The Second Glitter Incident

Hermione held Phoenix's hand as Draco shunted the bed over into the corner of the three-year-old's bedroom. They'd moved into the castle in Québec, and after installing a Floo with which to visit Blaise, Astoria (now living with Liana) and Theo (happily married to Pansy), had quickly settled into a lifetime of.. being regular people, no longer associated with the fame and notoriety that they had back home in England. Hermione had hastily tasked herself with learning French, and, to her surprise (although not to Draco's) picked it up relatively quickly, remembering some of the sparse French courses she'd taken during the summertime after her second year. The locals would occasionally mutter to themselves about the rich young couple who lived so far away from the rest of the populace, but never really complained as each avoided the other unless absolutely necessary. Neither Draco nor Hermione was exactly sure how much of the war was known to their new home, but decided that it was better to play it safe than sorry.

They'd decided that Phoenix would indeed attend Hogwarts- as both wanted her to experience the same education that they once had- but Draco had argued with Hermione that her attending the school under the Malfoy name would, no doubt, incite a round of bullying against her. Begrudgingly, Hermione agreed to send Phoenix to Hogwarts under the name Granger.

The ghost of Marie Black smiled behind them, her icy, ghostly touch patting Phoenix's head.

The Floo alarm rang and the family hurried to the front hall; there was going to be a bit of a party tonight as it was Theo and Pansy's anniversary, and Hermione and Draco had volunteered to host. Their social circle hadn't grown, and Blaise, who still dealt in Ministry affairs, had confided privately in both Hermione and Draco about the goings-on back home. For example: Ron was still with Melissa, but would soon be drifting around from job to job if he kept drinking heavily on weeknights like he'd been doing lately. The Potters were still together, and married now; Blaise knew that the couple had two children: Teddy Lupin, whom they'd adopted, and James Sirius Potter. Through a myriad of Ministry functions, they'd become relatively close friends somehow, and Blaise was now a welcome visitor at the Potter's.

"Hey, mate."

Phoenix squealed as she ran towards Blaise. "Uncle Blaise!" Hermione chuckled at the young girl's enthusiasm. Blaise wrapped her in a hug.

"Hey, 'Nix. How's it with your mum and dad?"

"Mama and papa say that I'm gonna go to Hogwarts." The little girl jumped up and down, clapping her hands happily, brown hair swinging.

"That's great, 'Nix. Another seven years, though."

"I knowww." She sagged. "Wanna go now."

Blaise suddenly swooped down, and picked her up, spinning her in a circle. "Don't worry, little one. That's seven more years of pranking your daddy. Now, do you want to plan another one?"

"Yes!" Phoenix giggled happily as she and Blaise retreated to a corner, whispering and whisper-yelling. Hermione grinned.

"So adorable."

"I can't trust anything you say. You said it was adorable after they popped balloons filled with glitter over me on my birthday last year."

Hermione's eyes glinted mischievously. "Of course I did. Who do you think planned that one?"

Draco stared at her as if she were crazy. "You wouldn't- you didn't!"

Biting her bottom lip, Hermione smirked. "I'm married to a Slytherin now, sweetheart. What did you expect?"

"Well, now that you've said that.." Draco chuckled and slid his arm around her waist. "Can't argue with you."

The Floo alarm rang again, signalling the arrival of Astoria and Liana. Finally, Theo and Pansy came, and the pair were greeted with small fireworks (Hermione and Draco), showered with confetti (Astoria and Liana), and glitter (guess who). Phoenix, however, got off scot-free- Pansy loved the little girl. She was so cute, and, besides, she brought the couple a present after.

"Thank you." Theo was grumbling slightly as he brushed glitter off of his shoulders, but even he couldn't say no to the youngster.

"It was uncle Blaise's idea." Phoenix giggled as she denounced Blaise. Blaise was horrified.

"Phoenix Lyra Malfoy!"

"Hehe!" She skipped giddily to the dining room, decorated beautifully with balloons and a banner.