Chapter 7 (Updated)

It was a sunny Sunday morning. Professor McGonagall had debated whether she would join the students to Hogsmeade or stay in the castle to finish a few paperwork before the weekends. Before she could make a decision a black owl had flown in from an open window and landed on the mahogany desk.

The old professor was familiar with the dark owl. She quickly retrieved the letter from the owl's beak and told the owl to rest in the owlery and be fed. After she had read the letter she requested for the Potions Master to be summoned to her office.

"You requested my presence, Headmistress?" Professor Adams entered the Headmistress' office.

Minerva stood from her chair and greeted the middle-aged wizard standing near the door.

"Ah. Marco. I apologize if I pulled you out from something important." She gestured for him to take a seat on the couch near the fireplace. "Tea?"

"Thank you, Headmistress." He smiled gratefully and watched the enchanted teapot pour the tea in the antique teacup. "I was just restocking the potions cupboard for when he arrives."

Minerva nodded and pour herself a cup of tea. "Of course. Speaking of him. Marco, I received a letter from India this morning. It seems that he has finished with his expedition and is expected to arrive today." The old headmistress informed.

"That is wonderful news, Headmistress!" Marco exclaimed. "But I will surely miss Hogwarts." He sighed. He had spent the few weeks enjoying the company of the students and helping them grow and understand the importance of potions. Even the first years have enjoyed each lesson the middle-aged wizard taught.

The headmistress looked at her short-term employee, she had heard wonderful feedback from the students about this middle-aged wizard. It might be his first time teaching, but he did an exceptional job. He was almost made for the job. Minerva immediately had the Ministry know and suggest that Marco be a part of the teaching staff for the training Aurors.

"I am glad you enjoyed your time here, Marco. Our students will miss you dearly."

"Please, Professor, if you do need another substitute please do not hesitate to owl me."

Tea and a meaningful conversation can make the time fly. Before the two professors noticed it was almost late afternoon and the original Potion's master would return from his extended trip any moment, but not later than dinner.

As Marco was finishing a story about a first-year exploding cauldron the flames in the fireplace began to erupt and turn into huge green flames. The two professor stood up to greet the person traveling by Floo network.

The flames began to calm down and appeared Draco Malfoy exiting the Floo gracefully and confidently. He brushed the ash that stuck to his robes and greeted his old professor.

"Mr. Malfoy." The old headmistress greeted with a smile. "It is wonderful to see you again."

"It is good to be back, headmistress. I do apologize for the delay."

"Nothing to worry about, my boy. Come sit, let us have tea and tell us about the stone you found in India." The old headmistress poured a cup and offered it to the young potions master.

Monday marks the start of a new school week. Professor Minerva McGonagall decided to have brunch in her office along with a few officials from the Ministry, Professor Adams, and Draco Malfoy. The headmistress insisted that they join together to discuss the future recommendations qualified to join the Ministry, Professor Adams' recommendation to take on a post in training Aurors, and it was the perfect opportunity for Draco Malfoy to present his astonishing discovery.

"That is indeed a wonderful discovery, Mr. Malfoy. I do pray you'll win The Alchemist Award next year." An old woman praised as Draco finished his report.

"You flatter me, Mrs. Havan." Draco humbly replied.

Draco noticed the scowl on the face of Benson Beckett, an Auror specializing in Alchemy and notorious for taking others work to become his own. He was very much like Gilderoy Lockhart, but unlike Gilderoy, Benson was ruthless and thirsty for glory.

"With such a discovery you should work closely with the Ministry to publish your discovery. If I may, why stay in Hogwarts?" The Benson questioned.

Draco knew of this man's tactics and very carefully plotted his moves. When he found the stone he immediately asked the Minister to keep an eye on the old cheat. Draco also requested that if anyone had asked about his whereabouts they would say that he was India, but in truth, he was searching for the stone in Indonesia and after finding the stone they moved to India to cover up any suspicion from the cheat. His time in India he had thought of ways avoiding every possible route leading for him to stay in the Ministry or his home whilst finishing the book.

During the early summer in India, he was surprised to see the Headmistress of his old school waiting for him in his tent. The old Headmistress visited with the intention to ask him if he was interested in filling the post of Potions Master during the next school year.

He immediately obliged, knowing that the castle was well protected and he can request for a hidden room in the castle to finish the book without worrying about Benson's sneaky tactics to get his hands on the information.

"I have been away for a while now. I would like to take it easy for a few months and it is a good opportunity to spend some time with my son." Draco explained, not wanting to divulge any other information before the completed presentation.

The headmistress had noticed the Potions Master's eagerness to end the conversation on the stone. She immediately countered another question from the recruiter and directed it to another issue.

Draco gave the Headmistress a small nod which she returned. After Draco had explained the situation the headmistress agreed to the plan and gave him what he needed in order to finish the book.

"Auror Buckett must be frustrated." The headmistress chuckled.

After the official left and the house elves collecting the plates and cutlery, Minerva and Draco resumed their conversation near the fireplace.

"I bet he is, Professor," Draco smirked, he had just outsmarted a witty fraud, yet he cannot let his guard down.

"Thank you for accepting the post, Mr. Malfoy. I could not think of anyone else fitting to be our Potions Master."

"The pleasure is all mine, Professor. It is the least I can do for all you've done for me."

"Noon is almost over." She pointed out when she heard the faint bells. "It is time for you meet your students."

"Thank you, Headmistress." Draco shook her hand and left her office.

As he made his way to the Potions classroom the walls reminded him of his time in Hogwarts, both the good and the bad. He frowned when he remembered the night he let the Death Eaters inside the castle. How he watched when his old mentor kill Dumbledore and not to mention how his psychotic aunt destroyed the Great Hall. Part of this castle haunted his thoughts, his memories, but most of it he only recalled the simple times. The times when he was walking around the halls with Greg and Goyle, pulling pranks on unsuspicious Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs and making fun of the Muggleborns.