e i g h t e e n


“Hmmm, where are Hermione . . . and Malfoy?” Harry asked his girlfriend as he sat with her and Zabini.

“I have no idea. She was with us a few minutes ago.” Ginny furrowed her eyebrows, staring at Blaise. “Do you know where they are?”

Zabini looked up just as he stuffed a mouthful of bacon into his mouth. He shook his head as he chewed. “I left them back in the room. I assumed that they’d follow you.” He said as he chewed.

Ginny made a face and frowned. “Ugh, you’re just like my brother.” She said and stared at Harry. “We don’t know where they are.” She said and shrugged. “But, Harry, why are you sitting here anyways?”

“Well, Hermione and I talked yesterday and we decided to have me sit and eat with you guys.” He replied solemnly. “I guess they left to go somewhere.”

“I don’t even know what’s going on with them right now.” Ginny half-lied because, 1. She did know what was going on between the two, but 2. She didn’t really know what they were doing.

“I was hoping we could catch up on things.” Harry frowned and looked over at Zabini. “You don’t know anything about Malfoy’s whereabouts?”

“He doesn’t tell me a single damn thing. That bloody git.” Blaise answered bitterly, shaking his head in disapproval.

“I see.” Harry sighed and stared at his girlfriend. “Is Ron staring at us?” He asked Ginny who was facing them while Harry had his back turned towards them.

“Yes, but it seems to me like Lavender is doing most of it.” Ginny replied with a groan. “When will he break up with her? She’s bloody annoying.” She rolled her brown eyes, completely irritated.

Blaise scoffed and swallowed the last bit of his eggs. “Brown! Take a picture; I can assure you that it’ll last longer.” He yelled across the table and smirked when he saw Lavender turn red from embarrassment, looking away.

Ginny and Harry stifled a laugh as they looked at each other.

“I can’t eat comfortably with having two pairs of eyes looking over here.” Blaise explained and sighed, grabbing his goblet and taking a big gulp of it.

Ron turned into a red shade—almost as red as his hair. The couple looked at each other and down at their foods.


Hermione stomped on his foot as she lifted her index finger to her mouth, telling him he should be quiet.

“You didn’t have to do that!” Draco whispered angrily.

“Yes, I did.” She whispered back.

“Okay! That’s it! I’m done whispering. There’s no one here. We don’t have to sneak around like this. We look even more suspicious if we do this.” He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

Hermione straightened her back and cleared her throat. “I just thought . . . we could be careful.” She said and started walking towards the statue with Draco walking behind her. She took out Draco’s wand and whispered, “Dissendium.” The statue opened and she quickly put the wand back.

“I have to admit, that was wicked.” Draco said with amazement.

“I know.” She said and started to climb in when she suddenly heard footsteps and giggling. “Draco, please tell me that’s you.” She froze and stopped breathing.

“Shit! Get in!” She heard a panicked Draco and felt two big hands land on her butt, pushing her in. She screamed as she slid down on the slide. She fell off the slide and landed on the ground, face down. And to make things worse, Draco landed on top of her. She groaned and moaned in pain. “Get off you arse!” She squeaked out. The door closed behind them but they heard two girls squealing and giggling.

“Shit, we’ve been found out.” Draco said as he got up, dusting himself off.

Hermione glared at him and got up with struggle. “You’re so heavy.” She complained and dusted herself off.

“Well, your fault for not moving fast enough.” She said and sighed.

“And also, you didn’t have to touch my butt.” She complained and dusted her butt off. “Ugh.” She frowned and shook her head.

“And again, it’s your fault for not moving fast enough. Let’s get going.” He said and started walking forward. “Nice arse, by the way.” He told her with a smirk.

She felt her jaw drop wide open as her eyes widened. She scoffed and shook her head. “Oh, I will murder you Draco Malfoy!” She yelled, walking toward him.

“No, you won’t.”

“What’s stopping me?”

“You’re in love with me, remember?” He whispered into her ear and bolted for the end, running fast.

“Come back you—you—ugh!” She yelled after him, chasing him in anger.


Harry, Ginny, and Blaise had just finished breakfast when they heard two third years giggling.

“Did you see them? Where do you think they were sneaking off to?” One girl asked her friend, giggling.

“They’re so cute together. Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger—it’s like forbidden love.” The other said, blushing. “Oh, how romantic . . . sneaking off together like that just to be alone.”

The girls squealed of joy and giggled some more.

The trio stopped dead at their tracks and slowly turned to look at the two girls. Ginny crossed her arms across her chest. “Just where exactly did you see the two together?” She asked the two girls who jumped and gasped.