
I looked over and saw Draco was still yapping on about that bloody witch. Checking my watch I saw that he had been rambling about her for ten minutes straight. I mean, I get that's she's really smart and all, but if he's going to rant about her he might as well rant to her about how he feels. I don't think he honestly knows he's in love with her.

"Draco!" I said cutting him off and he looks at me from the table he was sitting on in the library, "Dude, I get she's awesome and all but this is the tenth rant you've been on about her. Today. Its barely four in the afternoon!"

"I have not been ranting about her ten times today," Draco argued.

"Siriusly dude? This morning at five you woke me up to tell me about how annoying she would be at breakfast. She doesn't even sit anywhere near us! Then at breakfast itself you went on and on about how all she does is try and impress teacher," I said counting my fingers, "On the way to potions you complained about not wanting to be her potions partner. During potions when she was put in a group with us. After Transfig when she got praised in class. During lunch when she brought a book with her, before DADA whe-"

"Alright I get your point!" Draco said cutting me off from my own rant.

"Do you though?" I asked him, "Draco, have you ever considered the possibility that you're in love with her?"

"Me? In love with her? That's ridikulus," Draco scoffed.

"Well look at it this way, you always talk about her, you watch her like a hawk during meals and classes, and I've heard you mumble her name in your sleep. Isn't that how I was when I used to be in love with Pansy?" I asked as I remember those dark days.

"But, but I can't be in love with her!" Draco protested.

"Mate, you are. You are telling her today too! I will not stand you rambling about her constantly. Damn, Draco, your acting how Pansy was when she was obsessed with you," I sighed trying to get him to understand.

"Holy mother of merlin," Draco muttered looking at me with fear in his eyes, "I am aren't I?"

"You are," I said.

"Well I just cant help it," Draco sighed, "I mean she's bloody brilliant. Too of all our classes and knows the answer to every question, and her brain makes arguing with her so much fun. She just has the best comebacks to my teasing ever! And then shes honestly gotten really hot. Like siriusly. Her hair isn't the big beaver damn anymore. Its beautiful how its all curly and just falls down her back perfectly. And then her eyes just shine with so much interest its bloody amazing just to watch her face light up at the smallest things, and he-"


Draco stares at me oddly as I pull him out of out corner and place him near a desk more out in the open so I can watch him. I then walk over to the area where Draco says the she and her two idiot friends hide.

When I reach the secluded area, I spot them sitting there laughing. I walk right on up and tap on her shoulder.

"Excuse me?" I asked and the three turned to look at me.

"Hey, Blaise!" Harry Potter says to me, I'm well known to get along with everyone so this made it easier.

"Hello Harry," I told him before grabbing her arm and dragging her away, "Sorry but I need her now. I am completely fed up with how all he dies is talk about how smart and beautiful she is and it gives me a headache."

"What?" Ron asked as he and Harrt followed me.

"Blaise what are you doing?" She asked me.

"Giving up on life," I said as I spot Draco and lead the group over.

"Blaise what the hell was that about?" Draco asked as I approached with the golden trio.

" I am absolutely fed up with you ranting about how smart and beautiful she is so just go ahead and tell her," I said.

"Tell me what?" She asked turning to face me.

I give a frustrated groan and turn her back towards Draco, "Draco, tell Hermione how you are in love with her or so Godric help you I will Avada Kedavra your arse!"

"Wait, what did you just say?" Hermione asked as she whipped around to face me.

"Wait, Malfoy is in love with her?" Ron said.

"Yep," I answered.

Harry and Ron share a look before they both sigh, "Oh thank Merlin for that," Ron says.

"Now they can rant to each other how they think they're great! I mean we've had to listen to her go on and on about Malfoy ten times today!" Harry exclaimed.

"HARRY!" Hermione cried.

"Hush, Hermione," I told her and spun her back around to face Draco, "Now go, have fun and please do not come back for us!"

Draco and Hermione gave me a weird look, as did Harry and Ron.

"I listen to him talk about her a gazillion times a day for the last four years! Ever since she punched him! I am done with it!" I cried a bit hysterical, "Go off now, go love each other! Take the girl on a date! Please, please, Draco just take her out and stop talking to me!"

"Okay, you're definatley going to the Hospital Wing," Harry said as he and Ron each took one of my arms and guided me out.

I faintly heard Draco say, "So, Granger? Fancy a trip to Hogsmeade?"

And she replied with, "I'd like that, Malfoy."

"Yes!" I cried when I heard that exchange.

I'm not sure what happened after because Harry stunned me and I woke up in the Hospital Wing. Although I do deeply regret setting up Draco and Hermione because no he goes on and on about their dates and how he wants to marry her and start a family.

I will die from this man one day. He is going to drove me insane with all his bloody Hermione talk!