friend down on the seat and sat down, looking flustered.

Ginny shook her head as she stifled a laugh. "You're  good at this." She whispered over to her friend.

"I just need some assistance, that's all." Hermione urged and glanced over at the boys who still stood in their spots completely confused by her sudden behavior. "Go sit over there." She ordered as she pointed to the table all the way across the room from them.

"Okay?" Ron frowned as he furrowed his eyebrows, slowly walking off with Harry. "What the bloody hell is going on with Hermione?" His voice slowly trailed off as he walked farther away from Hermione and Ginny.

"You really need help." Ginny stated and shook her head.

"I-I just don't know how to talk to him, that's all." Hermione stated defensively. "I mean, let's be honest here. I— haven't talked to each other ever since the war. I mean, we awkwardly greeted each other a few times but that was it. How am I supposed to just randomly go up to him and start talking?"

"I was talking about Ron but Malfoy is a problem as well." She said, cocking up an eyebrow "I told you it was a bad idea to start this whole plan. But you have me, so don't you worry." Ginny said with a grin.

"You are my hero," Hermione said with a relieved sigh.

"Right, so how about this? All you have to do is just—"

"Yes, class, look at the board and find your partner, I will give you two minutes, starting now." Professor Slughorn walked in with his voice suddenly filling the room as he whipped out his wand and pointed it at the board. Names began to appear on the front board for everyone to see as he made his way up to the front. 

"Yeah, just talk to him." Ginny quickly said as she looked at the board. She suddenly groaned and frowned. "Professor Slughorn, which Weasley is with Zabini?" She asked anxiously.

"Hmmm," Professor Slughorn glanced at the board and then back at Ginny with a shrug. "I suppose, that would you be you, Ms. Weasley." He answered with a kind grin.

"Oh . . ." Ginny sighed and looked at her friend. "Great, this is just great." She said with sarcasm dripping from her voice. "Well, I guess I have to go now."

"Wait, but could you just give me one little tip—"

"I'll tell you more during lunch. Besides, you might not have a chance to talk to him considering we're stuck with partners today." Ginny said matter-of-factly. "Don't freak out."

"Yeah, I won't," Hermione reassured herself and perused the board. Her eyes finally found her name but it quickly widened as she gasped. "Ma-Malfoy's my partner?"

Ginny furrowed her eyebrows and glanced behind her to see her friend's name beside Malfoy's. She pressed her lips together and raised both eyebrows. "Okay, uhm, that wasn't supposed to happen."

"Okay, now I'm freaking out." Hermione told her friend with wide eyes.

"Don't worry, he's not even here!" Ginny said with a grin.

"Ah, it's so nice of you to join us, Mr. Malfoy." Professor Slughorn said with a frown as he stared at the teenage boy.

Hermione glared at her friend and frowned. "Just go sit down, you keep on jinxing everything." She said and sighed as she took a quick seat back down.

"Have a wonderful talk." Ginny teased her friend with a cheeky grin and grabbed an empty seat elsewhere.

Draco smirked and stared at his professor. "What are we doing now, Professor?"

"Mr. Malfoy, please look for your name and sit with your partner."

Draco frowned as he raised an eyebrow at the board. Just then, Blaise came and lightly pushed him. "What the hell, mate? I thought we agreed you wouldn't come in late."

"No, you merely that I shouldn't come in late anymore, I decided to ignore that suggestion." Draco said with a smirk. "Are you my partner?"

"No, and it serves you right because your partner is Granger." Blaise told him with a smirk.

"What?" Draco asked with wide eyes. "Who's your bloody partner, then?"

"Weasley." He muttered under his breath with a groan.

"She-Weasel?" Draco raised an eyebrow at his friend and let out a snicker as his friend nodded. "Have a nice time, mate."

"Yes, I will. But I hope you have a nice time talking to Granger, I know you'll enjoy it." Blaise retorted back with a smirk. Draco sneered.

"Go sit down." Draco said roughly as he pushed a laughing Blaise away from him. He immediately spotted Hermione in the back and sighed. He stopped his train of thoughts and shook his head slightly. He finally agreed to himself and walked over to her.



Draco sat down awkwardly and looked straight. Hermione stole a glance of him and immediately let her eyes go to the front. They both knew it was going to be a hard class today.

"We will be brewing something very challenging today. We will be making the Amortentia potion. Would anyone like to tell me what that is?" Slughorn asked with a grin as he stared at all his students.

Hermione's hand immediately shot up. Draco slightly flinched at her sudden movement and leaned away from her. Draco thought to himself bitterly and frowned.

"It's the most powerful love potion of all . . ." Hermione finished explaining and grinned.

Draco sneered as he shook his head.

Professor Slughorn flicked his wand toward the board and the ingredients to the potion came up. "I will give you three hours to make it, starting now." He told them and immediately students started to get up, grabbing their cauldrons and all of their ingredients.

Hermione stood up and stared at Malfoy. "I guess I'll be getting all the ingredients?"

"Oh, I should do something, too." Draco stated with his arms crossed across his chest, leaning back against his chair. "But, I'm sure you can handle yourself, eh, Granger? You are the smartest witch of our generation so you won't need any assistance getting ingredients. I'll stay right here." He said with a smirk.

Hermione immediately frowned and scowled as she quickly walked over to where the ingredients were. She took her wand out and pointed it at a cauldron and soon, it floated up and started to fly over to Draco. She quickly dropped her wand, the cauldron dropping gently on the table in front of him. She rolled her eyes with annoyance and turned back around only to bump into Ron. "Oh, sorry." She said and quickly straightened herself out.