The Queen's Court...

Hadrian Riddle née Preverell - The QueenLucius Malfoy - The Dark Lord's Right HandNarcissa Malfoy née Black - HealerBellatrix LeStrange née Black - TorturerRodolphus LeStrange - TorturerRabastan LeStrange - TorturerEvan Rosier - Ministry Informant and InterrogatorTadeus Nott - Ministry Informant and InterrogatorBartemius Crouch Jr. - InterrogatorXenophilius Lovegood- Publicist and ResearcherSeverus Snape - Potions Master and Order Insider and Hogwarts InsiderHermione Malfoy née Franqui : Raven - Researcher and Torturer and InterrogatorNeville LeStrange : Poison - Herbologist and Torturer and InterrogatorLuna LeStrange née Lovegood : Eclipse - SeerDraco Malfoy : Dragon - Hogwarts Insider and RecruiterTheodore Nott : Shadow - Hogwarts Insider and RecruiterWilliam Weasley : Gold - Gringotts Insider and Order InsiderFleur Weasley née Delacour : Flower - Veela Connection and HealerCharlie Weasley : Charmer - Order Insider and Dragon ExpertPercy Weasley : Suit - Minister Insider and Order InsiderGeorge Weasley : Yang - Order Insider and ExperimenterFred Weasley : Yin - Order Insider and ExperimenterSirius Black : Padfoot - Order Insider and TorturerRemus Black née Lupin : Moony - Order Insider and Werewolf Connection and Torturer

Narrator's POV

Six months had past since Hadrian started lessons with the diary horcrux and he was currently learning fourth year curriculum and beginning to work with the Dark Arts.

*Several Weeks Previously*

Hadrian and the diary horcrux were practicing in a Hogwarts classroom, the Inferi of Myrtle Warren —from what Tom had said was some muggle-born, Ravenclaw attention whore who he had killed in his Hogwarts days— was standing across from them.

"Point your wand at her, love," Tom instructed and Hadrian did as told "now concentrate, you have to really want to see her in pain or this will not work. Now say it: 'crucio'."

"Crucio!" Hadrian said, the spell hitting the Ravenclaw

Myrtle screamed momentarily before the spell short-circuited.

Tom kissed Hadrian's cheek "Excellent, darling, for a first try."


Hadrian believed that it was time for the Death Eaters to meet their Queen, but certain things had to be completed first.


Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George Weasley, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin sat in Riddle Manor's library as they waiting for the meeting to begin.

Suddenly, the floo flared in the fireplace and Draco Malfoy and another boy entered the room.

The tall boy had pale skin, grey eyes, and brown hair.

"Hello, my Queen, my name is Theodore Nott," Theodore said, dropping at Hadrian's feet "it is an honor to serve you."

"Hello Theo, Draco has told me many good things about you. And I know of your father's specialty in the Inner Circle, so you will also be rewarded for his loyalty." Hadrian, patting the boy's fluffy hair

"Thank you, my Queen, thank you! You are most generous!" Theo exclaimed

"What's your game plan, Hadrian?" Sirius asked, keeping his godson's name change in mind

"You know how the Dark Lord has his Inner Circle, well I'm going to have one of my own." Hadrian explained

"Sweet, what do we do?" Neville said

"Just pledge allegiance to me and you guys will get to play by different rules then the other Death Eaters." Hadrian answered

Theo went first: "I, Theodore Tadeus Nott, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it."

"I, Sirius Orion Black, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Sirius swore

"I, Remus John Lupin-Black, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Remus pledged

"I, Neville Rodolphus LeStrange, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Neville swore

"I, Hermione Charlotte Franqui-Malfoy, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Hermione pledged

"I, Luna Elizabeth Lovegood-LeStrange, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Luna swore

"I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Draco pledged

"I, William Arthur Weasley, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Bill swore

"Ai Fleur Isabel Delacur-Wéasley, plédge mon body, magic ét soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, mon chosen Queen ét Laird. Ai plédge to uphuld yur beliéfs, to fight fair yur goals, to live and dié by yur waird. Zo ai plédgé eet, zo mote bé eet." Fleur pledged

"I, Charles Benjamin Weasley, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Charlie swore

"I, Perseus Matthew Weasley, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Percy pledged

"I, Frederick Gideon Weasley, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." Fred swore

"I, George Fabian Weasley, pledge my body, magic and soul to thee, Hadrian Jacynth Riddle, my chosen Queen and Lord. I pledge to uphold your beliefs, to fight for your goals, to live and die by your word. So I pledge it, so mote be it." George pledged

Once George finished his pledge, all of the swearers felt their left forearms tingle slightly and when they looked down the saw a Dark Mark on their arms.

It wasn't like the Outer Circle's whose marks were the simple skull and snake, or the Inner Circle's who had the Sam was the Outer Circle's but had a black circle behind it, but this one had a crown: marking them members of the Queen's Court.

"You all with be rechristened." Hadrian said

He looked to Theo first "Theodore, you will be known as Shadow and you will be be my insider at Hogwarts, you will let me know if you over hear anything from Dumbledore and you will search for any new recruits for the Death Eaters."

"Draco, you will be known as Dragon and you and Shadow will share duties."

"Remus, you will be known as Moony and you will be my insider in the Order, you will assist in getting the werewolves to join us, and you will torture for me."

"Sirius, you will be known as Padfoot and you and Moony will have the same tasks, save the werewolf one."

"Hermione, you will be known as Raven and you will be my researcher and you will occasionally torture and interrogate."

"Neville, you will be known as Poison and you be my herbologist and you occasionally torture and interrogate."

"Luna, you will be known as Eclipse and you will be my seer."

"Bill, you will be known as Gold and you will be a insider at Order meetings, Dumbledore trusts your family and that will assist us, and you will be our connection to the goblins."

"Fleur, you will be known as Flower and you will be our connection to the veelas and you will be our healer."

"Charlie, you will be known as Charmer and you are our dragon expert and, like your brothers, will be a Order insider."

"Percy, you will be known as Suit and you will be our insider in the Order and since you are Junior Undersecretary to the Minister, you will tell me his plans as well."

"Fred and George, you will be known as Yin and Yang, and you will my experimenters and Order insiders."

"Yes, my Queen." The whole room replied at once

"As my court, you get special privileges that other Death Eaters do not: you do not answer to the Dark Lord, you answer to me; and your Dark Marks are able to disappear when you want it to so your covers will not be blown." Hadrian told them

"Now, lets show the Death Eaters hell." Hadrian chuckled...