Nature Walk Part 1

This is a collaborative work between me and . Be sure to go over to her account for the second part of this!

The black four seated car pulled into the parking lot. It parked into one of the few open spots and the engine stopped. The drivers door opened and out stepped a brunette with wild curls tied into a high ponytail

She had on long black leggings and a pink tank top on top over a white one. Her black trainers looked practically new and the baseball cap on her head left her ponytail going through the adjustable strap.

She slammed the door shut and walked around to the back of the car as three other boys got out.

"Hermione why do we have to do this?" Blaise groaned coming up next to his twin sister.

Hermione rolled her eyes and shoved a backpack towards him, "Because I'm two minutes older."

"Then why are we here?" A blonde groaned grabbing his backpack before towering over the girl.

"Ask Blaise, he's the one who dragged you along," Hermione smiled sweetly.

Draco scowled slightly towards her, but the moment she looked away he dropped it and stared for a moment in longing. Theo grinned at him from behind Blaise and Hermione, making kissing faces.

"Theo what are you doing?" Hermione stared at her cousin.

"Nothing. Now can we go? You promised there would be birds I could scream at and make fly away!" Theo begged grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the entrance of the trail.

"Hey wait up! We have no clue where we're going!" Blaise called after them slamming the trunk door closed.

He grabbed Draco's wrsit and sprinted off after Hermione and Theo who had already entered the forest.

When they finally caught up to them, both Slytherins were out of breath and heavily panting with their hands on their knees. Hermione stopped and turned around when she heard their loud breaths and laughed slightly.

"Are you that out of shape? Theo and I ran here too and we're fine," She smiled with her hands on her hips.

"Not--fine," Theo panted from where he was lying back down on a rock, "I've killed myself!"

"It was only half a mile run," Hermione rolled her eyes, looking back at their car which was indeed half a mile away.

"We don't wake up at six to run for two hours every morning," Blaise grimaced.

"Hey! My mum and dad taught me that you should always be in tip-top shape so you're prepared for anything," Hermione quoted.

"Ah yes the Grangers. They also taught you that a demon would come if you ate to much candy," Blaise countered.

"I was six!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Enough!" Draco stated, "No more fighting-- please. Dear merlin you sound like cats fighting over a rat."

"Sorry Draco," Blaise grinned sheepishly.

The three boys caught their breath before they started hiking. It was up mountains and steep dirt trails and back fk more mountains.

"Is that water?" Theo asked after awhile.

"Mhm. There's a river up ahead. A log runs over it to a small over cover shelter. We can take a rest up there," Hermione smiled elegantly jumping off a three foot drop.

"I'm going to start running with you. If we ever do this again I do not want to die!" Blaise screeched as he missed his landing and fell face first.

"It would be easier if she hasn't taken away our wands," Draco grumbled hopping down.

"No magic. This is a muggle area. I already said that," Hermione scolded.

"Don't worry, Zabini," Draco grinned throwing an arm her shoulders, "The day muggles learn about magic is the day you don't know the answer to a question."

Hermione scowled at him, ducking under his arm. He chuckled as she brushed her shoulders off, as though checking for dirt.

"We have to cross that?" Theo exclaimed from up ahead.

"Yep! Its easier done then said," Hermione smiled coming over and stepping onto the few inch wide log.

"Mione that's over a rushing river. Are you crazy?" Blaise exclaimed.

"I was on the run with Harry Potter for a year, of course I'm crazy," She smiled before skipping across, "Besides, I so this every year."

"But we don't!" Theo exclaimed.

"You'll be fine," She shrugged.

Theo took a deep breath before stepping up. When he didn't fall immediately he ran across. Literally. He collapses into Hermione's arms as soon as his feet hit ground.

"That was terrifying!"

"You were fine," She rolled her eyes, "Coming?"

Blaise scowled but got. He went slower than Theo but still gave the appearance of running. After getting off he repeatedly mumbled 'I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.'

"You coming Malfoy?" Hermione grinned looking back.

He nodded and stepped up. The log was sturdier than it should be. He realized then that Hermione had charmed it to support their weight. Rolling his eyes at how predictable she was he crossed the river.

When Draco got to the end, he hopped off and stood next to Blaise. Theo cheered for them all, bumping into Hermione. She was knocked off her feet and fell over.

Instinctively, Draco reached out his left arm and caught her easily. The two looked at each other and froze when they realized what position the were in. It looked as though Draco was dipping her down before pulling her into a kiss.

They both just stared into each others eyes, neither daring to make a move. After a moment Hermione snaooed out of the trance and looked away.

"Um, sorry," She mumbled as he pushed her back up.

"Fine," He mumbled.

Both had slightly pink cheeks. Theo made kissy faces towards Draco while Blaise glared silently at him.

The ten minute walk to the over cover shelter was silent. No one dared say a word after the intimate moment between two finer enemies. It didn't matter that Theo and Blaise knew Draco had a massive crush on Hermione, it was still awkward.

They had just begun handing out lunch when a voice called out behind them.

"Oi! Watson!"

Hermione stopped what she was doing and glanced up. She had only ever been called that before Hogwarts when she and her two best friends from her childhood would play Sherlock Holmes. She always was Watson, hence the nickname given to her.

In a sudden realization, Hermione whipped around and has when her eyes fell upon to figures.

"No way!"

The Second Part to this will be up on 's account. Be sure to check out her Dramione and x ready one shot book for the second part!

Also, if you have any suggestions for oneshots be sure to leave them in the comments. And if you want to do a collaboration with me, just comment or PM me!
