The Feast

When everyone finally arrived at the Great Hall for the start of term feast, Harry and Ginny sat down next to one another with Neville and Hermione across from them. Luna goes and sits at the Ravenclaw table, and for a small while, Harry wondered where Ron was, but he finally showed up looking terrible. He sat right next to Harry and put his head down. Not saying anything. Ginny and Hermione exchanged looks, but both knew better than to say anything. 

"Good evening, everyone, and welcome back to Hogwarts. For those returning to complete your 7th year, we are all thrilled to have you back again. For those of you joining us for the first time, I would like to welcome you. May your term be filled with wonder and knowledge." McGonagall said with a smile on her face, and with that, the food appeared on the tables, and everyone started to eat. Everyone except Ron.

"Ron, this isn't like you in the least. What happened?" Ginny finally broke down and asked him.

"I'm fine Gin, I'm just not hungry," Ron said. His voice lower than a whisper. 

"Ronald. Please eat something." Hermione coaxed. He just looked at her as a tear fell from his eye. She instantly knew what the problem was. She remembered a conversation they had when they were still dating, and he had decided to come back to Hogwarts that he was going to visit the place that Fred had died. He said that he needed to be there. To see it. 

"Ron, he would want you to eat." Harry finally said. Hermione was a little stunned that Harry knew what was bothering Ron as well. She was under the impression that it was a secret. 

"Harry, they didn't do anything for him. They just built it back up like nothing ever happened. They have forgotten about everyone." Ron snapped back. He wasn't sad anymore, but angry.

"Ron. If they did something for everyone that died here, the entire school would be a memorial, and we would all be stuck in the past, waiting for something terrible to happen again. Why don't you do something for him? It would mean more to you and him." Harry didn't normally fight with Ron, but he had a point here. Everyone was trying to move on, and if everyone had a memorial at Hogwarts, it would be a graveyard. 

"Ron." Hermione tried her lower tone of voice, she knew yelling, and fighting wouldn't win in this case. "Remember, in the third year when I was taking all of those classes, and I would stay up late and get up early, and you always brought me food. You made sure I slept and ate. Then the fifth year with O.W.L.s, you did the same thing. You helped me through that by making me eat and sleep. We are just trying to do the same for you." She gave him a small smile when she was done and put some chicken and potatoes on his plate. 

Ron ate, and everyone went back into silence. They were happy, though; a small victory would help in the long run, especially with the trials to come. 

"Before I dismiss you all to your houses, I would like to announce something very important. This concerns the 7th year students and every returning student who will be completing as an 8th year student. There is a new law that has just been passed this morning. I decided not to put it in the letter in the hopes that it would not become a reality. However, that is not the case, and now we must all follow it or face the consequences. The Minister of Magic wanted to be here himself to present the law to you. However, I thought it best coming from me. Tomorrow morning 7th and 8th-year students will be split into pairs, based on a test you will be taking tonight before leaving the hall. This test will assign you a partner. A marriage partner." McGonagall paused and took a breath before the next part. There was already protesting and stunned looks coming back at her. 

"A marriage partner, and more importantly to the Ministry someone you will have children with. For the magical community is dwindling, and because of the war, the numbers have dropped dramatically. The law is to help bring the bloodline back to stability. I want you all to know before you make up your mind; if you do not go along with the law, you will be expelled and will no longer be able to do magic."  McGonagall finished her speech, and soon there were whispers and shouts among the majority of the older students. 

Ginny was crying into Harry's arms, and he was trying to be strong for her. Hermione was shocked and was trying not to start crying as well. She had plans. A five-year plan, and marriage and having children was certainly not on the list. She had only been in one relationship, and it had turned out horribly in her mind. Ron was looking at his heartbroken sister and was becoming angrier by the minute. The most interesting reaction to this news, however, was Draco Malfoy's. 

He looked around the room at all the potential people he may marry, and his eyes caught hers. They were a golden honey color, and he stopped to look at her a little longer. This was his chance, his chance not to marry who his mother chose, but someone he may actually enjoy spending time with. He seemed to be the only one that was in favor of this new law. 

"If all 1st through 6th-year students could leave the hall and go to your dormitories." McGonagall was speaking once again. "7th and 8th-year students, you will now begin your test. To keep this honest and your first reaction, each question will appear for 20 seconds before it disappears and requires an answer." She explained. Everyone then received a quill with ink and a piece of paper. 

Everyone was focused on the paper waiting for it to start asking questions. 

1. What are your goals for the next 5 years?

2. What are your goals for the next 10 years?

3. How many children would you like?

4. What type of house would suit your needs?

5. What are your hobbies?

6. What are your best qualities?

7. Your worst qualities?

8. What is your greatest fear?

9. What is something you have always wanted to do and have never done?

10. What is your favorite food?

11. What are you looking for in a partner?

12. What could you not do without?

13. What are three things that would be easiest for you to give up in life?

14. What is one thing about magic you love?

15. What is one thing about magic you could do without?

16. What is the first thing you notice about a person?

17. What matters most to you in life?

18. What is your aspiration for your job?

19. If there were no law: What is your ideal age for having children?

20. What is something you need from your significant other?

Hermione thought it was ridiculous that something this important was timed, and it wasn't timed for the whole thing, but each question was timed to keep you honest. Her toughest questions to answer were her ideal age for having children and what type of house would suit her needs. Both she left blank because she had run out of time. This scared her. She had never left any questions blank on an exam before, especially not one of this great importance. 

Harry had been calm the entire way through, thinking of Ginny the entire time. He truly believed that no matter what situation they were thrown into that they would be together. They were meant for one another, and everyone knew it. Ginny had calmed down and taken the same approach as her boyfriend. She just kept repeating his name in her head. 

Ron was so angry he barely filled in half of the questions. He didn't know how to comprehend everything that was going on. 

Draco took his time with everything. Being precise and accurate in all of his answers. He wanted to be with someone he could spend his life with. Wizarding marriages were until death, no exceptions, and he knew that. He didn't want to be stuck with someone that he hated, or that hated him. He was truthful with everything. The only thing he was worried about was how the other person was going to react. No one except for Blaise had said a word to him since he had arrived, other than the conversation he had with Hermione on the train. 

"You are all dismissed; after breakfast tomorrow, you will be paired, and then your new sleeping arrangements will be decided. After that, you will have a lesson as an entire group before receiving your schedules for the term. Goodnight." McGonagall dismissed everyone, and they went back to their dorms for the last night. No one spoke, and almost everyone in a new relationship cried all night. 

'How could anything be worse than this.' Hermione thought as she laid in bed. 

"Ginny," She turned over to look at her best friend, "What if they cannot find you a match?" Hermione's heart was pounding.

"They will find someone amazing for you 'Mione. You are the brightest witch of your age and part of the Golden Trio. How would they not pair you with someone spectacular? They would have an uprising on their hands. The ministry may have created this dumb law, but they are not fools. That why I believe Harry and I will be just fine." Ginny said with confidence as they both drifted into sleep.