The next day Slytherin and Gryffindor had potions together as their first class. Ara and James were absolutely dreading it, and Scorpius practically had to drag his sister down to the class. Hyperion immediately went over to hug his sister when they entered the room, and she took a seat next to him. In potions, you had to be partners with someone in the opposite class, and normally James and Ara would partner together, but that really wasn't going to work anymore.
"Scorpius, you and I could be partners," Mary had come over to try and comfort her best friend and figured he didn't really want to be partners with James either. They were all really good friends, but it just didn't seem like a smart decision. Ara was still feeling dreadful, and the slightest thing could set her off into a waterfall of tears. No one wanted that.
James was having an equally hard time, but he was trying to look as unbothered as possible. He didn't want to talk about it with anyone. He was utterly heartbroken. He loved Ara, and he had missed the chance to tell her, and now he didn't know if he was ever going to get to tell her.
"Hyperion, what am I supposed to do now?" Ara was trying to hold back the tears, but they were threatening to leave her eyes.
"You have us, Ara; we are going to help you through this." Hyperion had no idea what to say to make his sister feel better. He thought that Ara and James would be together always. This was unexpected.
"He doesn't even look like he cares," Ara had turned to look at her ex-boyfriend, who was sitting a couple of rows behind her.
"I am sure that isn't true." Hyperion slowly looked back at his mate. He did, in fact, though, look like he wasn't bothered at all. Hyperion was more upset now. How must Ara be feeling?
James sat with some boy from Slytherin he didn't bother learning the name of and was having a terrible time concentrating. He couldn't hear anything the professor was saying. Didn't much care. When he and Ara were partners, even though they were always in their own world, he found it much easier to focus. Ara loved doing well, and it helped drive him to be better in his studies. He didn't care anymore. He just wanted her back, and he didn't know how he was going to do that.
Ara was letting the tears fall down her face at a rapid pace. How could he not care? She loved him, and now both their hearts were broken, just because she had gotten a little upset. Why didn't he understand that those girls were trying to rip them apart, and they had gotten what they wanted? Now they would try and get to him, and since she wasn't his girlfriend anymore, it would happen. She didn't know if she was going to be able to watch him with another girl.
"Ara, do you need to leave?" The professor had come up to her and her brother's station and talked in a hushed tone. She wiped her tears and shook her head no. She tried her hardest to listen and control her emotions, but it wasn't going to happen. She was getting angrier by the minute. If he wasn't going to care, then neither was she. She was going to get him back. That would show him.
All of these mixed emotions from both of them were not helping either feel better or think straight. As soon as class was dismissed, James rushed out of the class. He wanted to be alone. He didn't want to talk to Scorpius, Mary, or Hyperion at the moment. He wanted so badly to talk to Ara, but he just thought that he would actually listen and give her some space.
Neither realized how miserable the other was. Both were far too young to understand how upset the other was, and how they needed one another, and if they had just talked it out, everything would be fine. But the damage was done. James was heartbroken and alone. He was thinking of how Ara must not want to be with him. Ara was angry and upset. She was thinking that James didn't care that they had broken up, and she was determined to get him to understand how upset she really was, even if it meant doing things she didn't really want to. She wanted him to feel as crappy as she did right now.