t w e n t y - o n e


“Did you have any luck in finding them?” Harry asked the two as he slipped his cloak off of him, fixing his glasses.

The two exchanged looks and shook their heads. “No, I didn’t see them at all. It’s like they disappeared or left.” Blaise said with a sigh.

“Yeah, I didn’t see them either.” Harry responded and licked his dry lips. “Why don’t we head back, then? I’m sure they’ll come back soon.”

“Yeah, let’s just go.” Ginny said as she hooked her arm with her boyfriend’s. “But you know, I think we should have a date of our own, soon.”

“I think so, too.” Harry replied with a grin.

“But back at Hogwarts, coming here is too much of a drag and especially because you’re Harry Potter.” She said and giggled.


“Don’t make me puke.” Blaise warned the couple as he rolled his eyes out of annoyance.

“Don’t make us leave you here.” Ginny retorted back with a glare.

“I know my own way back.” Blaise growled at her and kicked the snow out of anger. “I really need to get myself a girlfriend, too.” He said and immediately looked up. “And don’t you dare say anything right now.”

Ginny pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. “I won’t.” She said and looked at Harry. “Zabini has a girlfriend.”

“You and your big mouth!”

Harry looked over at Zabini and smiled. “Who is she?”

“No, I refuse to have a heart-to-heart conversation with you two. I do not have a girlfriend, Potter. Your girlfriend misunderstood the situation.” He told Harry and quickly walked off. “Hurry up!”

“I think he has a girlfriend.” Ginny said and Harry nodded in agreement as they walked behind Blaise, purposely walking slower than needed.


Hermione checked the clock above the counter and nodded. “I think we can go now. We’ve been sitting here for half an hour.” She said as she stood up, stretching her arms and legs.

“We can stay here for another half an hour.” Draco responded as he pulled Hermione back down in her seat. They were still in Flourish and Blotts, sitting on the love seats in the back corner. “Shopping takes a lot of energy out of you.” Draco said and soon yawned as he stretched.

Hermione scoffed but started yawning as well. “I suppose we could just stay here and relax for a little bit and then head back to Hogsmeade.” She reasoned as she shrugged, getting comfortable on the couch.

“Let’s play a game.” He suggested with a grin as he looked at her.

“Are you talking about your ridiculous ‘let’s get to know each other better’ game?” She asked as she smiled at him.

“The one and only.” He said as he laughed with her. “And it’s ridiculously amazing.”

“Okay, fine. You start.” Hermione said as she looked at him.

“Hmm . . . let’s see, I’m thinking.” He said as he put his legs up on the coffee table in front of them.

“Think fast, I’m getting bored.” She said as she, too, lifted her legs up and rested them next to Draco’s feet on the coffee table. “Come on, hurry up.” She teased him as she slightly tapped his foot with her own.

Draco looked over at her and then their feet. He lightly bumped his foot with hers. “Don’t rush me.”

Hermione felt a warm grin play on her lips as she let out a small laugh. “I can’t help it if I’m bored.”

“Okay, I got one!” He announced and looked over at Hermione. “Are you ticklish? Is so, where?”

Hermione slightly glared at him and pressed her lips into a thin line. “I am ticklish . . . but I’m not going to tell you whe—ahhh!” She let out a scream when she felt Draco start to tickle her sides. “Draco, stop it!” She demanded as she let small giggles escape from her lips.

“So you are ticklish.” Draco laughed as he continued to tickle her sides, practically now on top of her on the loveseat, straddling her.

She tried to catch her breath and remain calm. “Draco—stop it!” She pleaded in between giggles and finally snapped. “I bet you’re ticklish, too!” She yelled as she started to tickle Draco’s sides but saw that he just looked at her. “You’re not ticklish?” She asked in disbelief.

“Is that your question for me?” He asked and looked down at her. “I am ticklish, but not there unlike somebody.” He said as he tickled her again.

Hermione laughed and quickly grabbed his hands. “That’s enough.” She said and pushed him off of her as she quickly straightened out her clothes and hair. “You’re ticklish but not on your sides, huh?” She asked and immediately her eyes went down to his feet. She looked back up at him and quickly grabbed one of his legs. Draco’s eyes widened as he quickly tried to escape from her grasp. “So you’re ticklish on your feet?” She asked and laughed as she set his leg down. “I just had to clarify something.” She told him with a smirk. “Ask away.” She shrugged as she leaned back into the seat.

“Okay, what did you get me for Christmas?” He asked as he slightly leaned in towards her.

“I can’t tell you that.” She said as she waved him off. “Another question.”

“I’ll tell you what I got you.” He said, trying to reason with her.

“I don’t want to know.” She lied and quickly cleared her throat. “Another question.”