
It was after the holidays already, and everyone was back into their routine. Scorpius and Hyperion noticed that James was spending a lot of time with Ara, and they were starting to think that their best mate was starting to like their sister. 

"We should just ask him," Hyperion was talking to his brother as they walked down the hall to dinner. 

"Hyperion, why does it matter so much. They are sitting next to one another in a couple of classes; maybe she is just helping him with school work." Scorpius didn't want to be on the receiving end of Ara's wrath if they got in the middle of it. 

"Scorp." Hyperion was not on the same page as his brother, and he was determined to change his mind about the whole situation. 

"Mate, just let it go for now, and if anything else happens then, you can ask him. But really, I think they are just studying." 

"Fine." Hyperion gave up for now, but this wasn't the end of it.

Hyperion went over and sat down next to James at the Gryffindor table while Scorpius went to sit with their sister. Hyperion realized as he sat down that he could ask James about it now. Scorpius wasn't over here to say anything about it, and it might work out better. Now it is only one on one, and not both of them ganging up on James. 

"So, James. How are you?" 

"Good. I was actually hoping to talk to you." Hyperion looked at his friend, confused. What was this all about? James never acted seriously around him or Scorpius.

"I was thinking about asking your sister if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend. I wasn't sure how the two of you were going to take it. I should bring it up with you first."

Hyperion was really taken aback by the whole situation. He was right, and he couldn't wait to rub Scorp's face in it, though. 

"Well, that's really good of you to talk to me." Hyperion thought he would be mad and dislike anyone who wanted to take Ara out on a date, but he couldn't seem to find it in him. 

"You won't be mad, right?" James looked at Hyperion and waited for his response. 

"Well, how long have you liked my sister?" Hyperion all the sudden thought back to the balls at the Manor. Had it been that long?

"Well, you know, a couple of years ago at the ball at your house. I couldn't help but keep looking at her, and I guess since then, but you know we were so young I didn't even understand. I mean, we are still young, but I know that I really like her. She's just so easy to talk to."

"You make sure you are careful with her." 

James smiled when he said that and started to get up from the table. 

"Where are you going?"

"To ask her," James looked at him like it should have been obvious. He then made his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down right between Ara and Scorp.

"Hey mate, what are you doing over here."

"I just came to talk to your sister really quick." James flashed Ara a smile, and he felt butterflies when she returned it. 

"James, I thought we were not studying until after dinner?" 

Scorpius smiled over at his brother. He knew they were studying. 

"Actually, I came over about something else." Scorpius's face dropped when he heard this, and after looking over at his brother's smug face, he frowned even deeper. 

"Hey Ara," The three looked up. It was a boy from Slytherin. Scorpius couldn't remember his name. He was a fifth-year, though, and he was frowning even more if that was possible. Why was he talking to his sister? 

"Hi, Daniel." Ara's eyes seemed to twinkle when she spoke to him, and now James's face was a mirror of Scorpius's

"Did you want to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend? As a date." 

James and Scorpius were fuming now. Scorpius wanted to get up and hit the kid. That would not be acceptable, though, and he just thought of all the ways he could make this not happen. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Daniel," Ara's smiled faded. She looked at James's face and felt horrible, "James already asked me, and I said I would go with him." 

Daniel looked at James, who was trying to cover up the fact that he was in pure shock. Scorpius's face had turned into a slight smirk, and Ara carefully grabbed James's hand. It felt weird. She wasn't sure why she had done that. She really liked Daniel, but something about James. She wasn't sure what it was. 

"Well, that's alright." Daniel looked defeated, "Maybe another time then." 

"Maybe." Ara smiled and then turned back around to finish her dinner.

"Um, Ara." James was now fully aware of the fact that they were still holding hands. She quickly let go and blushed. 

"I'm sorry, James, I just didn't know what else to say, and you looked so upset when he asked me."

"Well, I was." James didn't want to hide that from her. She obviously knew already.

"Well, why?"

"Mostly because I was about to ask you if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me." 


"We don't have to. I understand." James was going to get up, but Ara grabbed his hand again. 

"No, I would like to." Ara smiled at him, and he slowly sat back down. 

"Okay," James was starting to smile again, and Ara felt weird, knowing that she had made him smile. 

"Only if you study with me still tonight, though." 

"Wouldn't miss it. How else am I going to learn what I need to to write this entire essay that's due on Friday."

Ara giggled, and Scorpius smiled at his sister. He was glad that Daniel wasn't the boy she was going on her first date with.

Ara was getting ready in her room when she realized she had never been on a date before. It all of a sudden made what she was going to wear seem even more important to her. She didn't understand why. She always liked dressing up, but she didn't care what other people thought. 

It was still a little bit chilly for spring, and she decided that she should wear jeans and a sweater so that she didn't get cold. She found what she deemed as a cute green sweater and decided on that. 

"Scorpius?" Ara was standing in front of him, highly embarrassed. 

"Yes?" He looked up and smiled. She looked pretty, and then his smile dropped. He wasn't sure anymore if he wanted her to look pretty. 

"It is bad, isn't it." 

"No, no, I am just supposed to be upset that you are going on a date. I'm your big brother, after all." Scorp stood up and hugged his sister.

"You are only a few minutes older than me, Scorp, plus you know that I will be fine." 

"Yes, I know. And you do look very pretty if that is what you were wondering."

"Thanks." She smoothed the nonexistent wrinkles out of her sweater and headed out to meet James.

"Hello Ara," He smiled and opened the door for her. 

"Hello." She blushed again and walked a little bit in front of him. 

"I was thinking, if it's alright with you, that we could go have some lunch and then see Uncle George's new shop."

"That sounds good." Ara blushed again when he grabbed her hand, and they walked in silence for a few minutes. 

"I'm glad you wanted to come." 

"Me too." Ara had never been nervous around James before, and she was starting to think this was a bad idea. She didn't want them to be awkward around one other. 

"I'm nervous to you know." 

Ara smiled at his statement and started to relax. Once she did, they started talking more, and it seemed more like whenever they had hung out in the past. 

After lunch, they went to see George's new shop and James was happy when he saw his uncle was actually there.

"Uncle George!"

"James, how are you today?" 

"Great! Got anything new?" James started to look around, and Ara smiled politely behind him. 

"My my, does your mother know you are on a date, James?" George joked with his nephew and winked at Ara, who started to calm down. She was slightly worried that he would tell her mother and father she had been on a date. 

"Well, um..." James was blushing now, too, and couldn't think about what to say. 

"Don't worry. I won't tell her." George hugged Ara before they left, and James was freaking out. 

"Do you really think he is going to keep this a secret?"

"Are you embarrassed to go on a date with me, James?" 

"No, of course not."

"I am just messing with you. I wouldn't be too worried if he does tell your other. I think the real problem would be if he told me, father."

James froze in his tracks. She was right. Maybe this was not a good idea after all. He really liked spending time with Ara, and he enjoyed going on this date. But Draco scared him slightly, and Ara was his baby girl. 

"Come on, James, it is going to be fine. You are overreacting." Ara laughed and grabbed his hand. 

"Did you have a nice time?" James asked her when they arrived at the Slytherin common room. 

"I did, James." Ara was trying not to blush, thinking about how much she wanted to do this again. 

"Well, maybe we can do it again?" It was more of a question because he wasn't really sure. 

"I would like that," Ara hugged him goodbye and then whispered the password and went into her common room. She really did have a good time and couldn't wait to do it again.