
"What the hell? What do we do? Weaslette is away at The Burrow for Christmas! She left the manor yesterday!"

"I don't know, wake her up!"

"Wake up!"

"T-There's blood! Look, her shirt, she's bleeding like someone's cutting her."


"Wake up! Come, Granger, wake up!"

"Shock her!"

"What the hell do you mean, Blaise?"

Blaise sighed in frustration, "Freak her out somehow. Shock her so she'll wake up."

"What do we do though?"

"I don't know.... Kiss her!"

"You're mental."

"Possibly, but do it. Her skin is being cut open and burned, Draco!"

Draco gave a small noise of frustration before he leaned down and kissed the soft lips of Hermione Granger.

Hermione bolted awake and Draco pulled back quickly as she threw herself up.

"Stop!" She screamed, "P-Please just stop!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Granger. Its only us," Draco said quickly.

Hermione didn't seem to be listening as she cried.

"Hermione," Blaise said softly placing a hand on his sisters shoulder, "Hey, its okay. It was a dream, but you suffered the injuries."

"B-B-Blaise?" Hermione whimpered.

"That's me. Its me and Draco," Blaise smiled rubbing her back gently around her several burn marks.

"Blaise!" Hermione cried throwing herself on him and wrapping her arms around his neck as she cried, "Don't make me come back. I-I-I can't go back!"

"We won't make you. You don't have to go," Blaise said softly.

Hermione nodded against him as she continued to cry. After awhile she had finally stopped and sat up again.

"What happened? Malfoy? What are you doing here?" She asked wincing in pain.

"You had a nightmare of some sort. It was like you were being tortured or something with how loud your screams were. And you are covered in knife marks and burns from some stick thing," Draco said looking over her body in a worried way, searching for more injuries, "Its going to scar everywhere, but with the right spells they should be reduced mostly."

"A nightmare?" Hermione asked before the memories came flooding back.

"Oh," she whispered remembering, "I-It was my father. I came home when he was drunk over break and he.... He best me. You were right about the knives but he used an iron pole that he heated so it was glowing red and insanely hot."

"Isn't your dad a muggle?" Blaise asked.

Hermione nodded, "Mhm. Adoptive is. But he used a cursed rod and knife the ministry was having me watch. I don't know how he got into my room. I thought I put up wards."

"Cursed, you said?" Draco asked.

Hermione nodded wincing again as she noticed blood running from multiple parts of her body. Blaise and Draco shared a look and Blaise nodded almost instantly.

"Lie down," Draco said standing up.


"Lie down. If it's chursed those scars will be permenant. I think it's a dream curse mixed with a dream scar based on this but I don't know for sure," Draco said.

Hermione gave him a weird look.

"Listen to him. He's an expert on curses and a healer," Blaise said, "He can most likely fix you."

Hermione hesistantly lied down and Draco stood over her. He gently lifted the end of her shirt up do he could look at her stomach. He was careful when be touched his hands against her skin, knowing she'd be in pain and she didn't really trust him.

"A dreaming scar," He said after awhile, "It can only go away partially. The scars will remain."

Blaise nodded and Draco looked up at him with an odd expression. Blaise's mouth made an 'o' recognizing it from a few months ago.

"She'll fight you," He said.

"She'll also bleed out," Draco said.

Blaise seemed to be having an internal argument for a moment before he stood. He went to the door and opened stepping. "Heal her, please," he said before shutting the door.

"What was the about?" Hermione asked.

"Do you trust me?" Draco asked.

"Not one bit."

"Figures," Drsco muttered pointing his wand at her, "Sorry." He said before he charmed her clothes off.

"What the hell?" Hermione screeched throwing the blanket over her.

"Its I heal you or you bleed to death," Draco said heavily.

"Do you have a sleeping draught?" Hermione asked.

"Um yeah, why?" Draco said holding up a vial.

Hermione took it and uncapped it bringing it to her lips, "I am not being conscious for this," she stated before swallowing the entire thing and falling back against the pillows, asleep.

Draco stared at her for a moment before laughing.

"I should have expected that," he said before reaching over and adjusting the blanket so he could heal her legs. He didn't know why but he was being careful with her and decided that he was just doing it because she was already traumatized.

He healed what he could on her legs before rising the blanket higher so he could do her stomach, being sure to not look best a certain area. He honestly didn't feel comfortable with it and just couldn't figure out why.

He healed the knife marks with minimal scarring because of the pole lines. Those were a lot harder but he managed to relieve her of the pain and carefully rubbed a special cream on her stomach that would reduce the blisters.

Draco was careful as his hand ran across her flat stomach spreading the blister cream evenly. He couldn't stop the odd butterflies in his stomach or the odd flush that spread across his face.

After he was done he stared at the wall trying to figure it out, but drawing a blank. Shrugging it off and deciding to ask Ginny later what was happening yo him, he removed the blanket dully with a sharp intake of breath at the several knife marks covering her chest.

"That bitch," he whispered staring at the cuts. He healed them as quick as possible and charmed some clothes on her just as the sleeping draught wore of and she opened her eyed lazily.

"Ugh, everything hurts," she groaned sitting up, "Oh, yep there we go. Noe I remember."

Draco chuckled softly before realizing that he was still leaning over her and their faces were only a couple inches apart. Hermione seemed to notice as well and her eyes widened for a split second.

"Well this isn't awkward in anyway," she mumbled.

Draco couldn't stop from smiling st her sarcasm.

"What?" Hermione asked him.

"You are just way too cute for your own good," he said still grinning.

Hermioolne flushed slightly, "Ah so it was your kiss that woke me up, wasn't it?"

"That it was," Draco whispered glancing down at her lips briefly and regretting it instantly since he got stuck and couldn't look away, "And it was the biggest mistake of my life."

"It was?" Hermione asked, "How? It was just a kiss."

"Mhm," Draco said softly, "It was the worst mistake of my life, because now I need more," he whispered before closing the remaining space between them.

Hermione's eyed fluttered closed as his minty lips hit hers, slowly caressing hers. She kissed him back without a second thought smriking slightly when Draco gasped every so slightly in surprise.

They had been kissing for a few minutes and Draco had just lied Hermione down so he was hovering over there when the door opened.

"Hey Drake, you almost do-- clearly not," Blaise said with wide eyes, "Yeah I'm gonna come back when Merlin has erased this from my mind." He said before all but sprinting from the room.

"He's an idiot," Hermione mumblrd.

"Not as big as me," Draco said as he pulled away slightly.

"And why's that?"

"Because I just broke the one promise I told myself I'd keep. I fell in love," he said looking her in the eyes.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before it clicked and her mouth made an 'o'.

"Took you long enough," Draco said rolling his eyes before he kissed her again, barely after she said four little words that would change their lives forever, "I love you too."