10 Years Later

Hermione hadn't stopped crying all morning. She felt liked she blinked, and the past 10 years had gone by. Her three babies were now packing their trunks upstairs. Letters in hand. Ready to go to Hogwarts. How had 10 years have gone by so quickly?

"It is going to be alright, dear." Draco was holding her in his lap. He had been wondering if she was going to stop crying at all today. "Just think how excited you were to go to Hogwarts finally." 

"I know, but all of our other friends have children to bring back with them. To have for at least another year. We are letting all three of our babies leave." 

"You know, we could finally take another vacation. Just the two of us." 

"I suppose. But what if they get hurt. What if they get into trouble." 

"Of course, they are going to get hurt or get into trouble. Their best friend is James Potter. And you are their mother. You broke more school rules than anyone else I know." 

"That is not helping." Hermione wiped her tears when she heard the clunking of trunks descending the stairs.

"Good morning, children," Draco helped by levitating all the trunks on to one another and placing them by the door. The children had smiles on their faces that couldn't be ripped off for anything.

"Good morning Dad," Scorpius kissed Hermione on the cheek as he did every morning and then sat in his seat to start on breakfast. 

"Morning," Hyperion sat down in his seat and started eating. Even though he was the smallest when he was born, he had shot up in the past year and was now the tallest of the three. He ate non stop, and Hermione was sure he would be amazed at the amount of food at the feast. 

Ara smiled at Hermione and then jumped onto Draco's lap, "Morning, daddy. Can we go, please?" She was the most excited about starting school and had even read all of her books already. 

"Not yet, sweetheart. Eat your breakfast first for me, and then we can go alright." She smiled and hopped off and went to her own seat. 

"Are you alright, mama?" She turned to look at Hermione. 

"Yes, dear. Just going to miss you is all," 

"I will miss your stories the most, mom," Scorp started up, and Hermione smiled at what he said.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I'll keep the two of them in line," Hyperion started talking next. They always did this. So connected. It baffled Hermione. 

"And I'll make them study," Ara glared at her brothers before smiling brightly back at her parents.

"And we will be home for Christmas, wouldn't want to miss Grandmother Weasley's cooking," Scorpius concluded. 

Hermione admired her 11-year-olds for making her feel so much better than she was just a couple of minutes ago. She was sure that they were speaking all truths as well. Ara had already been on the boys about reading, Hyperion always kept the three of them in line as much as possible, and Scorpius was the leader of the group. Hermione supposed that it came with being the firstborn.

"I hope you all love every minute of it," Draco started to eat the food that was on the plate in front of him.

"I will, I am sure of it," Scorpius beamed towards Draco, and the other two nodded in agreement.

"Dad, what if we are all in different houses?" Hyperion had been worried about this since their letters came. They had been together since they were born, and for the first time, they could all be separated.

"I'm sure you'll have time to study together." Hermione smiled and held in tears.

"yes, and quidditch matches, you can all be together. Not to mention I'm sure you'll be able to sit with one another at lunch, maybe even breakfast."

They continued with the conversation a little while longer before Hermione shrunk down their trunks and flooed to where they needed to go. Ginny and Harry were already there with James and their other two children. 

James rushed over to the triplets, and the four started talking eagerly about the houses and what they thought everything was going to be like. Their conversations had revolved around Hogwarts since the summer, and a little piece of Hermione was glad they were going to be able to go there and see it for themselves finally. She didn't think she was going to be able to answer any more ridiculous questions James had. 

"Alright, you three, make sure you keep out of trouble and follow all of the rules. Also, you need to make sure that you are doing your homework and studying. But most important, make sure you look out for one another." Hermione hugged all three of her children one last time before watching them get on the train. She couldn't hold the tears back any longer. They were rolling down her cheeks, but she had a happy smile on her face. 

"They will be fine, 'Mione." Harry smiled at his best friend. 

"Think, they probably know almost everyone going to Hogwarts Hermione. Everyone that we graduated with is going to have at least one child this year. They are going to have loads of friends." Ginny was trying to smile at Hermione, but she, too, had tears flooding down her cheeks. 

"You are both right; I am just going to miss them." Hermione reached for Draco, and he held her in tight. That vacation was sounding better and better by the minute. Maybe something to take her mind off everything. She was going to be able to see them in a couple of months. She would be busy with work anyway, and everything would be fine. 

Meanwhile, James, Hyperion, Scorpius, Ara, Mary, Lysander, and Hugo were all sitting in a compartment together on the train. Not a worry in anyone's mind about the upcoming year. All that was felt was joy and excitement. 

"So, where does everyone want to be sorted?" Ara spoke up above the individual conversations that were going on. 

"Oh, I want to be in Ravenclaw like my mother." Lysander put down his copy of the Quiddler, and if you had ever known Luna, you would be able to place her son in a second. 

"Why would you want to answer a riddle every time you wanted to get into your common room?" James shook his head and continued, "I am going to be in Gryffindor, just like my father and mother."

"Me too, James!" Hugo and James gave one another high five and then looked around at everyone else. 

"Well, I want to be able to learn new things, James, to answer your question. Plus, there is nothing wrong with pursuing different types of knowledge."

"What about you, Mary?" Ara smiled at the only other girl in the compartment. They were the only two girls in their immediate friend group. The two had grown close over the years and been glad that they had one another to talk to when they didn't want to share with the boys. Ara knew that Mary had a crush on Hyperion and had since they were little. She seldom showed it, though, and Ara would never give her secret away to anyone. In turn, Mary knew that Ara thought she was going to be a Slytherin but longed to be with Gryffindor like her mother. She was completely and utterly a daddy's girl, but her mother would always be her hero. She had a hard time telling people that, and Mary understood and encouraged the whole thing. 

"Well, I'm not sure. I don't think I have a preference. Dad said that the sorting hat knows where to put you. Where you will achieve great things. So I trust that wherever I am is where I am meant to be. 

"What about you, Hyperion?" Mary's cheeks blushed when he looked up at her. 

"I suppose I feel the same way about all of it, to be honest. I don't think I have an opinion."