I Got Tagged

1.  Em

2.  Its a little complicated. My hair is half dirty blonde half strawberry blonde. Its the dirty blonde at the end and strawberry at the roots with a weird almost brown in the middle. I am dyeing it fully strawberry blonde soon, however.

3.  Again, complicated. In darker settings they're grey and in lighter settings they're blue/grey

4.  Before I watched the first three movies, I hated Harry Potter. My sixth grade teacher had made me read the book for an assignment and I hated it through the entire thing. Then my mom made me watch the first movie all the way through and I was hooked.

5.  Emerald Green

6.  Page 2 Books. (Bookstore about an hour away from me)

7.  This . . . is a tough one. I guess either Shawn Mendes or Emma Watson

8.  Currently its 8 letters by Why Don't We. It changes based on the mood I'm in.

9.  Small baby kittens who roll over on their heads and then stare at you like 'what the hell just happened'

10. This question is impossible to answer. Its like asking how many books you've read, you can never figure it out.

11. Sorry if you didn't want to be tagged, but here we go