
At six in the morning, two identical boys snuck out of bed and down the stairs. They quickly grabbed all their books, quills, and parchment needed before looking at each other.

"Ready to test it?" One boy asked.

"Yep. Wonder who it will be, don't you Fred?" Asked the second boy.

"I sure do, George," Fred answered to his twin.

Carefully, the two boys pulled out an odd object in the shape of a circle. It was completely smooth and was a dark purple color that almost looked black. The boys exited the common room as voices could be heard coming down the stairs.

The boys crept through the halls, making their way towards the Great Hall. When they got there Fred and George stepped into the hall before placing the purple circular object in the middle of the entrance.

The twins grinned at each other before taking out their wands, "Activatio!" Both boys shouted.

The object began to glow slightly before rising into the air. It created a glowing dome for a moment before it vanished. The object and dome were still there, just invisible to everyone.

Fred and George high five each other as students started walking into the great hall. Fred and George leaned on the wall near the entrance and waited to see who the victims of there test would be.


"Honestly Ronald, can't you do one essay by yourself?" Hermione Granger asked one of her best friends.

"Come on Mione," Ron begged as they turned through the entrance, "I just need your help. I don't know anything abou- Hermione?"

"Ron, where'd Hermione go?" Harry Potter asked.

"I don't know. She was with us when we walked in," Ron said turning to the entrance where he spotted Hermione, "Hermione come on!"

"I-I can't," Hermione said.

Harry and Ron exchanges looks before running over to her.

"What do you mean 'You can't?" Harry asked.

"I mean, I can't leave the entrance, look," Hermione said as she walked forward and was stopped by an invisible force. She then walked the other direction and found she couldn't leave either.

"What the bloody hell?" Ron exclaimed, gaining looks from half the hall.

"Hey Mudblood, keep walking you're blocking the entrance," A voice said.

"Malfoy," Hermione grumbled, "Well sorry to dissapoint but I can't leave."

"You can't leave?" Malfoy asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I can't," Hermione said and leaned on the invisible barrier, "See?"

"What are you doing, just walk forward," Malfoy said as he walked forward but he to was stopped by an invisible force, "What the hell?"

"See," Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"Hermione, why can't you leave?" Ron asked.

"I don't know Ron, you come up with something. Can you or Harry cross through?" Hermione asked.

Harry put his arm out and it went through the barrier. He then stepped in and stepped back out.

"How come we can get through, but you can't?" Harry asked.

"I don't know Harry, now get McGonagall. I want out now," Hermione said.

"Unfortunately that won't work," Fred and George said, making their presence next to the four known.

"And why not?" Hermione asked.

"Because you mione," George started.

"Have walked into our new product," Fred finished.

"New product? For your mail order joke shop?" Ron asked.

"Correct little bro," Fred said.

"Only thing is, we don't know if it works properly," George continued.

"So we set up a test." Fred finished.

"YOU SET UP A TEST?" Hermione screeched causing the entire hall to go silent and look at the six people at the entrance.

"Yes we did," The twins corused.

"Well then take it down!" Hermione yelled at them.

"Can't do that," Fred said.

"We haven't found the right way." George said.

"Well, there is a way but seeing as the Crystal choose you and Malfoy," Fred continued.

"We will have to found some counter charm to work." George finished.

Everyone in the hall started whispering. What could choose Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy? And why?

"YOU CAN'T TAKE IT DOWN?" Hermione yet again yelled.

"No. You can though," Fred said with a michevious glint in his eye that was being mimicked in his twin's eye as well.

"How?" Hermione demanded.

The twins looked at each other before laughing.

"What so funny?" Ron and Harry asked.

"Well, this new item is suppose to randomly choose two people. One male and one female and trap them." Fred said.

"They stay trapped in the small circle, however," George continued.

"Until," Fred added.

"The two who were trapped," George said

"Kiss each other," The twins corused.

"WHAT?" Both Hermione and Malfoy yelled.

The entire hall was listening intently on the conversation and quickly started talking.


Fred and George's faces instantly paled.

"You wouldn't," Fred said.