
"Good morning class," Professor Slughorn bellowed to the class as he walked through the door.

He walked down the rows to the front of the class. He picked up a vial of clear liquid and held it up.

"Does anyone know what potion this is?" Slughorn asked.

No one knew, so they all turned to Hermione, waiting for her answer.

Before Hermione could even raise her hand, Slughorn called on her, "Ms. Granger."

"It Veritaserum, sir."

"Very good. And I assume you know what it does?"

Hermione nodded, "It forces the drinker to tell the truth. Different time lengths depend on the amount taken."

"Very good, ten points to Gryffindor. Now I am going to pair you up in groups of two based on your academic level. You'll be paired with someone of the same level, or as close as you get.

Now the pairs, Ms. Greengrass with Ms. Greengrass; Mr. Zabini with Mr. Potter; Mr. Weasely with Ms. Parkinson; Mr. Longbottom with Ms. Patil; and Mr. Malfoy with Ms. Granger. Those are the pairs and no-"

"Professor!" Ron exclaimed.

"You can't pair Malfoy and Hermione together," Harry said.

"He's right," Zabini added, "They'll kill each other within the first ten minutes."

"I'm sorry but he's the only one close to her academic level. She's top of the class with Mr. Malfoy right behind her by ten points, followed by Mr. Potter who is fifty points behind." Slughorn explained.

"But, sir-" Harry started.

"No. The pairings are not changing. Move to sit with your partner. You will be brewing Veritaserum. Recipe on page fourty-three. When your done please tell me and I will give you the next instructions. Begin."

Hermione sighed and stood up from her seat in between Harry and Ron.

"Good luck Hermione," They chorused.

"If I don't make it out alive, punch his nose like I did third year," Hermione mumbled grabbing her bag.

Harry and Ron met each others eye for half a second before bursting out into laughter. Hermione rolled her eyes and trudged over to Malfoy's desk.

"Why were Potter and Weasel laughing?" Malfoy asked as Hermione sat down and pulled out her potions book.

"I told them that if you kill me, they need to punch you in the nose like I did third year," Hermione muttered turning to the right page.

Malfoy smirked and leaned back in his seat, "You broke my nose you know?"


Malfoy gave a small chuckle, "What do we need?"

"Here," Hermione said shoving her book over, "You want to know, you read. I've already memorized this potion."

"You did?"

"Yes," Hermione sighed standing up, "I'll go get the ingredients."

Malfoy stared in shock as she walked to the supply cupboard. He continued to stare until she returned with all the materials needed.

"What?" She asked when she realized Malfoy had been staring for a full minute.

"Nothing," He said.

The two made their potion in silence occasionally speaking when they completed a step.

After an hour, the two had finished the potion and it seemed to be up to par.

"Professor Slughorn! We've finished the potion!" Hermione told her teacher.

Slughorn came over and inspected the potion, "Its perfect. My goodness I should pair you two up more often!"

Hermione frowned while Malfoy groaned at this comment.

"Very good, now take turns with this. Consume exactly one drop, and not a drop more, only one. Then your partner will ask you a series of questions from this sheet of paper. Have fun. If you finish before the bell just clean up and bring the rest if your potion to the front. Madame Pomphfrey has been asking me for some Veritaserum." Slughorn said as he walked away.

"I'll go first," Malfoy grumbled before swallowing drop of the potion. (A drop= 2 minutes.)

"Right," Hermione said picking up the list, "What's your full name?"

"Draco Lucius Hyperion Malfoy."

"What's your favorite color?"




"Right, uh, What are your hobbies?"

"Quidditch and reading."

"You like to read?"

"More people like to read than just you Granger."

"Whatever. One minute left. Next question, If you could choose any house to be in, what house and why?"

"Gryffindor. I'd lobe to wipe the stupid smirk of my father's face. Besides, Gryffindors are pretty badass."

"They are?"

"Yeah, take you for example. You seem like this bookish know-it-all and then bam your a total badass fighting Voldemort."

"Oh, uh thanks I guess. Last question," Hermione said slightly stunned, "I get to choose a question. Okay let's see."

Hermione thought for a few seconds before she had her question.

"Why do you hate me?"

"I don't," Malfoy said. His face seemed panicked that he was saying this but had no control over it.

"You don't?"


"But then why did you bully me for six years?" Hermione asked. Surely it was because he hated her.

Malfoys face suddenly turned bright red and he looked away as the potion forced him to answer, "To protect you."

Hermione just stared at him. The potion was going to wear off any second. She might as well take her chances.

"To protect me? Why did you need to protect me?"

"Because," Malfoy swalled a lump in his throat, terror written on his face as he answered, "I like you a lot and if my father knew, he'd kill you. I don't know what'd I do if he killed you."

Malfoy turned to look at her, hoping to read her face. Hermione sat their staring at him as he turned, expressionless.

"W-what do you mean, like me?" Hermione asked, not wanting to hear the answer but to curious for her own good.

Malfoy looked at her in her eyes but this time his face showed regret and sorrow. No fear, "I mean I love you."

"No!" Hermione exclaimed loudly, "No, no, no, no, no. Your lying."