t h i r t y - f i v e


“I’m sure you know that Pansy and I are . . . shagging partners—the whole school knows.” Theo said as he started at Ginny with a sigh. “Well, before the holidays, Pansy thought she was pregnant . . . with my baby, of course. We were freaking out and she—she even bought a baby book just in case, you know? We weren’t ready and she was going insane.”

“Pregnant?” Ginny’s jaw dropped wide open as she raised her eyebrows. “Boy, I do not want to see another little Pansy in this world.” She commented and received a glare from Theo, immediately shrugging. “Just saying, no hard feelings.” She defended herself as she raised her hands up in the air to prove her point.

“As I was saying, Pansy said she would take care of it and let me know after break. But turns out, she had other things in mind when we came back. First off, she ignored me the whole time until two nights ago when she asked me to . . .”

“Asked you to what?” Ginny pushed, waiting for his reply.

“She asked me to steal a necklace from Granger—I, I didn’t mean to hit her in the head with the branch . . . I’m sorry about that. I panicked when she saw my footprint.”

“Okay, you’re the one who hit her?” Ginny asked with bewilderment as she put her hand up to stop him.

“And then I took her to the hospital and left before anyone saw me. That’s when Pansy pulled me aside. She demanded for the petty necklace and I told her that I couldn’t. Then, she well, what do you think happened next?”

“I think I know but . . . is she pregnant?”

“No, thank goodness she isn’t. I can’t stand her! I thought I loved her but after this, no way. I absolutely detest her.”

Ginny suddenly smirked as she let out a small chuckle. “She isn’t? Wait a minute! Baby book? I found a baby book here about a week or two ago. Is that hers?”

“Unless there are other students here who think they’re pregnant . . .”

“Theo, you were such a great help! And in return, you’ll get to see her ruined.” Ginny snickered and she got up, just as Blaise had walked in with Pansy. She stared at Theo and quickly grabbed him by the collar, dragging him into a dark corner. “Shut up for a few minutes. Pansy’s here.” She warned him and watched as Blaise caught her eyes. She signaled as best as she could with her eyes for Blaise to sit near them so they could here and of course, he understood.

Pansy lazily pulled up a chair and took a seat. “What do you know about us?” She spat with disgust as she glared at Blaise.

“Well, I know you two have been shagging for a while and . . .” His voice trailed off as he ran out of things to say. “And I know something happened in the midst of it all. Do I really have to repeat what happened?” He finished as best as he could—trying to remain ominous.

Pansy took the bait as she frowned deeply. “Look, I’m not pregnant. I thought I was, but it was a mere false alarm.” She admitted as she leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed tightly across her chest in defeat.

Blaise tried to hide his surprise and cleared his throat. “And?”

“And I was the one who asked him to steal the necklace! But I didn’t tell him to put her in the hospital. That was obviously something I was going to do.”


“And what?” Pansy asked as she glared at him.

“I thought I could get more out of you. Pansy, thanks for telling me all of this. I actually had no clue on what was going on between you and Theo other than shagging each other but what you told me was golden. Thanks for being so stupid and revealing it all.” He said with a wide grin.

Pansy immediately stood up as she stomped angrily. “What?!”

“Oh yes, one more thing I’m curious about . . . how do you know Granger’s secret? You know the one that you’re holding over Draco.”

“Oh, I’m not telling you anymore—“

“Nicely played, Zabini. But, it’s okay . . . we don’t need her anymore. We have enough against her to make sure she doesn’t show her face to the whole Wizarding world from now on.” Ginny spoke as she walked out of the corner, smiling at Pansy. “You were really helpful, Parkinson.” She said as she waved at her.

Pansy grew livid as she rolled her fingers together. “Wh, what? You heard everything?”

“Don’t worry, someone else told me everything before you came.” Ginny said as she walked over, pulling Theodore out of the corner with her. “He was very helpful.”

“You told her?!” Pansy shrieked, receiving a sharp glare from Madam Pince. She furrowed her eyebrows as she threw a tantrum like a three year old. “No! This is all wrong!”

“Sorry, Parkinson, it seems like we broke your little plan. We got Hermione and Draco back together and now we know your secrets . . . I think you should run now.” Ginny stated with a grin. “You lost.”

“No, this isn’t over! I still know Granger’s dark secret and thanks to you three! The whole school will know tomorrow morning!” She yelled as she stormed out of the library.

“Don’t let that girl inside here again.” Madam Pince ordered with a dull tone as she rolled her eyes.

Ginny and Blaise exchanged glances and sighed. “Damn, we went too far, didn’t we?”

Theo lightly patted Ginny’s shoulder. “I know I’m not in the right place to say it but . . . maybe Granger should let everyone know her secret so that when Pansy’s telling everyone—she’d just be an idiot for making a huge deal about it. I mean, the secret can’t be that bad. Everyone forgives and forgets. If you lot can do that—Pansy Parkinson is gone.” He said and grinned at them. “Thank you for letting me see her crumble just a bit. I’ll wait until tomorrow for the big finale?”

“Definitely,” Blaise replied back confidently and watched at Theo left the library. He turned to Ginny and nodded. “Nott’s right . . . if we can get Granger to tell her secret to everyone by tonight . . . Pansy will look like a fool trying to tell everyone.”