
She walked into the room and he felt time stop. He forced his jaw closed so it wouldn't hang open. He squinted his eyes so they weren't widened. He covered his face with a book so his blush was hidden, leaving it so his eyes could peek over the top and admire her.

Her brown, curly hair was sticking up everywhere. It reminded him of a birds nest. Her cheeks were flushed and honey eyes still glossy. Her lips were slightly swollen from sleeping with her mouth open. Her large, faded mint blue shirt reached mid thigh and hung off one shoulder showing the white strap of her tank top she'd forgotten to take off. Grey sweatpants accompanied the shirt, ending mid calf. Blue, fuzzy socks covered her feet so the cold, dark oak floor left little affect on her.

He studied it all. He loved it all. Sure she had just woken up and looked a complete mess to most, but to him she was the most beautiful human being on the planet. She could wear a trash bag and oven mitts with pan over her head, and she would still be beautiful to him.

Time started moving again once he'd taken in every detail of her that he could. She walked into the room and rubbed her eyes, the sunlight shining through the curtains and casting a yellow glow over her body. It just made her even prettier.

"Morning," She yawned with a pale hand over her mouth before giving him a dazzling smile, making him want to melt on the spot.

"Morning," He replied, not trusting himself to speak any other words.

"Has Harry stopped by yet? I gave him the password, I hope you don't mind. Ginny picked up this new dress that she wants me to wear and was having Harry bring it over sometime this morning," She asked walking over to the small kitchenette in the corner.

"No, I haven't seen him," He replied quietly.

"Alright. Would you like some coffee?" She asked starting up the machine.

"Sure, thanks," He mumbled trying to quite down the blush that had overtaken his cheeks.

She smiled to him again only adding to the blood rising to his face before turning her back to him and fetching two mugs from the cupboard. He silently begged his heart rate to slow. It was just a smile . . . from the most gorgeous, enchanting, lovely girl on the planet.

"Here you are," She said handing him the mug full of steaming coffee.

He accepted it gratefully while she sat down next to him. He was very thankful she had left about a foot of space between them. Any closer and he might've turned to a goop of lovesick teenager. The two sat in silence, sipping their coffee and looking out the windows. Every few seconds he'd steal a glance at her and smile slightly to himself.

"Can I ask you a question?" She piped up suddenly setting her mug on the antique, Victorian coffee table.

"You already have, but shoot," He nodded setting his down as well.

She smiled slightly at his joke, "Why are cheeks so red? Every morning you look like you have tomatoes on your face."

The blood rose even more. He knew that his face was redder than a healing potion in that moment. But what could he even say? 'Yeah, well, it's because I think you're amazingly beautiful and I really like you.' Not the best way to go.

"I'm sorry what?" She choked taking another sip.

Oh no. He had just done the single most amusing and horrible mistake a guy head over heels in love with a girl could do. He spoke his mind aloud without even realizing it.

"Uh . . . nothing?" He asked panicking slightly.

"So you didn't just say 'Yeah, well, its because I think you're amazingly beautiful and I really like you.'?" She asked quirking an eyebrow.

"No . . ." he trailed off realizing he wasn't getting out of this, "Maybe . . . yes. I-I didn't mean to, I'm sorry--"

"Sorry? What's there to be sorry for?" She asked smiling.

"Um, well, I-I," He stuttered flattering when she moved closer to him so they were only inches away from each other.

"Don't tell me that bad boy Draco Malfoy has a crush on me, the nerdy bookworm, Hermione Granger?" She asked with a smirk, although he could tell she was trying to contain her laughter.

"Its not funny! I didn't mean to say that!" He exclaimed.

"You're cute when you're all flustered," She laughed ruffling his hair.

"Hey, I'm cute all the time," He protested folding his arms.

"Sure you are," She rolled her eyes smiling from ear to ear, "And I'm Harry Potter."

"You are?" He asked.

She laughed again, the one sound that could make him smile when he was in one of his saddest moods, and slapped his arm playfully. He pretened to wince in pain.

"You're such a dork," She smiled.

"True, but I'm a handsome dork."

"That could be arguable," She smirked slightly reaching over him to grab a book.

He caught her wrist as she was reaching. She looked up at him and quirked an eyebrow. He just smirked and breathed in her vanilla and cinnamon scent before speaking.

"Uh-uh. You do not get to come over here and pick on me like that," He smirked pulling her upright and into his lap, "Its gonna cost you."

"Is it now?" She asked gently placing her arms on his shoulders and intertwining her two hands together behind his neck.

"Yeah," He breathed wrapping his arms gently around her waist.

"I can live with that," She whispered.

Her line of sight slowly lowered from his sotrmy grey eyes down to his lips. His was doing the exact same on hers. Carefully, the two leaned in close to each other. Their eyes fluttered close moments before their lips touched.

"Hey Mione! I brought that dress Gin got for . . . you. I'll just leave it here then," Harry said seeing his best friend and former enemy smiling into each other, "Behave yourselves!" He called as he left.