t h i r t y - o n e


Draco stood on top of the tower, waiting for Hermione as he viewed the gorgeous and breath-taking scenery that seemed to have been painted. He heard soft footsteps and he quirked up an eyebrow as the corner of his lips lifted upward into a smirk as he turned around slowly. “Took you long enou . . .” He immediately stopped talking as he saw a raven-haired with her arms crossed tightly across her chest. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Am I not allowed up here?” Pansy asked with an incredulous scoff, taking a few quick strides over to Draco so that she was standing in front of him. “Is this place only for you and that mudblood?” She spat with a frown as she glared up at him.

“Don’t you ever know when to quit? You tried and you failed to break up apart—“

“That’s more of a reason to try again, Draco.” She said softly, her voice leaving a chilly aura around them as she walked over to the window, leaning against the window sill. “And this is the last time I’m going to try because it’s going to work this time.”

“Amuse me, Parkinson.” He rolled his cold grey marbles as he turned around slowly, facing her.

“I wonder what people will think when they hear that little miss goody-two-shoes is actually a vixen . . .? Oh, no, wait, I have something better. What if people found out that Hermione Granger, smartest witch of our generation, obliviated her own parents? Now that is something that will keep the students talking, right? Even the professors will think twice about that.”

“What are you talking about?” Draco asked alarmed by the fact that Pansy knew. He hid his emotions behind his emotionless mask, sneering.

“You know damn well what I’m talking about. Now, if you don’t want people to know that . . . and especially letting little Granger find out that you were the one to spread that rumor . . . you should consider the option I give you.” She told him with a proud smirk as she let out a small laugh, knowing she had found his weakness.

Draco gulped down as he looked at Pansy with hatred. “What do you want me to do?”

“Well, that’s easy!” Pansy exclaimed as she threw her hands up in the air, walking away from the window sill and back in front of him. “What do you think I want? I want you to come to me and leave Granger. If you want to keep her safe, you do exactly as I tell you. You keep this conversation between us and us only. You don’t have the choice to tell Granger about this whole arrangement. You have to make her think you were toying with her all this time—ignore her and if she comes to you . . . I think you know what to do. You’re going to act as my boyfriend this time—you’re mine, not hers.”

“I’m not anyone’s, Parkinson.” He spat at her angrily as he glared at her, rolling his fingers into a fist.

Pansy eyes his fists and chuckled as she looked up at him. “Be careful, Draco. I might just let it slip . . .” She warned him in a whisper and sighed. “I expect you to be my boyfriend tomorrow.” She told him and walked away without another word.

“Damn!” He shouted furiously, kicking the dirt angrily. He looked out the window but this time, there was no sense of serenity or beauty. He saw an enormous black cloud form in the back, the sun getting swallowed up by the ominous cloud. The once beautiful scenery was destroyed by the huge thunderstorm cloud. What was he going to do? He had to protect Hermione. She told him her big secret because she trusted him. He couldn’t allow for her big secret to run around the school for everyone to know. He had to keep her safe. He had to. Then, keeping her safe meant . . . losing her.


Draco shook his head as he sprawled out on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as he tried to shake off the horrible memory from earlier today. He had to leave her, right? That was all he could do for her. He had to keep her safe. He let out a deep sigh, pondering on the huge dilemma Pansy had thrown at him. Just then, he heard a soft knock and the gentle creaking sound of the hinges from the door.

“Are you done thinking?” A soft voice asked him with a mellifluous chuckle at the end.

“Huh?” He asked, taken aback by her question and quickly shook the surprise off his face. “Yeah . . . just a lot on my mind.”

“If you still need some time alone, tell me. I don’t want to bother you—I can come back later if you want.”

“No, I’m fine. What time is it?”

“Well you missed dinner, so Ginny and I smuggled some food for you if you would like some.” Hermione suggested as she looked up at him hopefully.

“That’s great, I thought I was going to starve to death.” He said as enthusiastically as possible, trying to shake away Parkinson’s deal from his head . . . for the time being. “Let’s go,” He said with a small grin, walking out the door with Hermione.

Ginny, who was sitting with Blaise, seemed to be in a deep conversation with him due to the fact that neither one of them noticed Draco and Hermione walking out.

“They’ve been like that the past few hours, they so secretive. They won’t even tell me what they’re talking about.” Hermione explained to Draco as she rolled her eyes. She walked him over to the couch where his food was sitting on a tray. “Eat up. Everyone’s coming in right about now.”

“They’re back already? So soon?” Draco asked as he stuffed his mouth with food as he looked at Hermione tentatively.

“Of course they are . . .” She said and took a deep breath as she stared at him. “Are we . . . going to stay together even if people are back from break?”

“What?” He asked, almost choking on his food and quickly gulped down his cup of pumpkin juice.

“What has gotten into you?” She asked as she hit his back, trying to help. “Why are you so jumpy all of a sudden?” She asked as she sat back down.

Ginny and Blaise stopped talking and looked over at Draco, furrowing their eyebrows. “Is something wrong, Draco?” Ginny asked slowly, lowering her eyes on him.

“N, nothing’s wrong.”

“Why are you stuttering, mate?” Blaise questioned even more, making sure to pay extra attention to Draco’s facial expressions.

“I almost choked on my food, is it wrong to be stu—“