Magic For A Kiss Part 3

"Malfoy have you seen my— oh, thanks," She mumbled the last bit when he held out her wand.

Hermione had woken up late and was running late on getting ready for classes. Draco was using this to his advantage and trying to earn her affection. Hermione stuffed her wand into the pocket of her rob and spun around.

"Merlin's beard," She mumbled to herself, "Where did I put— right." She said when he passed her the essay she'd left on the table.

Hermione turned once more, looking around. Draco silently held out the Gryffindor tie she was missing. Hermione thanked him and threw it around her neck, loosely tying it with one hand while she fought a brush through her hair with the other.

"Salazar, Granger — "

" — Zabini — "

" — you are a mess today!" Draco exclaimed.

He walked around to the front of her and grabbed the tie out of her hand. Bending his knees slightly so he was level with her, Draco placed it around her neck correctly and tied for her. Before standing up, he slowly undid the top button of her white shirt.

"It shows literally nothing," Draco rolled his eyes when she opened her mouth to protest. In his opinion, it looked like the shirt was suffocating her when buttoned up completely. The top one would be fine to spare.

Hermione rolled her eyes, knowing she wouldn't win an argument. She glanced at her wristwatch and cursed at the time. She continued to try and tug a brush through the mess on her hair while attempting to slip on her shoes.

Draco silently laughed. She looked rather adorable when she tried to multitask half asleep. He took the brush from her hand, and Hermione focused on putting her shoes on the correct feet this time.

While she was doing this, Draco casually brushed through her hair. Once he was done, he pulled it all up and slipped it into a hair band. Draco made sure to leave a few strands down on either side. He found it cute when she would blow it out of her face in frustration.

"Really? Couldn't you have put it all up?" Hermione asked, blowing the stands away like he knew she would.

Hermione didn't even seem surprised by the fact that he had helped her get ready. The past five days, he had done it all three days she was late. Normally, Hermione would be ahead of schedule, but McGonagall had her tutoring OWL students as well as study for her own NEWTS and stay on top of homework and help Draco with his hex problems and completely tasks as Head Girl.

"Be back here by six tonight. I want to try a muggle psychology thing that might help you," Hermione instructioned grabbing and apple while Draco slipped her bag onto her shoulder.

"You got it," He nodded.

"Thanks," Hermione smiled sincerely.

She thought for a moment before rising on her tiptoes and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Offering a small wave, Hermione dashed out the door and down to her first class.

Draco stood frozen on the spot, trying to remember his name. It wasn't until the bell, signaling the start of classes, rang that he broke out of his trance. Cursing beautiful brunettes, Draco ran as fast as his legs would carry him to class.

. . . . .

"So, how's it going with Hermione?" Ginny asked plopping down in the armchair in the secret room.

"Um, progress I think?" Draco replied, "She kissed my cheek this morning so I think that's something."

"Still too friendly," Pansy shook her head, "We all have given you a kiss on the cheek. You have to work harder. McGonagall's getting pretty pissed. I'm not sure how much longer you'll be able to hold out."

"I know," Draco sighed running a hand through his hair, "We're trying something tonight."

"Draco, you're going to have to kiss her soon. How many things have you tried?"

"Ten," Draco answered.

"She's going to get suspicious. It's only going to be a matter of time before she realizes you've been lying to her," Ginny coaxed.

"Give me a few more days, please. I'll tell her in five days, I promise," Draco asked.

"We can't give you days. Only you can give them to yourself. But the longer you hold out, the chances of her being pissed or happy become more unsteady," Ginny warned before the two girls left.

Draco leaned back against his chair and sighed deeply. They were right and he knew it. He was going to have to tell her, and soon.

. . . . .

"So, nothing else has worked for you. It's weird. This is the last thing I've got that doesn't invade your personal stuff. I can always hypnotise you and then you'll spill easily. I just don't want to accidentally learn things you don't want me to know, or we would've done that first," Hermione explained.

"So how does this work?" Draco asked.

"Close your eyes, it helps focus. I'll say something and I want you to say the first thing that comes to mind."

Draco nodded. This seemed like something he could do without telling her that he loved her. Hermione smiled her dazzling smile and readjusted. Draco closed his eyes and waited. It was only a moment before he spoke.

"Ice." Hermione said, testing his reactons.

"Cold." He answered.







Hermione smiled and continued. "Heart."



"Pools." Draco answered, blushing slightly. He didn't mean to infer that he thought this girls eyes were like pools of color, and judging by Hermiones soft laugh, she understood what he had implied.




"Promise." Draco said. He wasn't quite sure what he meant by it, though.


"You," He responded instantly, stiffening when he realized it.

"Idiot. I don't want to know what you're going to have to say to her," Hermione rolled her eyes.


"Beautiful." Draco breathed.

"Well that didnt help at all," Hermione sighed. Draco opened his eyes.

"Sorry?" He asked.

"It's not your fault. But, that's never failed. Normally the brain would reveal the name. I guess we could try hypnotising you. You'll spill the name easily then, even if you dont know who she is — " Hermione reasoned.

"No!" Draco exclaimed, eyes widening.

He couldn't be under a spell. She'd find out and hate him. He'd lose his best friend and only love. Draco wouldn't let her do that. Right then, he knew he'd have to explain but it would be worth it. She couldn't know.

"Why not?" Hermione asked, "It will get the name out for you. There's nothing to be embarrassed about either. Its not like I'd tell."

"I — I know you wouldn't," Draco stuttered.

"Then why are you so scared?" She asked.

"Well, its uh, I mean," Draco rambled, trying to find an excuse.

Hermione studied him for a moment. She watched as his eyes searched the room desperately. She stood up suddenly, eyes cold.

"You know who it is. You know, and haven't told me."

"No that's not it! Well, it is — but it's not like that," Draco exclaimed.

"Sure its not," Hermione growled.

She stormed towards the portrait hole and left the room, fuming. Draco stared. There was only one way to get her back now. He'd have to confess.