Narrator's POV
The Death Eaters were pissed beyond reason to say it simply, and none so more than Bellatrix LeStrange, Barty Crouch Jr, Xenophilous Lovegood, and Voldemort.
A few months after Harry was born, three of the Death Eater's children were stolen from their cribs: Neville LeStrange, Hermione Franqui, and Luna Lovegood.
When Sirius and Remus reported that the stolen children were with the Order and living in Potter Mansion with Harry, Bellatrix started screaming and crying so badly, she had to be restrained.
"My baby, my poor baby." Bellatrix managed to say between sobs
"Bella calm down, we'll get him back as soon as possible." Her husband, Rodolphus, attempted to comfort her, years rolling down her face
"I know, but-" Rodolphus said
"I DON'T CARE! OH, MY LITTLE NEVILLE, MY PRECIOUS BABY, HE COULD BE HURT OR STARVING! RODO DO SOMETHING!" Bellatrix screamed, her makeup smeared all over her face
"Bella, we don't even know where the Order's headquarters is. Sirius and Remus would tell us, but the oath prevents it. I want to get my son back too, but you need to keep calm, screaming won't get him back to us." Rodolphus said, finally managing to calm her.
Months passed, Sirius and Remus reported back, Harry and the other missing children grew up.
On one occasion, the pair reported that Neville had said 'mama' as his first word, and Bellatrix —understandably— ran out of the room screaming and crying and her sister ran after her to calm her.
"He was calling out for me." Bellatrix sobbed, as Narcissa hugged her
"These past few months have been difficult for her." Rodolphus said, watching his wife and sister-in-law "She hardly eats, I have to force her to drink water, she never sleeps —I also have to force her to do so—, and she's tried to drown herself in the bath twice already. She isn't living anymore, only surviving."
"Nothing can compare to a mother's love," Xenophilius told his friend "if Pandora was alive she'd probably do the same. It's been hard for me since Luna's kidnapping and Missy's death, but taking it a day at a time is all one can do."
"I can feel Abagail and Bernardo's disappointment," Barty said "Hermione is my goddaughter, I was supposed to take care of her, but she's gone."
"We did our best, nothing could have prepared us for their kidnappings." Lucius said
"I thought we were the Dark? We don't even do this. And they call themselves the good guys." Barty said
Harry's childhood was different than most wizards.
Unlike, other children he was forced to were a black leather band around his wrist at all times, so he never found out his soulmate's identity.
But, his friends, Hermione, Neville, and Luna, also had bands.
Sure, he hung out with other kids his age, like Ron, but he didn't really consider them his friends.
He only considered Hermione, Neville, Luna, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George his friends...