Chapter 15 (Updated)

"This is absolutely stunning." Alicia gasped upon entering the private land.

Despite the snow covering the grass, bushes, trees, and topiaries it was still magical, a winter wonderland. She would want to see what the gardens would look like during spring. At the center of the estate stood an Edwardian castle.

Draco helped Alicia step out of the car and let her immerse in the beauty of his home, a home which he had painstakingly restored to its former glory. Stone by stone he had to find a stone sample close to the foundation to appease the magic surrounding it.

"It used to be an old ruin. Just pieces of stone slabs of the foundation survived the test of time." Draco explained. "Ever since I saw it many years ago I had made it my mission to restore it. Rich muggles and wizards wanted the land but wanted the remaining foundation destroyed. What they didn't know was the foundation was magically tied to the land. If you have the malice intent to destroy the foundation, you'll be cursed. I retained the foundations and I haven't been cursed."

Alicia didn't seem to hear what he said or maybe she heard parts of it. She was busy admiring the beauty of his home. Each detail she soaked in and awed at.

"It's so beautiful."

"I can show you some photographs and old renderings of the original home. For now, let's go inside. Come." He placed his hand on her back and led her to the entrance.

She stopped midway and took a deep breath. "Is this really okay, Professor?" She asked nervously. The Malfoys were an esteemed and high ranking family. Despite being best friends with Scorpius and Draco she was still nervous about what others would think. What if Astoria didn't like her? What if they would look down on her? She was an orphan after all.

"Of course. There is no need to feel anxious. Astoria will love you." He assured her with a smile.

Taking a deep breath Alicia walked forward. The doors opened and they were greeted by a few maids and butlers lined up in the foyer.

"Welcome home, Master Draco and Lady Alicia." They bowed and greeted in unison.

Alicia was taken aback. She just stood there with eyes wide. She knew they were rich but didn't even expect this kind of greeting. With the way she saw Draco and Scorpius act she had never seen them so entitled so this was a surprise.

"May I take your coat, Mademoiselle?" An elderly man approached her with a warm smile.

"I-uh-sure." She slowly stripped her coat and gave it to the elderly man. The butler bowed and excused himself. From that point she felt like royalty, well maybe nobility with the butlers, maids, and a fancy estate.

"Jewel," Draco called out. A short young lady with braided black hair stepped forward from the line of maids and approached them with a bow.

"How may I be of assistance?" Jewel spoke. Alicia immediately heard a faded French accent but a dominant British accent.

Draco faced Alicia and explained how Jewel will be her lady-in-waiting for the rest of her stay in France. One by one Draco introduced everyone working in the estate. There were 5 maids and butlers, 2 elves, a chef, and a stable master.

"Master Draco, Mistress Astoria has told me to inform you of a sudden change of plans. She and the young master would be staying at her sister's home for the night." The elder butler informed him. "She also asked the Master to floo her once he had settled."

"Of course. Thank you." Draco nodded and turned to Alicia and Jewel, who were lightly chatting behind him.

It has been a tiring day and from Alicia's condition earlier it would be best to retire to the bed early. He also noticed how quiet she was ever since the jewelry shop. He had dismissed it as being exhausted from the trip.

"It has been a long day. I'm sure you're exhausted. Astoria and Scorpius' are at Daphne's home. They'll be back tomorrow morning. Why don't you get some rest? Someone will bring you dinner."

"Thank you again, professor."

"You're welcome, my dear."

"Jewel, please show Alicia to her room."

"Of course, master. This way please." Jewel also gestured for one of the butlers to follow her up to Alicia's room with her luggage.


As they passed the halls of the mansion, Alicia couldn't help but admire how beautiful it was inside. The navy blue carpeted floor complemented the oak wood walls perfectly. It had more of a masculine vibe to it but you could see pieces of decoration that would suggest a woman's touch. Alicia didn't know why but she felt at home more than she had ever in the Burrow.

"This is your room, Miss." Jewel stopped in front of a beautiful carved wooden door. She opened the door leading to a spacious bedroom. Several things decorated the room but what stood out the most was the huge arch window looking out the gardens, it provided a nice reading nook, a big fireplace warming the whole room, crème colored carpet, a huge bookcase almost covering the whole west wall and dark wood canopy bed with crème sheets.

"This is beautiful." Alicia admired as she ran her hand over the soft sheets.

"The mistress decorated the room herself. It's not every day she can design a room for a girl. The master had to stop her from buying another bed because she said, and I quote, 'the wood isn't the right color' she's very particular with these things." Jewel laughed.

"Honestly, it looks great." Alicia smiled still enamored with the whole room.

"You might want to tell her that yourself. It might ease her worries."

"I will. Thank you, Jewel."

"Of course, Miss Granger. Is there anything else I could do before I leave?"

"Please, just call me Alicia."

Jewel smiled and nodded before leaving Alicia to her business. Alicia laid down on the bed she smiled when the soft sheets and mattress cradled her tired body. The events of that day had left her thinking about her father. The necklace was always a clue but that was it. It was a dead clue but maybe France had some answers to some.