[sixty eight]

"Professor, I know you want me looked at properly, but we'll be blowing our cover if I stay here for much longer."

Draco scowled in frustration as Madame Pomfrey and healer Dixon, from St. Mungo's, poked and prodded at him. Madame Pomfrey shot him a look of disapproval "The amount of times you've had to receive my medical attention in these last few years, mister Malfoy..." She huffed "You had dark magic performed on your body. There are still traces of it in your mind." She sighed with worry. Draco wasn't exactly Madame Pomfrey's favorite patient to treat—not after his third-year overreaction, but the boy still worried the old healer all the same.

Draco refrained from groaning in complaint "I know. I can feel it." He said quietly, trying to ignore the feeling in his gut that he wasn't completely okay. They didn't have the liberty to waste time on this.

Hermione looked at him with concern, so did the rest of his friends. He was supposed to meet Rodolphus today—tonight, in fact. He was going to come empty-handed for now, explaining his supposed plan to steal the stone on the night of the Quidditch finals.

He'd been trying to postpone seeing the mind healer for a few days now. Draco wasn't going to admit it, but he was scared of what they'll find. This was new magic they were dealing with, and a very dark one at that, who knows what its effects could be?

He could easily end up as the other guy again.

Ginny noticed his hesitation and discomfort, frowning with an unknown emotion in her eyes.

"For now, I don't think there were any permanent damages." Healer Dixon hummed in observation as his wand waved through the runes from the diagnostic on Draco's body "It's quite a miracle, actually. I'd prescribe a weekly purification healing routine until the traces are complete gone."

Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dark magic takes a lot from you. I hope all of you do your best to stay away from it." The St. Mungo's healer sighed "Poppy, I'll leave you the potions and spells needed."

"Now, can I go?" Draco's eyes were hopeful

"Not yet." McGonagall shook her head "Poppy, Edmund, thank you. I'll make sure mister Malfoy attends every session,"

"Please." Madame Pomfrey gave Draco a stern look before both she and the healer from St. Mungo's took their leave. Once they were left alone in the common room, McGonagall sighed "I am not comfortable about this whole plan, Harry."

Draco rolled his eyes. Of course, Harry was the point-person on this.

"Professor, I don't see any other way." Harry shook his head "We've always had to take risks to do what needs to be done."

"What is the whole plan, if I may ask? I think you have yet to bring me into the loop." McGonagall narrowed her eyes

"Professor, the less you know, the better." Blaise locked eyes with Theo, who stood leaning against the kitchen counter with a brooding look on his face "Some of our methods haven't exactly been..."

"We just really need you to make sure that we have the Aurors ready on that date." Hermione assured McGonagall "And that all the lower years will be transported home as soon as their final exams finish. Without warning."

Ginny nodded "It's important that you make it seem like there's another week of school for them until the very last minute."

McGonagall pursed her lips "You have to stop sacrificing yourselves, you know? I know Albus somehow always threw you three into the deep end, forcing you to be heroes, but I'm not—." She sighed at Hermione "I want you to be safe. I thought that keeping the stone here—I don't know what I thought."

"Professor, it's all well and good." Ron shook his head "Nobody really thought these idiots had the guts to come back and cause a mess after Voldemort died."

McGonagall pursed her lips, her eyes going over each of their faces, as if memorizing the way each and every one of them looked. It made Blaise feel uneasy.

It was as if she were branding their faces into her mind like it was the last time.

"Let me know what else I can do." The headmistress finally said "I will secure the castle and the students as best as I can."

"We know, professor." Harry gave her a small smile

"We trust you." Hermione agreed with a nod. McGonagall gave them all one last soft smile, like a mother's, before leaving the room in a flurry of purple robes and hurried steps.

"Was it just me or did she look like she was about to cry?" Elena pursed her lips.

"Minerva McGonagall? Cry?" Blaise scoffed.

"Never." Astoria chuckled.

"Now, can I leave?" Draco breathed deeply, standing to smoothen the invisible creases on usual black suit. "I'd rather not be tortured for any longer than I have to be later."

Hermione flinched.

They knew that.

They knew Rodolphus was going to torture Draco for coming empty-handed, and as much as they hated it, there was nothing they can do.

It was a sacrifice he insisted on making.

If he arrived late, his uncle would surely torture him even more.

"Yes. Go." Theo nodded, looking at Hermione pointedly "We'll handle everything else."

Hermione cleared her throat, meeting Draco's eyes "Go, love." She smiled "Elena and I will have a healing potion ready for you when you get back."

"Your Occlumency walls are up? They're good?" Draco looked at her worriedly "I don't want you to feel it when he—"

"I'm fine, Draco. The walls around our bond are up and very strong. I won't feel it when he tortures you." Hermione nodded

"All of you will stay out of the way? You know where you need to be?" Draco looked at them sternly, as if he wanted to lock them all up here in the Room of Requirement if he could.

"Off you go, Malfoy. Stop worrying about us when it's you jumping into the deep end." Celine rolled her eyes "Theo, off you go, too."

"Yes, leaving now, sweetheart." Theo hummed distractedly as he placed a protective kiss atop her head before walking towards the portrait hole. Draco pressed his lips softly against Hermione's, eyes fluttering close slowly as he felt her worry and anxiety through their bond "I will be fine, my love. Nothing I'm not used to."

"I hate that." Hermione whispered "I hate that you're used to that."

"Hush." Was all Draco could say before he stepped away from her, shoving their bond so deep inside his mind Rodolphus would have to tear through his soul to find it. The second Draco opened his eyes, they were as cold as steel—hard as solid obsidian.