[forty nine]

"No!" Hermione screamed, waking with a start. She sat up, frantically trying to breathe in. Hermione hadn't realized she was crying until she felt Draco pull her to his chest, her tears wetting the front of his shirt.

"What happened?" He asked, his chest wound with worry "You haven't had a nightmare in so long."

Hermione wrapped her arms around him "Promise me, don't ever, I mean ever, step in front of a killing curse for me. Ever."

"That wouldn't be very Slytherin of me, would it?" Draco tried to joke "I'd have shot the killing curse at whoever that was first or dodged it then kill them."

"Promise me, Malfoy." Hermione's fists clenched around the fabric of his shirt, not wanting to let go at all.

"I promise." Draco whispered, pressing a kiss on top of her head "Nobody's dying here."

Hermione sighed, breathing in his scent. She was still shaking from the nightmare, but Draco's arms around her was slowly grounding her back to reality. It was just a dream. Bellatrix is dead. Molly killed her. Draco is here.

"What happened in the dream?" Draco asked, his hand rubbing circles on her back. Hermione having a nightmare with him next to her fazed him. She never had them when they slept next to each other.

"There was a battle in the Great Hall." Hermione whispered "Bellatrix was there and she was trying to kill me but you..."

"I stepped in the way?"

Hermione pulled him against her a little bit tighter "Don't ever do that. I will hate you forever."

"You'll hate me in death? Gosh, Granger, how cruel."

"Malfoy, I'm serious."

"You're Hermione."

Hermione whacked him on the chest, glaring at him with tearful eyes "You are so horrible sometimes."

Draco chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek "I'm just trying to cheer you up, darling." He said quietly "I promise to let you handle your own battles. I know you're capable. I don't fight for you, I fight with you."

"Good. the hero here." Hermione huffed

Draco barked a laugh "No need to remind me who's the devil in this relationship." one of his hands had slipped under the hem of her shirt, drawing mindless figures on the skin of her back. He hoped for it to distract her, and of course it did.

"You really are horrible." Hermione's cheeks were pink from his feather touch

Draco smiled down at her a little too cockily "The ." He agreed "Shall I cheer you up some more?" Hermione knew he wasn't referring to his jokes. She bit her lip in embarrassment, a little shy to answer.

Draco chuckled softly as he slowly climbed atop her "—" he pressed a kiss on her cheek "—" a kiss on her other cheek "—" a soft kiss on her forehead "." He pressed his lips gently against hers "Especially your wants and needs."

"I love you." Hermione said, looking straight into his soft gray eyes.

"I know, baby." Draco smirked "What's not to love?" He teased

"I hate you." Hermione laughed, pulling him down for a kiss. She savored every inch of his soft lips meeting hers, vowing to never take for granted her time with him. Ever.

Time is too short and the world is far too cruel to be taking anything for granted. This, everything she had with Draco, was worth savoring for a lifetime. "Once upon a time, I did too." Draco mumbled against her lips "Now, look where we are."

Hermione smiled, kissing him softly "" She agreed. Draco kissed her back again and again, until all their lips could remember was the taste of the other. His hand hovered above the hem of Hermione's nightgown, waiting for permission.

"Take it off." Hermione whispered against his lips

Draco smirked "Gladly." He pulled it up, helping Hermione out of her silk nightgown—a birthday present from Pansy. She arched her back, helping him get rid of the dress, leaving her exposed in her black lace underwear.

Draco trailed kisses on her neck, looking for her spot "Did I ever tell you—" he whispered "that ," he hooked his finger on the strap of Hermione's bra "is my favorite?"

Hermione pulled him down for another kiss, her tongue grazing his lower lip, teasing him "No, but I know you, Malfoy." She whispered

Draco smirked, his messed up hair falling over his eyes "Are we still waiting?"

Hermione bit her lip "Yes."

"No problem with me, love. I can be creative." His mouth went back to the base of her throat, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses until he hit the spot— her spot, just below her ear. Hermione let out a tiny whimper, feeling a rush of heat down below.

"." Draco murmured, sucking on the spot and leaving his mark. Hermione would no doubt smack him later over it, but the sharp intake of breath and the small moan that escaped her lips were all worth it. His finger moved over her arched back, unhooking her bra in one swift motion.

"." Hermione pleaded

She didn't need to tell him twice. Draco tossed the bra over to the floor, his mouth finding its way over to her breasts.

Hermione couldn't help but let out a soft moan, as Draco placed a wet kiss on the full of her breast, his teeth carefully taking her nipple in between as his fingers played with the other.

The tugging sensation in Hermione's belly intensified as Draco left his mark on her breast, one of his hands slowly making its way down to her—

"—" Hermione moaned softly