
Minerva McGonagall sighed at the sight in front of her. 

Hermione Granger's discomfort was very evident by the way she sat angled away from Draco Malfoy. The young blond wizard, on the other hand, looked as poised and polished as ever - only he had a crease between his brows that indicated his frustration.

"Right, before anything, I want to set some ground rules" McGonagall said before she waved her wand to charm the quill and parchments to do the minutes "These rules are meant to make things go smoother for both of you." 

Hermione nodded eagerly, giving Draco a side-ways glance 

"First, I want you both to be civil to each other." Minerva said "Actually, no, I want more. I require both of you to develop a sense of camaraderie."

"With all due respect, professor, Malfoy and I only have to cooperate with each other for the rounds and rule-implementation" Hermione said, a hopeful gleam in her eyes "We don't exactly need to be buddies for that, do we, Malfoy?" 

Draco shook his head "No, I believe not, Granger" he looked at her with an emotion that McGonagall knows can only be disappointment 

"I consider my Head Prefects to be the best and brightest, and thus one of the lines of defense against anything that can harm the school" Minerva frowned "I need you to be because That is my second rule."

Hermione sighed 

"Third, no fooling around. I expect only the from both of you." McGonagall continued "Fourth, anything I say that is considered confidential will stay confidential, no matter which war hero or dangerous overlord requires the information." She eyed both of them sharply 

"Noted." Draco nodded, an instinctive right hand curling around his left forearm 

"Lastly, should any disagreements occur, I want you both to always put your emotions aside for the benefit of what's best." Minerva shook her head "I understand things aren't exactly flowing smoothly between you right now, but I do hope you fix your differences so as not to affect your work." 

"We will try our best, professor" Hermione said earnestly 

"Now, for your job specifications" McGonagall tapped the charmed quill once again to change the color of its ink "I need both of you to assign the prefect pairs for each night's rounds. I expect you to run the rules and protocols over with them before the beginning of the year." 

"Do these pairings stay for the whole year?" Draco asked 

"That is solely up to you." McGonagall said "I need you to patrol the halls on a scheduled basis, and both of you must also oversee the Hogsmeade trips." 

"Together?" Draco asked 

"Together." Minerva nodded "I hope you understand what I mean when I say that this position is not only just for rounds and rule-implementing." she eyed Hermione 

"What do you mean?" Draco asked 

"There are other things head prefects are in charge of. However, these are things that I would much rather discuss with you on another time." McGonagall said "Now, let's move on to your living quarters. Unfortunately, the head prefects' quarters were destroyed in the battle." 

 "Oh, so we wouldn't have to live together then?" Hermione asked 

"No, miss Granger, you still will." Minerva sighed at Hermione's incessant need to keep herself away from her partner "The new common room is located in the Room of Requirement. It has been charmed to remain as the head prefects' room for as long as I allow it to be. Now, only you two, as well as I, are allowed inside." 

"Wouldn't it be a give-away if anyone just thought 'head prefects' common room' when around the seventh floor?" Hermione asked 

"No, because only we can access it, and so the door will only show itself to us. Quite a difficult magic to conjure but it's worth it considering what it houses." McGonagall said this with so much hidden meaning that made Hermione and Draco suspicious "Anyhow, neither of you can bring guests. No one, absolutely no one, must know where your common room is. If anyone asks why the Room of Requirement is no longer working, what do you say?" 

"It was destroyed in the war, like many other rooms in the castle." Draco answered 

"Brilliant." McGonagall smiled "I suppose that's it, for now. There are several more things we must discuss but I'd rather do it in the castle. The heads' compartment is in the middle segment of the train and I require you both to stay there for the remainder of the journey." 

"Thank you, professor." Hermione nodded just as Draco said "Thank you, headmistress." 

Draco and Hermione exited the Headmistress' compartment and paused for a moment, not knowing what to say to each other "I'll uh get my things then." Hermione said awkwardly 

"I'll do the same and meet you in the compartment." Draco said, giving her a stiff nod "I didn't get to say it back there but uh- congratulations, Granger." 

Hermione was stunned by his sudden display of kindness "Thanks, Malfoy. I suppose I should congratulate you, too, for getting the position." 

"Yeah, Potter's leftovers." Draco muttered "I'll see you in a while, then" he said and walked ahead of her 

"See you." Hermione replied quietly to Draco's retreating figure before she allowed her feet to take her back to her compartment. As soon as she entered, Hermione hurriedly explained the situation to her friends. 

"He's Head Boy, and his friends have been acting uncharacteristically nicer" Hermione frowned "I'm not sure if it's a trick, or what." 

"He's the bloody Head Boy?" Ron scowled "Hermione, is there any way for you to ask McGonagall to, I don't know, switch him with someone? Harry, can't you tell McGonagall you actually want the position?" 

"Ron." Ginny warned 

"I'm sorry, mate, but I meant what I said about being Head Boy." Harry frowned at Ron and looked at Hermione worriedly "Is there anything we can do to help you? Maybe I can convince McGonagall to let us stay with you in your common room if he makes you feel unsafe." 

"He blood tried to kill Dumbledore! Of course she feels unsafe!" Ron exclaimed 

"Ron, I am sure Hermione's perfectly capable of defending herself." Ginny told her brother "Aren't you, Hermione?" 

"He somehow seems to be true about it, I mean his little displays of kindness." Hermione said thoughtfully

"He's , are you daft?" Ron said angrily "A bloody is what he is, Hermione!" 

Hermione, already quite pissed at Ron's overprotectiveness and the fact that he just called her daft, angrily grabbed her belongings "Don't you dare call me stupid, Ronald. Did I mention anything about trusting him?" she hissed "Ginny's right. I am perfectly capable of protecting myself, and I certainly don't need anyone calling me daft, especially not you." 

With one last glare, she slammed the compartment door behind her suddenly aware of the stares they've been getting from the neighboring students. Hermione angrily stomped her way to the Head Prefects' compartment, forgetting Draco's presence as she shoved her things overhead. "Are you okay, Granger?" Draco asked hesitantly 

"Perfect. Just perfect." Hermione muttered and sat herself on the plush couch, putting her attention on the scenery outside the window

A brief silence passed between the two wizards. Draco, who was silently playing with an apple, glanced at Hermione every once in a while noting how her anger slowly dissipated. "I'd prefer it if you didn't stare, Malfoy. It's quite rude." 

"I'm sorry." Draco said quietly. His voice was laced with something Hermione thought she would never hear from someone like him, ever.