Blood Killer Part 6

Hermione knew something was wrong the second they sent the doctors and nurses away. Coincidentally, there was already a team of surgeons ready to go, sitting around like they had been waiting for her. A cart filled with various colored potions in strangely shaped bottles stood next to the operating table. 

"Ah, there is our patient," A male's voice came. 

Hermione turned her head, wincing in pain, to look for the source. It was a man in purple scrubs wit a surgical mask over his face. His hair was covered with his scrub cap. There wasn't any indication of who the man was. Hermione couldn't find a name tag on anyone, and the man wore dark glasses to hide his eyes. 

"How did you know we were coming?" The first doctor from before asked. 

"We are magical. Get her on the table. We have a life to save."

As soon as they situated Hermione and set up an IV, the man directed everyone out expect for those who had been waiting. As they left, someone called out about Hermione's allergy. 

"Allergic? How perfect," the doctor said, "Start her on it. This will make things  much easier."

Hermione's eyes widened in realization. Her prediction was correct. These weren't doctors at all, these were the Blood Killer's. Hermione fought to sit up, but couldn't. Her legs still wouldn't move. Even if she could, they still had restrained her down to the table. One of the doctors dressed in similar purple scrubs took a syringe and plugged it into her IV, pushing the fluid in. 

"Stop, stop this! What do you want? I'll give you anything, just stop!" She screamed, trying to pull her arms out of the restraints. 

"You could never give us what we want" the man said, pulling down his surgical mask and glasses. It was Roldophus Lestrange. "What we want is for you all to die. Purebloods should rule. We are the only superior beings in existence. And once you're dead, we'll have won. They will all loose hope."

Hermione's eyes unwillingly started to drop. Her heart started pounding as she felt the anesthesia start running into her veins. The monitor she was hooked up to started beeping at a rapid pace. She saw her blood pressure numbers sink. Hermione struggled to breath, having shortness of breath. It wasn't long until the world faded to black. 

Hermione smiled, looking at herself in the mirror. Her white dress seemed to sparkle. Her hair was pulled back, giving it a half up and half down style. A white rose was pinned to her hair, hiding the ponytail. Hermione smiled at her reflection. She felt like the most beautiful person alive. She twirled around, watching her dress flutter. 

"Wotcher, Hermione. You look so pretty!" 

Hermione turned and grinned even larger at Nymphadora Tonks. She wore a strapless teal dress. She'd even changed her hair color to match Hermione's.

"Oh, I love weddings!"

Hermione sighed happily. Everything went by in a rush after that until she was outside the Burrow. A large canopy tent stood tall in front of her. She was about to get married. Hermione took a nervous breath. She was exhilarated. Her bridesmaids all went ahead of her. Tonks, Kimberly, even Ella. 

Hermione frowned. Something strange was happening. It all came crashing down on her. Her bridesmaids were all dead. Her eyes widened and she tripped backwards, almost falling. But someone caught her and set her upright. He hooked his arm through hers and stood ready to walk her down the aisle. 

"You're dead," Hermione stated, looking up at who had caught her. 

"I am. Over a decade at that," Cedric Diggroy said. His face was clean of any dirt from the night of his death. He wore a clean tux with a red handkerchief in the pocket. 

"Am I?" Hermione prompted, breathing fast and heavily.

"Not yet," Cedric said, "This is your crossing ceremony. You will have a choice. Say I do and enter a life of peace with us. You'll be able to watch your friends and lovers grow up and eventually die. Or you say I don't and return. There are many people fighting to keep you alive right now. But ultimately, it's your choice."

Music started as played. Cedric stood up striaght, reaching over to pull a hair from Hermione's lip gloss. 

"That's our cue," he said, beginning to walk into the tent.

"Wait, hold on," Hermione demanded, trying to pull him back; to no success, "I have questions! What happens if I go back? What if I stay? Should I? How do I know what's right?"

Cedric chuckled as they entered the tent. Sitting in the seats, looking at her with smiles, was everyone Hermione had ever known to be friends with. Anyone and everyone she had ever cared for who died was inside the tent. 

"I am not your guide, Hermione. You've already chosen someone to help you decide what to do. I am just bridging you to him. Alone, you would not be able to enter the ceremony. I just take you here. I don't offer the advice," he explained calmly. 

"Then who?" Hermione asked, looking up. 

Cedric led her up to the alter. He lifted the veil off of her head. 

"You won't need this. I have a feeling that you've made your choice already, deep inside," he said. "Turn around. Have your ceremony. No one will judge you for what you decide."

Hermione shakily let go of Cedric. She looked into the crowd. Lupin, Sirius, Snape, Dobby, all her friends who passed in the Battle of Hogwarts and more sat in chairs, watching her expectantly. She looked back to Cedric but he was gone. All that was left was her veil, having been dropped to the floor. Hermione felt the tears prickling her eyes. She turned around. 

A tall, lanky redhead with his face covered in freckles and a mischievous grin stood in front of her. The tears started to fall. Hermione lunged herself forward and hugged him tightly to her, sobbing. 

"I can't breathe," he wheezed.

Hermione let go and started up at him. "Fred," she whispered. 

"Oh, no, I'm George. They think the other twin was killed," Fred said in a joking manner. 

"What am I supposed to do?" Hermione whispered. 

Fred placed his hands on Hermione's shoulders. "You know. You know what you need to do, Hermione. Just breathe. He'll be here soon to get your choice."

"I don't!" Hermione exclaimed as the area next to Fred started to shimmer silver. 

Fred nodded. "Exactly," he whispered. 

The shimmering dissolved away, to reveal an old man with a very long beard. Hermione's eyes widened. Before her stood Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling behind his half moon spectacles. 

"Professor Dumbledore?" Hermione said. 

"It is time, my dear," he said, "Hermione Jean Granger, do you wish to travel forth to the afterlife and leave this world behind?" 

Hermione felt horrified. Her hands shook. She looked up at Fred, terrified about what she was going to say. 

"I do," Hermione whispered. Fred tilted his head to the side, as if asking her if she was sure. "Not," Hermione finished, "I do not." 

"Very good, dear," Dumbledore nodded. He put his hand up in the air and brought in down in a karate like motion between Hermione and Fred. He cut through Fred's arms, like they weren't even there.