
"Draco's starting to ask questions."

Hermione sat at the edge of the Astronomy tower, her feet dangling over at the side. One wrong move and she could fall to her death.

"I know. I noticed." Theo hummed as he stirred the potion-filled cauldron "What are you answering him?"

"That's the point. I'm not." Hermione muttered, moving her eyes back to the horizon, where the Sun was just about to rise.

"The bond?"

"Still not working. I mean, I can feel him in the other end, so it isn't like last time. It just feels... right now." Hermione shook her head "We seriously need to get ourselves checked after this whole thing, Teddy."

"We will." Theo agreed, adding the last few ingredients into the potion so imbued with Dark Magic that it was messing with their own "It's a good thing Weasley's helping us with the cleansing rituals."

Hermione nodded, still watching the sunrise "After what happened with him and the Slytherin locket, he did everything he can to learn about Dark Magic and how to avoid it. The minute he saw us, he knew something was up."

"Shouldn't have underestimated Weasley like that, I guess." Theo snorted

"Ron isn't actually daft, you know?" Hermione said, it wasn't defensive or rude, she just sounded like someone stating an observation "He's quite brilliant at the things he wants to be."

"I know, I know." Theo answered, turning the heat down as he muttered a few Dark incantations that he insisted he did instead of Hermione.

"It's been four days." Hermione said as she pulled her messy hair up into a high knot "Rodolphus hasn't noticed anything?"

"I've yet to find out, but for now, suspiciously, we're in the clear." Theo answered after muttering all the necessary spells "This potion should be ready in two days or so."

Hermione turned to look at him "Do you think it will work?"

"We will make it work."

"That wasn't my question."

Theo sighed as he threw the protective charms back on their little potions station "I know it will work." He said, coming up to stand next to her "Now, will you cleanse me or what?"

Hermione huffed, standing up to meet his gaze stubbornly "This little project is draining the life out of you and me."

"I know. I'm sorry." Theo pursed his lips, looking away. His skin was pale from the extent of the magic he had to perform on the potion. Hermione could practically feel the aura of Darkness radiating from his skin, as if it were poison.

"Eggs don't taste the same to me anymore." Hermione tutted jokingly "And I can't stand creamy food. Do you have any idea how much I love Truffle pasta?"

Theo narrowed his eyes "Your sense of taste is affected?" He asked in wonder "I only have headaches and some sense of fatigue."

"Dark Magic affects us all differently" Hermione shrugged "I do feel as insanely tired as you do, though."

"I doubt that. I'm not passing out in our classes." Theo smirked

"I'm not used to Dark Magic like you are, Theodore." Hermione rolled her eyes as she began muttering the spells, her wand drawing runes on Theo's chest as she worked.

"Fair point well made." Theo chuckled "Welcome to the dark side, Hermy, we have cookies."

Hermione snorted, continuing with her work quietly. Theo hummed a soft tune as she performed the cleansing ritual on him, breathing deeply as he felt his chest lighten a little from all her healing spells.

"" Hermione chanted softly, wand tapping thrice against Theo's heart.

"What did Ivanova want from you yesterday?" Theo asked "She seemed a bit stressed."

"" Hermione continued chanting, whispering the rest of the rituals with all her conviction as she drew protective runes on Theo's chest and hands, watching them lighten and disappear beneath his skin. When she finished, she looked up at him accusingly "You shouldn't distract me whilst I work on removing the Dark Magic from your system."

"So? What did Elena need?"

"It's just something she wanted to try—a theory she's had for a while now." Hermione explained "It was something she was researching on at Durmstrang. For a school that despises muggleborns, they sure have a lot of information regarding us." She scoffed.

"What about muggleborns?"

"Elena has been theorizing that muggleborns actually have magic purer than purebloods, or perhaps that isn't the word." Hermione shrugged "It's just... Our magic is , according to Elena. Whilst yours was passed down to you from your parents, ours was created by our own blood—it's our own magic. There was just something she wanted to try."

Theo narrowed his eyes "Since I am a changed man and no longer a bigot, I will take that information in without judgement."

"Oh, you are so judging." Hermione laughed, shoving him playfully "Anyway, we tried it and it worked. We'll show everyone later."

"It worked?"

"Just wait and see for yourself, Teddy." Hermione sang as she walked away "I'm heading down for breakfast, I'm starving and craving for some muffins."

"You hate muffins." Theo frowned, following after her as she descended the stairs.

"I do." Hermione agreed

"You are not making any sense right now."

"I'm exhausted, Theodore, you can't expect me to make any sense right now."


Ever since they got rid of Goyle, it was much easier for Draco to be himself around his housemates. As it turns out, several, if not most of them, wanted to help the DA.

Each one was made to sign Hermione's jinxed list, to ensure that the secrecy will be kept and that nobody but the DA and the New Army know of the plans.

It was confusing for a lot of their schoolmates at first to find Draco evil one week and then holding hands with Hermione in the next, but after thorough explanations to the necessary people, the whispers and gossip died down.

"There are about sixty people in here practicing their spell work. Can you believe it?" Blaise whistled lowly

"All four houses in harmony. I thought I'd never see the day." Pansy snickered

"Please, it was only you snakes who stirred the trouble between the houses." Ginny scoffed

"Shut up, Weasley, or I'll break your arm again." Pansy rolled her eyes, but a smile played on her lips.