
A scream errupted from the grounds. Hagrid, who'd been walking fang, heard and ran. When he arrived at the source of the noise he found a boy lying on the ground, bleeding heavily from his shoulder and stomach.

Without a second to think hagrid scooped the boy in his arms, "Go ge' Dumbledore, Fang. Bring him to the hospital wing."

The dog gave a bark and sprinted off to the castle, hagrid behind him. Hagrid rushed to the hospital wing throwing the doors open.

"What in the name of- Hagrid? What happened? Lay him here quickly," Madame Pomfrey rambled leading hagridden to a bed.

"Gunshot to his shoulder. I found the weapon on the ground," Hagrid explained pulling out a shiny metal weapon, "Its a muggle weapon."

"Muggle weapon? Gun? Hagrid I can't treat this. I don't know what a gun is!" Madame Pomfrey exclaimed.

"Then we shall find someone who does. I don't think.its wise to move the young Malfoy in his current state," Dumbledore said striding in, "Poppy alert professor snape. Lunch has just comensed so he will be in the Great Hall. We also need a muggle-born who can do something about this."

"Hermione!" Hagrid said, "She was telling me how she takes muggle medical courses over the summer."

"Perfect. Poppy please go get Severus and Ms. Granger," Dumbledore insteucted, "And Hagrid please go get Mr. Zabini, Ms. Parkinson, and Mr. Not and bring them to my office."

Hagrid and Madame Pomfret nodded and quickly left. Upon entering the Great Hall Hagrid went to the Slytherin table and asked the three students to come with him to Dumbledore's office. They reluctantly obliged.

"Severus!" Madame Pomfret called from half way down the Hall, "Hospital wing now! Its Draco!"

Without sparing a second thought, Snake rose from his seat at the heads table and strode out of the hall.

"Ms. Granger!" Madame pomfrey yelled.

"Yes?" Hermione called back standing from her seat.

"Hagrid said you take muggle medical courses?"

"I do. Why?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Can you treat a Gunshot?"

"Yes. Why?" Hermione asked walking over.

"We have an emergency and can't move him. Do you think you can save Mr. Malfoy's life?" Madame Pomfrey asked earning a gasp from the hall.

"I can try," Hermione said, "It depends on how severe it is."

The two girls started walking out of the hall as Madame Pomfrey answered, "One near his heart on one in the stomach."

"WHAT?" Hermione screeched.

"Is that bad?"

"WE NEED TO GET THERE NOW OR HE'LL DIE!!" Hermione screamed before running out of the room Madame Pomfrey at her heels.

Hermione reached the hospital before Madame Pomfrey and threw the doors open. She found Dumbledore and Snape huddled around a bed, the only bed occupied, and assumed it was Malfoy.

"Is that him?" Hermione asked.

Snape turned around while Dumbledore smiled and sat in a chair.

"What is she doing here?" Snape demanded.

"Ms. Grangsr may be able to save Mr. Malfoys life." Dumbledore answered calmly.

"You can?" Snape gasped.

"Possibly. We have to hope that the one near is heart didn't sever a main artery or I'll be working for hours," Hermione said.

"Well get on with it!" Snaps cried.

Hermione nodded and walled forward to the right side of Draco's bed where his injured shoulder was. She quickly charmed his clothes off, leaving Jim I'm his boxers.

"If you need any help, madame Pomfrey is at your service," Dumbledore supplied.

"Okay. Madame Pomfrey, can you clean as much of the blood as you can?" Hermione asked while summoning various objects including a large bag that was held together with one clip.

"Of course"

Hermione unclasped the odd bag and it fell open to reveal various metal objects, bandages, and gauze. She then did a spell to show the layout of Malfoy's body. Swiping her wand from the right to the left showed different internal systems in Malfoys body. When one showed with thousands of red and blue lines, Hermione sharply in took a breath.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Snape demanded.

"T-the bullet damaged the aorta (main way blood leaves the heart)," Hermione turned around panick written all over her face, "I need someone to floo one of my muggle friends. Her and I were top of the classes and she's the only person who's as good at this as me. Floo to my house and go directly across the street to get to her. Tell her its Hermione."

"Will do," Dumbledore said calmly.

"Ms. Granger what's wrong with Draco?" Snake asked.

"His blood can't leave his heart fully, so the system is being clog. If it doesn't get fixed fast, blood will fill his lungs and he'll die!" Hermione cried.

"Can't you fix him?" Snape demanded.

"I don't know," Hermione said softly, "But I can try. I've never had someone die on me before and k don't plan on starting now."

Hermione grabbed some gauze and placed it over his shoulder, pressing down firmly. At this, Draco's eyes snapped open.

"Ouch! What the hell- Granger?" Draco asked, "Where am I. And get your hands off me."

"Shut it, Malfoy or I'll let you die. How are you even concious?" Hermione questioned as she removed the gauze and grabbed some bandages.

"What's going on? And why does it feel like my shoulder is being torn off?" Draco asked.

Hermione took the bandages and started to wrap them around Draco's torso, over the wound. She applied extra gauze to it.

"You got shot in the shoulder and stomach. Your stomach should be fine, but the one in your shoulder severed part of your maim artery, the one that keeps you alive. I'm doing the best I can but the bulletsbin their and I wouldn't dare try to pull it out. My hands are shaking to much. My muggle friend is on the way so she can do it," Hermione said.

"What did you call me?" A new voice came from the entrance.

It was a girl with light slin, and long wavy brown hair. She had blue eyes and could be mistaken for Hermione's sister.

"Kara!" Hermione cried turning towards he best friend.

"Oh my god! What happened? Why are you covered in blood?" Kara questioned running over.

"Its his," Hermione said pointing to Malfoy, "He's got two bullet wounds. His stomach is fine now but there's still a bullet near his heart. Kara, it damaged the aorta. If we can't get the bullet out and repair the aorta he'll die. I've estimated twenty minutes for him to live if we fail."

"What? Granger! Did you just say that I have twenty bloody minutes to live?" Malfoy yelled.

"I did, Malfoy. You better hope we save your ugly arse or your dead," Hermione grumbled.