Chapter 4 (Updated)

All her attempts to keep her smile, mingle and eat had been long gone once Scorpius' friends decided to talk about their summers with their families and their latest trip to the Quidditch World Cup. She badly wanted to change the topic to keep her composure, but she couldn't deny that the smiles and laughter of her fellow peers made her feel warm. Changing the topic would only be beneficial to her at this point.

She was used to all the family conversation back in Dumstrang, but being in a new environment brought out old emotions. It was those emotions that kept all her willpower to suppress.

No one did notice that she had turned silent. The group was in a deep debate on the best Quidditch team and broomstick editions.

"I've read it in the magazine!" The brunette boy sitting across Scorpius insisted. "The latest Nimbus has the speed and it is silent, it makes a perfect seeker's broom." He explained.

"Don't be stupid, Klein." Scorpius huffed, challenging his friend's opinion. "The Nimbus may have the speed and the inaudible fly, but the Firebolt can take sharp turns. The Nimbus has no match in flexibility!" Scorpius argued which everyone in the conversation agreed.

"You're in a tight corner, Klein." The dark haired girl sitting beside Scorpius laughed.

Klein Hampton proceeded to argue on the matter. He kept on insisting that the latest Nimbus should be a seeker's best friend and not a Firebolt. The group had already reached a conclusion and it has left the group in two even sides.

"I say a tie breaker!" Klein proposed.

"Whatever you say, mate." Scorpius chuckled before taking a drink of his pumpkin juice.

"Alicia," Klein called.

Everyone had turned to Alicia, but her mind was flying elsewhere she didn't even hear Klein call her name.

Scorpius nudged her elbow gently, bring her mind back to reality. She turned to Scorpius then turned to the people who were now staring at her.

"How about it, Alicia?" Klein asked, but was only greeted by her confused look.

"I'm sorry, my mind was elsewhere." She apologized. "What are you we talking about?"

"Nimbus or Firebolt?" Klein posed.

"Where are we basing it, exactly?" Alicia questioned.

"Klein, she doesn't know what you're saying." Claudia snickered mockingly.

"Claudia!" Scorpius scolded. "That's rude."

"I highly doubt that, Clau. Look at that." Klein pointed at Alicia's wrist. "That is a limited edition 2011 Holyhead Harpies claw bracelet, only those who were chosen by the players personally have them."

"No way!" Claudia screeched.

"Back to our tie breaker. We are basing it from a seeker's tool."

"Obviously a Firebolt," Alicia said confidently. "The Nimbus is a silent flyer and the speed is faster compared to the last edition, but it is best used for Chasers as for the element of surprise. As for the Firebolt, it is spectacular for sharp turns, speed, and precision. You could fly an even higher altitude without worrying about the wind taking control. Since the snitch is a sneaky little bugger and flies in the most unexpected directions, I'd say the Firebolt has its chances to catch it. Speed is not everything after all."

After Alicia had shared her theory the table remained in awe. What she had theorized had convinced the remaining group who sided with Klein's Nimbus argument had sided with Scorpius.

"The game still remains in the hands of the players, the brooms are just mere tools to aid the player." Alicia included when she realized everyone was staring oddly at her.

"Okay time to leave this debate behind us." Scorpius spoke once he had sensed Alicia's uncomfortable demeanor "We'll know soon enough once the season starts, anyway." Everyone had agreed and started their own topics for the rest of the night.

"I noticed you had been quiet the whole night," Scorpius whispered, not wanting to divert any attention back to Alicia.

"It's nothing." She sighed and looked at her untouched food. "I just got a little overwhelmed, that's all, nothing to worry about." She smiled reassuringly towards Scorpius.

"Okay." Scorpius badly wanted to believe that smile, but he knew something was wrong, something had triggered that uneasiness. "How about some pudding?" He offered which made Alicia's smile grow wider.

The Headmistress sees all. Minerva McGonagall had been observing the young students for the whole night, but one student kept most of her attention.

Madame Pomfrey noticed that the Headmistress had not spoken a word or even commented on the latest potion curriculum the Professors were discussing. She followed the headmistress' glance and it landed on the Slytherin table, where Alicia Granger sat.

"I never knew Hermione had a daughter." Madame Pomfrey said, looking at the young Granger girl.

"I wasn't aware as well." Professor McGonagall sighed. "It was only when Harry had told me that it became clear. She had died before she could reveal who the father was."

She was watching Alicia laugh along with the young Malfoy heir. There was something bothering her since she had seen Alicia sit beside Scorpius. It was almost undeniable that they looked so much alike.

"That is certainly odd." She said softly.

"Headmistress?" She glanced to Neville Longbottom who was sitting beside her. Neville was looking at the young Slytherins. She knew that she wasn't the only one who had noticed the similarities.

"Yes, Neville?" She asked.

"I find it strange that they look very much alike," he replied. "Could it be?" He turned to the headmistress, once he realized the possibility.

"Meet me in my office after dinner." She said and stood up for the closing remarks for the feast.

The feast ended with everyone had departed to their common rooms. The perfects of each house led their new students to their common rooms.

Alicia had paid attention to every step, every turn, every torch and every painting leading to the Slytherins Dungeons. It was quite nice for Scorpius to walk with her until they reach the portal hole.

"This is the entrance to the Slytherin's Common room." The perfect with long black hair said and gestured to the painting of a woman wearing a long Victorian dress. "This is Madame Victoria."

"Welcome young ones." The woman in the painting smiled sweetly at the first years.

"The Password is Herminois Dracaus. Please remember that." The other Prefect informed he had blond hair and green eyes. He repeated the password and the portrait swung open

As the students piled inside the Common Room, Alicia had started to admire how Green and Silver went beautifully together. She did like silver, but she always had a dislike for the green color, but seeing how it blended with silver it brought out a new admiration for the earth color.

"I know. It took my breath as well." Scorpius said beside her. He had remembered the first time he laid his eyes on the dungeon. He instantly knew he would be right at home.

"The girl's dorm is to the right and boys to the left. All your belongings have been sent to your assigned rooms." Informed the Prefect. "If you ever have questions please do not hesitate to ask us. Good Night everyone."

The first years began to disappear to the dorm rooms leaving Alicia, Scorpius and the two Prefects in the common room.

"Alicia Granger?"


"This is your dorm number." The Prefect handed her a piece of paper. Alicia thanked her and watched them leave the common room.

Scorpius slouched on the green couch watching Alicia take in all the corners of the Slytherin's Common Room. She made her stop in front of the window. Scorpius joined her admiring the green lake.

"Have you ever seen?" Alicia asked excitedly.

"The giant squid?"

"Yes! I read it in Hogwarts: A History."

"He passes here all the time, but not during the day. When I stay late studying he passes here. If we're lucky he might pass by." Scorpius explained and waited for any movement from the lake.

A few minutes later a shadow passed the window. Alicia squealed when the squid swam closer to the window.

"He likes you." Scorpius laughed. "He rarely approaches the window to see someone."

Alicia bowed her head and tried to control the overflow of emotions she was feeling. It's not like she didn't want to be in Slytherin, but it was the first time things didn't go as she had planned.

If she had been sorted into Gryffindor, she would have instant friends, she would get along with James and the other children from the Order.

Scorpius turned to Alicia, she had given off that uneasy vibe again. He wasn't a sneer, but he knew it was because of the Sorting ceremony and the conversations they had during dinner.

"You know Al," Scorpius started. "You're gonna fit right in. I knew you expected to be in Gryffindor just like your mum, but I'm here and you'll make loads of friends here."

Even though they had just met she pulled Scorpius into a tight hug, burying her head in Scorpius chest. Scorpius smiled and returned the warm hug.

"Thank you." she said softly.

They had stayed in the Common Room until it was half-past eleven o'clock. Alicia had found her dorm room and carefully opened it. She entered the dark dorm room only to find it empty except for belongings and pets.

She slipped on her pajamas and laid down on her bed. She had thought what was going to happen tomorrow morning. She had felt both nervous and excited, but she couldn't ignore the feeling of something big happening this year.

She cuddled her white cat close to her chest and whispered. "I hope not something awful."