[forty four]

"If I knew we would have to cook this much for a common room breakfast, I would have suggested it." Celine groaned as she fried another batch of sausages

"Well, we twelve, and half of us are grown men who can easily eat off the table." Hermione laughed lightly as she stirred the pot of pumpkin soup. It wasn't a very breakfast-type of meal, but Draco loved it and she's never had the opportunity to cook for him properly until now.

"You know, Draco loves pumpkin soup. He always asked for it as a child." Celine piped in

"I know." Hermione smiled as she shut the fire "I thought this would brighten up his week."

"He really loves you, Hermione." Celine said, looking at her like she was debating on saying more. She didn't need to, though. Hermione knew what this was all about.

"You should know Theodore feels the same." Hermione said, turning around to begin setting the table "He loves you. Very much so."

Celine didn't disagree "He tells me everything."

"As he should." Hermione nodded

"So, I know how he feels about you too." Celine said with a sad smile "It's funny how he says he wants to build a romantic relationship with me but can't help himself from spewing out his feelings about other girls to me too."

Hermione smiled in understanding "Ron and I were best friends too before anything happened." She shrugged "It's difficult to see the line between being best friends and being lovers. In Theo's case, I don't think he wants to."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Celine asked as she served the last of the sausages on the platter

"Theo doesn't want anything to change, but he wants to be with you. It's quite impossible really." Hermione laughed lightly "He thinks he has to choose between being your best friend and being your boyfriend, and he doesn't want to."

"He doesn't have to."

"Exactly." Hermione chuckled "But, Cel, you have to understand. He's afraid that by being with you, he'll lose your friendship, and if anything horrible happens then he doesn't just lose his girlfriend, he loses his best friend too."

Cel sighed, she kind of suspected this already, but it helped to have another set of eyes tell her about it "And what of you, then?"

"Me? Theo fancies me because he think's it effortless and ." Hermione said, looking at Celine "I told him, that love isn't supposed to be easy. It's supposed to make you , it's supposed to make you , otherwise, is it worth keeping? I love Draco with my heart, Celine, and no amount of pushing from Theo can take my eyes away from Draco. There's nothing to be worried about."

Celine released a breath she never knew she was holding in "I didn't want to speak to you about this, Hermione. You're my . It's just—"

"I know. Theodore can be impossible sometimes. You know that better than I do, having been his closest friend all these years." Hermione laughed "Besides, would you look at this ring? I won't trade for it." She lifted her left hand in emphasis

Celine laughed, then looked at Hermione sincerely "I'm sorry I had to bring it up, Hermione."

"I understand, and you have the right to. It's all good." Hermione shook her head "I'll be happy to stay away—"

Cel shook her head furiously "No, I wouldn't want . I know how much your friendship means to Theo. It would be selfish of me to ask you to stay away when I know there's no threat." She smiled "He and I just have some doubts and anxieties to work out, I suppose."

Hermione smiled "You know, Draco did say he could talk some sense into Theo."

"More like punch some sense into him." A voice drawled. Emerging from the stairs was a very ruly-haired Draco who could barely keep his eyes open "You were gone for so long, then you came back, and then you were gone again." He whined, going straight for Hermione's arms

Celine laughed "He's such a big baby."

"You won't be calling me a baby when I knock the lights out of your boyfriend, Zabini." Draco muttered as he set his chin atop Hermione's head

"Theodore has always been horrible at making up his mind, Draco. You know this. ." Celine shrugged "He needs patience, and he's lucky I have a ton of it. Things were just getting so good over the holidays, I should've known there'd be setbacks."

"Damn right." Draco muttered, still half-asleep

"You should go back to bed if you're still tired." Hermione chided

"I . You're not there." He whined

"You're being so whiny."

"You left me." Draco argued, arms still tight around the love of his life "I want my Hermione."

Hermione laughed and pressed a gentle kiss on his chest "Go sit, we'll be having breakfast. I made your favorite soup."

Draco smiled "I know, I could smell it all the way from upstairs."

She laughed again and slightly pushed him to the direction of the table "Go sit your arse, Malfoy."

"You're bossy." Draco complained, wanting more time in her arms

"Because we have work to do." Hermione crossed her arms "We have to speak with McGonagall before class, remember?"

"I know, I know." Draco rolled his eyes and stubbornly found his seat on the table.

The rest of their friends came down to their common room in no time, each moaning at the fresh smell of food "I wasn't hungry when I was in bed, but I am now." Blaise groaned, heading straight for the sausage platter

", wait for the rest, cousin. It's impolite." Celine tutted

"We're here, we're here." Ginny announced as she and Harry walked down, looking like they'd been up for hours.

"Did you get to talk to her?" Harry asked her in a whisper

Hermione shook her head "I think we need Blaise instead." She whispered back

Harry nodded and pulled Ginny down to sit. Ron looked at Hermione curiously, and she answered by gesturing to Celine with her eye then shaking her head.

He frowned, He mouthed

, she shook her head

"Okay, so gameplan is to talk to McGonagall about the ministry and that program whatever, right?" Astoria asked

Hermione nodded "Draco and I will go speak with her about what happened, but somebody needs to keep the stone safe."

"I can cut class!" Blaise offered with a grin

Draco glared at him "Not quite the point, Blaise."

Blaise frowned

"I can wear the necklace." Harry offered "I'll be with Gryffindors all day. It should be alright."

"Are you implying it wouldn't be alright with Slytherins?" Pansy raised a brow