[fifty one]

"He's still not back?" Hermione frowned "It's been weeks."

"Keep still, Hermione." Pansy scolded as she applied the blush on Hermione's face.

It was the night of her engagement party, and Teddy was missing. Ever since he left that day when Draco fell on his knees in pain, they've heard nothing. Not even Celine knows where he went.

"Do you think he's okay?" Hermione asked Pansy hopefully "I was half-expecting him to be here tonight." She sighed

Pansy let out a loud sigh and forced Hermione to look at her "Look, Hermy, this is really what Theo does, okay? He gets an idea and he tries it out by himself. Look what he did with Goyle's house. He went looking by himself, didn't he?" Pansy shrugged "He doesn't let everybody else know unless he has the entire picture. Whatever he's onto, we just have to let him do it until he's ready to come tell us."

"But we're a ." Hermione complained

"Yes, the team he forced to drink a wine that was laced with a rather strong truth serum." Pansy gave her a pointed look "Theodore's . If he feels like it, he'll show himself tonight."

"I was hoping to steal a dance from all our boys." Hermione sighed "You only get married once, you know?"

"Well, lucky for you this is just your Theo will be around to dance with you on your wedding day, that's for sure." Pansy smiled at her, giving her a sisterly kiss on the cheek "I'll have Blaise give you two dances to compensate. Now, will you keep still? We've little time until everybody arrives."

Hermione obliged, closing her eyes as she let Pansy work her magic. Everybody she loved was here in Malfoy Manor, all of them except Theo. Even her parents were in the pool house, where everyone else was getting ready.

For the last two weeks, since Draco's Mark mishap, they've been trying to figure out where Theo had gone to and why the Mark started to hurt so much that it came alive.

Yes, the faded Dark Mark on Draco's arm was now alive and slithering on his left forearm once again. To say he was upset would be an understatement. If he could pull his left arm off its socket, he would.

Hermione sighed as Pansy put the finishing touches on her make up "Stop sighing. It's supposed to be a day." Pansy scolded "Draco spent a fortune for these parties to happen, don't let him see you sad in one of them, especially yours."

"I'm just worried about both him and Theo, that's all." Hermione shrugged, then looked at the mirror ", Pansy."

"Woah is an understatement." Pansy scoffed "I am ."

Hermione hugged Pansy by the waist "Thanks for planning all this."

"Please, it's my pleasure." Pansy grinned "It kept me distracted from everything going on and the fact that Blaise and I still have to find a way to tell everyone we're really eloping."

"" Hermione exclaimed

"You didn't hear it from me." Pansy winked as she walked away "Best I get dressed too. Draco's down in the ballroom getting everything sorted with Potter and Weasley."

"Wait, but Pans—"

"Watch your hair when you put that dress on, Granger." Pansy sang as she walked out of Draco's bedroom, shutting the door tightly behind her.

Draco insisted Pansy help Hermione get ready in his room, away from everybody else. The pool house was chaotic. Between Ginny trying to make sure all the boys looked pristine in the robes and Celine giving the elves their final orders, he was surprised that place hasn't burst into flames. Hermione could only imagine her parents' faces as her friends ran around trying to get everything sorted.

Hermione gave herself one last look in the mirror, allowing herself to appreciate the way she looked even just this once. Growing up, she'd had a lot of insecurities, from the way her teeth looked to how bushy her hair was—all of which Draco and his friends used to tease her for. Now, she was celebrating her engagement to the same boy. Crazy how time flies and how people change.

The woman staring back at her was a lot different than the girl she was two years ago. The war had matured her, giving her eyes a certain type of wisdom, the one that always had a hint of sadness in them. Her hair was neatly tied into a ballerina bun, with tiny braids crowning it. Pansy had placed only a light blanket of make up on her face, but the colors she put and the lines she draw made Hermione's eyes pop and her cheeks give a subtle rosy glow.

"I'm getting married." She whispered, her eyes alive with the thought of Draco "I'm engaged." She glanced at the large ring on her finger, the thought of it only truly sinking in now.

Hermione stepped aside and out of her robes, taking the dress that Celine had made for her into her arms. It was gorgeous. The embroidery and the stones were perfectly placed on the dress, making it like an elegant map of constellations. The color wasn't too bold, just right for Hermione's simple taste.

She slipped into it, careful not to damage both the dress and Pansy's masterpiece. Not wanting to bother anyone else to zip her up, she cast a silent charm to zip the dress behind her as she stepped into the shoes Narcissa had gotten her for Christmas.

With the threat still looming, and Theo nowhere to be found, they all agreed to be at the ready tonight. Even the professors were coming to keep a close guard on the students attending. Hermione reach inside of her dress and strapped her wand to her thigh.

"Okay, we're all set." Hermione whispered to herself, looking into the mirror one last time before walking out of Draco's room and into the ballroom with as much grace she could muster, praying she doesn't trip tonight.

Since the rest of the manor was still being renovated, enchantments have been put up to steer the guests clear of the other parts of the house. Hermione walked through the halls, which were in the middle of being remodeled and straight to the ballroom.

She found Draco in the middle, directing the elves to one of the chandeliers that kept flickering. Harry and Ron were busy hiding packets of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder and Instant Swamps under specific ornaments. They all agreed that having those around would be a good idea in case they needed a quick distraction or escape. George was more than willing to give Harry a whole basket of them when he'd asked.

Draco felt Hermione approach before he could see her. He turned to his right, feeling his heart skip a beat at the sight of her "Hi." was all he could say. She wasn't gorgeous, she was beyond gorgeous. The way she held herself with confidence and the fire in her eyes under the sheer layer of make up — it was all enough to send Draco's heart into an erratic frenzy.

"Hi." Hermione gave him a smile worth all the riches in the world "Everything all set? Do you need my help with anything?"

"We're just fixing that last bit." Draco gestured to the chandelier that three of the elves were fixing with their magic. He looked at her and took her features in, unable to help the smile on his face. Merlin, was he lucky.

"You've got um, some right here." Hermione teased, the tips of her fingers grazing the edge of his lips.

Draco barked a laugh, catching her hand "C'mere." He murmured, pulling her by the waist "Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?"

"No, I don't believe you have." Hermione gave him a lopsided smile

"You look more beautiful than the stars in the night sky." Draco whispered "And I get to keep you all to myself." His fingers twisted the ring on Hermione's left hand ever so slightly.