
Narrator's POV

Six months had passed since Harry found out the identity of his soulmate and he couldn't wait for Tom and his Death Eaters to come rescue him and his friends.

"" Harry asked his soulmate via the diary

"." Tom replied

"" Harry asked, tired of being around the Order of the Phoenix

"" Tom wrote

"" Harry replied, glad that freedom would soon be there

(A/N: I'd like to point out that Tom and Harry have no idea what the other looks like, save descriptions the other has given, so the have already fallen in love with each other's personality.)

*Timeskip - Two Weeks*

Dumbledore couldn't believe his luck.

A few days ago his spy, Severus Snape, had faithfully informed him of a raid the Death Eaters had planned to attack the Ministry of Magic.

And since the Ministry refused to help in the war —claiming that no citizens outside the Order had been harmed so it was a private battle between the two groups and not the Death Eaters against Wizarding England— he would have to trespass into the building.

But it was for the greater good, surly they would understand later.


The Order had left their meeting place —Potter Manor— and only Ron and Ginny stayed behind to make sure Harry and the other three children did not attempt to escape.

Exactly 10 minutes after the Order of the Charred Chicken had left, Lord Voldemort and his most loyal —which was Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Lucius, Xenophilius, Barty, and two others— apparated just outside of the Potter Manor Wards and they slipped into the manor.

When they entered through the front door, Ginny was sitting in the living room doing homework.

Upon seeing her, the Dark Lord grimaced: he recognized her as one of his darling's tormentors from the description he'd been given.

"Rosier, take her to the dungeon." Voldemort ordered his young, but loyal follower

The average height young man named Evan Rosier: who had steel grey eyes, chocolate brown hair, and pale skin grabbed the Weasley girl, dragged her outside, apparated back to headquarters —Riddle Manor— and threw her into one of the many cells in the wine-cellar-turned-dungeon.

"You know your missions, either look for your child or look out for any remaining Order members." The Dark Lord reminded

"Yes, my Lord." They chorused


Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan LeStrange walked down a hallway on the first floor and at the end of the hall they found a door that led to the greenhouse.

The trio found a slightly tall boy sitting near a fountain in the center of the garden.

The teen had black-brown hair, brown eyes that had both specks of green and grey in them, and pale skin.

The child was dressed in a stained plaid shirt, a old striped jacket as well as faded jeans and worn sneakers.

When Neville noticed the trio behind him he smiled happily.

The woman Neville saw —his Muma— was beautiful.

She had long curly brown hair, brown eyes that had specks of green in them, she was tall, and her skin was pale.

Her lips and nails were painted blood red, she wore a black dress, a black dragon-hide trench coat, and black boots.

"Sorry," Neville apologized to the two men in front of him "which one of you is my Papa?"

"I'm you dad, son." The one to the left said

The one who claimed to be his Papa was a tall man with icy blue eyes that had specks of grey in them, he also had messy black hair, a goatee, and pale skin.

His Papa wore a white dress shirt, black slacks, black dress shoes, and a black suit jacket.

"And I'm your Uncle Rabastan, kiddo." The other man said "But you can call me Uncle Bas."

Uncle Bas looked just like Papa except Uncle Bas was clean shaven.