Christmas Wedding

Hermione knocked on the big black doors of the new Malfoy Manor, located hundreds of miles away from the original. The wood was cold and scratchy beneath her knuckles.

She pulled her coat closer around her body. It was freezing outside in the winter air. But Hermione braved through, waiting for her new family to open the door.

She couldn't believe it was all happening. By the end of the month, Hermione would be married into the Malfoy family. At first, Hermione had been furious with herself. She'd made a stupid Unbreakable Vow with Draco Malfoy while drunk. She had just broken up with Ron as their relationship wasn't working out well and drowned her sorrows in firewhiskey. 

It seemed like fate that Draco walk into the same pub and sit beside her. The memory was distant, but Hermione remembered her and Draco daring each other to do ridiculous things. She had to slow dance with a broom while he wore his underwear outside his pants. It turned only slightly serious when he dared Hermione to marry him, sealing her accomplishment of the deal with an Unbreakable Vow. 

Hermione still remembered she and Draco frantically pouring their combined intelligence into figuring a way out of the vow for days. Eventually they concluded to have Blaise, a legal wedding minister, marry them in private with a house-elf as their witness and file for divorce a day or two later. But alas, she and Draco slowly fell for each other and eventually they decided that their wedding should be real. They truly loved each other. 

Hermione got pulled from her thoughts by the doors opening to reveal her fiance. His hair was no longer slicked back with gel, but still combed to perfection. He wore his usual black suit, but in honor of his fiance, paired it with a red and gold tie. Draco grinned when he saw her. 

He wrapped an arm around her and pulled Hermione against him. 

"Permission for a kiss?" He asked, in a low sultry voice.

"Permission granted," Hermione giggled, a smile on her face.

After a short and passionate kiss, Draco led Hermione into the manor. They went to the dining room where dozens of patches of fabric were spread across the table.  There were greens, blacks, silvers, and blues. 

"Sorry about the mess. Mum pulled out everything she's been saving for my wedding since my first year at Hogwarts," Draco explained, "It's a kind of Malfoy tradition. Your wedding theme is your house."

"But I'm not a Slytherin," Hermione said. 

"No, you aren't. Mum intended for me to marry another Slytherin. But there was this certain Gryffindor that made me throw out her plan for me and choose a different one." Draco smiled down at Hermione. "So, we must add in some red or gold for you."

"Red and green for our wedding in December, huh?" Hermione asked. 

"Well, sure. Whatever you want," Draco

"Draco," Hermione said, "Red and green in December. A Christmas wedding."  

Draco's smile only grew, stretching farther across his face. 

"Sounds perfect," he whispered.

I'm sorry this was short, but to be honest I'm losing inspiration for this book. I'm no longer motivated. I know a lot of you follow me and my books for the Harry Potter aspect of them, but I've been transitioning into original content. I plan on finishing the books I have, but I am seriously considering moving into purely original books. I will be leaving all my Harry Potter stuff up, and I may do short books once in awhile, but right now it will be strictly original.

I am hoping to have my first original story out before December 24th. It will be entitled Mr Grinch. I can't wait and I am really hoping to get it finished soon.