Motherly Advice

The term ended, and the rest of it went by smoothly. Ara and James started hanging out together again, but only in big groups. They seemed to be in better spirits to everyone around them, and they were happy that their close friends were getting along again. The first half of the term had been so awkward, and no one really wanted to relive that. 

Lily was sitting with James in his room discussing quidditch when Scorpius and Hyperion dropped by. They were going to go riding today and were excited that Lily wanted to be on the team. 

"You know, if Albus were a Gryffindor, we would be unstoppable." James pointed out as they all mounted their broom. 

"Yes, but he isn't even on his own house team." Scorpius reminded his best mate. 

"Well, he should be. He could practice with us. It could be Malfoy's vs. Potter's. All summer long." 

"Ara barely rides," Hyperion scoffed at James for failing to notice that his sister never showed up to one of these get-togethers. 

"She never rides with the two of you," James smirked at his friends. When they were dating, Ara would ride with James all the time. She was a natural at it and would make the team for sure. If only she would try out.

"I seriously doubt she would want to be on the team," Scorpius thought about what his sister enjoyed. And after coming up with potions and balls, he couldn't think of one thing. Did he even know her at all anymore? They were living so close together still. It wasn't like they were in different houses. How could he not know what interests her?

"James, what does Ara like to do?" Hyperion, who was thinking the same thing as his brother, asked who he thought would know.

"Aren't the two of you living with her? How do you not know what she likes?" Lily, who was becoming less patient by the minute, pointed out what both brothers were thinking. 

"Well, um..." Neither knew what to say to her. 

"She likes Potions. It's her favorite class. She enjoys gardening and muggle romance movies. Not sure about quidditch, but she liked riding with me. Then, of course, I think she would love to throw a ball every other weekend if she could. Plus, you know how wonderful she is at the piano. I think she got that from your mother." James went on for about 5 more minutes about everything that Ara liked, or he had heard her mention liking before. Ginny was standing in the doorway of the house, watching her children and her best friend's children discuss the matter. She knew how much James had been hurt when they had broken up, and she could see he was healing now that they were friends again. She sensed he still needed her in his life, though, and she wondered if he knew it. 

"Okay, James, we get it." Lily had lost all patience at this point and just wanted to practice. 

"Right," James tosses Lily the quaffle, and they started running plays. Lily was, of course, amazing, seeing as she was Ginny's daughter. The talent was pure and amazing.

"Alright, Slytherin officially doesn't stand a chance." Scorpius frowned, getting off his broom. He may have to do some recruiting this summer to find some really good players. The team they had now was never going to beat Lily. She was amazing. 

"Nice job Lil," James was smiling widely at his little sister. He knew how good she was, always had, and now other people were going to know it too. He was happy for her. She was just amazing. 

After the Malfoys went back home, and Lily went to find Al, James wandered around the garden for around an hour before his mother came out. 

"James," Ginny motioned for him to sit next to her, and he did as he was told. He couldn't remember doing something irresponsible, so he didn't think he would get into trouble. But he didn't know. 

"Are you doing alright?" Ginny didn't know how to start this conversation, and she hoped that he would bring it up somehow. 

"Yes," James was equally confused and wondered what his mother was possibly getting at. 

"I have just noticed that you look like you are doing better since you came back from school, and I was wondering if that is true or if you're just getting better at hiding it."

"Well. Ara and I are friends again. But I told you that already."

"I am glad that you two worked things out." Ginny hoped that he would tell her what she was thinking. 

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Anything dear. You can always ask me anything." 

"Well, it's just that it really hurt when Ara broke up with me, but you know I love her so much still. I feel better when she's around. And a whole bunch of other things. I wish that we were more than friends, you know. But she thinks that she hurt me too bad and that I will never want to be her boyfriend again. But I think that's what she wants too. I have no idea how to bring it up to her. I don't know what I'll do if I'm wrong. I don't know."

"James, you are young still. You don't have to have all the answers right now. If you forgive her, and she doesn't know that fully, you should tell her. Explain all of that to her. She, I am sure, would love to know that everything in the past is behind you. Her mother and father are shining examples of forgiveness and love, and far worse things happened between the two of them. If they can work it out, then I am positive the two of you can work things out if that is what you both want. You are just going to have to be a little brave and take a risk by telling her."

James thought about what his mother was saying. He figured that he would have to tell her eventually, and now that his mother was telling him that she thought they had a chance, he felt more comfortable with it. He didn't know when a good time would be. How was he going to get her alone to tell her everything he needed to. He sighed and thanked his mother. He would have to think about it more, but he knew that he wanted to tell her how much he loved her; he only hoped that she would feel the same way.