Chapter 2 (Updated)

As the clock struck eleven, the Hogwarts Express started to exit its platform. The parents of the young witches and wizards gave their last farewell for the season. Each parent knew that their home would not be the same without their growing children to fill.  It was a bittersweet moment. 

As then the train left the station the students had already found their respective compartments and seats for the long journey back to Hogwarts. 

Alicia was alone in a compartment near the end of the train, she wasn't complaining about the lack of company in the room, rather she quite enjoyed the solitude of the tiny compartment. She placed her elbow on the window panel and admired the change of sceneries as the train went. It was calming and refreshing. It was her first time traveling by land to get to school and not by water. It was a relief to her since her sea legs weren't always in her favor back in Sweden.  Let's just say she tries to eat less when they were heading back to Dumstrang.

As she passed a specific scenery she was reminded of the book that was waiting to be read inside her purse. She pulled out the small book and settled on her previous seat. She began to read where she left off last night before bed. Minutes passed since she had continued reading the book when the compartment door slide open, startling her and causing the book to fall on the floor. 

"Sorry about that." Alicia looked up and saw a young boy, about her age standing in front of the compartment door. 

 "It's quite alright, you just startled me," Alicia spoke, but she was still studying the lad. 

"I truly apologize. I didn't see some in here. This compartment is always empty." He explained confidently. "is this seat taken?" The boy asked, pointing at the empty seat across Alicia. 

"No." She simply replied. 

"May I?" He asked politely. 

"Of course not, there's plenty of room," Alicia said and put the book on her lap. She watched the boy sit across her and looked at her.

"I'm sure introductions are far over due." He chuckled extending his pale hand. "I'm Scorpius Malfoy." He introduced with confidence to match his expensive black tailor suit. 

"Alicia Granger." She replied shaking his hand. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alicia. If I may," He started. "You're far too old to be a first year." 

He has been in Hogwarts for four years and never in his years in the castle has he ever seen her. 

"Oh. I am new, but I am not a first year." Alicia giggled. "I am entering as a 5th year. I spent my previous years in Dumstrang. 

Scorpius understood and continued to question her. After he asks a question Alicia would answer and ask another question. It was a pleasant conversation between two newly found friends. 



"If you don't mind me asking, why did you say that this compartment is always empty?" Alicia questioned. She knows that all compartments were supposed to be full, but why is this compartment untouched. 

"No one really likes this end of the train. It's far from the loo and the trolly lady hardly goes here, so in short, it is the worst seat in the whole train." Scorpius explained, recalling all the complaints about this lowly compartment.

"That's dreadful, even for a compartment." She gasped. "From this day forth this compartment will be my own private compartment. It's quiet and I like it." She declared her resolved and placed her hand on the plush seat. 

"You remind me of someone." Scorpius mused. "You remind me of my mother. She always saw the importance and feelings of small things." 

Alicia saw Scorpius smile and eyes when he talked about his mother. It was admiration and respect, it was something she had never seen before. Scorpius must love his mother a lot to be able to produce that sparkling smile. 

"What is she like?" Alicia asked. 

Scorpius looked up to the young lass and smiled. He began to tell stories about his mother, how her mother loves fashion, clothes, organizing charity events and taking photographs. There was no doubt in Alicia's mind that Scorpius really loves his mother. 

"So was she the one who named you?" Alicia asked she was indeed curious on how he got his name. 

"My dad named me." He said mustering a small smile. 

"Can you tell me about him?" 

Scorpius nodded and his smile grew wider. "He's a great father. He is always there when I need him, he loves both mom and I. Even he is busy with work he always comes home. I remember this one time, I was really sick and I couldn't even sleep. Dad came home from his trip to Asia, he canceled half of his meetings just to come take care of me." 

Mid Scorpius story Alicia had turned her smile into a straight line and her eyes drifted to the window. She always had Harry as her Godfather, but it wasn't the same. She longed for a family of her own, she longed to have Hermione alive and well and she longed to know who her father was and why did he not get her when her mother died? 

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked noticing Alicia's change in demeanor.

"What? Oh! No!" Alicia exclaimed and hid her sadness with an awkward giggle. 

Scorpius wasn't buying it at all. Behind Alicia's glowing features was sadness looming over her. He had seen it before with his friends when they tried to hide something hurting them. 

Alicia noticed how skeptical Scorpius look and decided there was no use in hiding what she felt any longer. She dropped her act and hung her head. 

"You see, I never spent time with my parents." She said softly, her voice almost breaking. "I never knew my father and my mom died shortly after I was born." She explained, not daring to look at Scorpius eyes, she didn't want to be another victim of one's pity. 

 Her eyes widened when she felt arms wrapped around her head buried in someone's chest. Scorpius was hugging her tightly, rubbing her back and his other hand soothing her long hair.

"I can't imagine what you're going through, but judging by how far you've come. I can see people who love you dearly." 

Scorpius was right. She did have many people who love and care for her. Her Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny, Grandma Molly, Grandpa Arthur and all of her cousins and other aunts and uncles, it was far more than she had imagined. 

"Malfoy, get your hands off her!" Some yelled and pulled Scorpius off Alicia. 

Gripping Malfoy's wrist was an angry James Potter with his wand at the ready. 

"Let me go, Potter!" Scorpius hissed and yanked his arm from James' death grip. 

"Why are you crying, Alicia?" James approached Alicia to see if she was injured in any way. "Did Malfoy hurt you?" 

"As if! I would never injure a lady." Scorpius defended, but it was obvious that James Potter doubted his words. 

"James, I am fine," Alicia answered, wiping her tears with her sweater sleeves.

"You assaulted a defenseless girl!" James pointed at Scorpius. 

"Potter, the girl was crying. I was comforting her." Scorpius calmly explained, but the venom laced with his tone was evident. 

"I highly doubt that." James scoffed. "Alicia, you can't talk to him," James demanded. 

 Alicia's patience level was slowly fading and the cause was James' stubbornness and accusations. 

"And why not, James?" She crossed her arms over her chest and took her stance. 

"He's a bloody Deatheather, that's why!" James screamed. 

"James, calm down. I highly doubt that he's a death eater, besides all of the death eaters are in Azkaban or dead." 

"No, he's a death eater, I know it!" James pressed, but Alicia was unconvinced and Scorpius just rolling his eyes. 

"That insult is rubbish, Potter." He hissed and slide the door open. "See you in School Alicia" He gave her a small smile and waved goodbye before closing the door. 

"James, that was unnecessary. I know Scorpius is your rival, but don't take it out on me. He is a good person, so please keep the accusations to yourself. Uncle Harry would be disappointed in you." Alicia took her purse and exited the one silent compartment. 

She explored the rest of the train to clear her mind and to ease her anger. She knew that Scorpius was James' rival and all, but he didn't have to make such a scene. It was childish of him to make such accusations.

"Alicia?" Alicia stopped in her tracks and turned around to see Alexander Zabini in his plain Hogwarts robe. Alex approached her. "shouldn't you be in your robes?" Alex said looking at her outfit.

"Merlin! I forgot!" Alicia panicked and started running back to the compartment. 

Once she reached the last compartment she opened the door and saw James had already left for his compartment.

After changing into her plain Hogwarts robe she placed her wand and book inside her purse and her wand in her cloak pocket. Just as the train was slowing down, she could see the castle from a distance. Her Hogwarts adventure is about to begin.