Chapter 29

“So, Professor Malfoy is your father?” Seredity Black said and sat on one of the arm chairs in Alicia’s room.

Alicia nodded and her eyes were starting to get watery and blurry. She had just finished telling her friends about what she had found out yesterday. She needed someone to talk to so she had owled them to come and visit her.

“Does Scorpius know?” Patricia asked and placed the plate of muggle pizza on the table.

“He visited me last night.” Alicia started and let out a heavy sigh. “But I didn’t tell him.”

“Why?” Patricia asked. “OUCH!” Patricia whinned in pain, Destiny had just smacked her hand.

“Don’t be stupid Pat.” Destiny scolded and leaned back on her chair. “Of course Alicia won’t tell him, it would confuse him. And remember Professor Malfoy is married. What would his wife say?”

“Des is right Pat. What if you were in Scorpius’ shoes and you found out that you have a sister from another woman. How would you react?” Serecity said.

Patricia was about to speak up but she gave up when she realized that Destiny was right and so was Seredity. Alicia would be stupid if she told Scorpius that she was her sister or her father was his father. She cared for Scorpius greatly, that would explain why she only stayed friends with him despite the people keep telling them that they should be together.

Alicia sighed and gripped her sheets. She really couldn’t believe that her life was full of secrets. One minute her life was okay and now it is crashing down because of secrets. Her eyes were already forming tears as she remembered those words that the sorting hat said when she was sorted during the start of the term.

“How will you get the blood?” Patricia asked and grabbed a slice of pizza.

“Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny are planning to tell him.” Alicia answered.

“Do they know that you know?” Destiny asked and poured the pumpkin juice for the four of them.

Alicia nodded and another heavy sigh escaped her lips. She didn’t want her guardians to know that she knew now. She wanted to wait until they were the ones to tell her personally. She closed her eyes but it caused the tears in her eyes run down her pale cheeks.

“They will tell you soon.” Destiny said and sat beside Alicia. “I know they will.”

“H-how do you know?” Alicia asked her voice shuttering and slowly her breath shaken.

“You’re dying Alicia and nobody wants that.” Destiny said as she hugged her friend into the most comforting hug she could give.

“If you want, we can be with you if they tell you.” Seredity smiled and took her position on Alicia’s bed and hugged blond friend.

“Yeah.” Patricia said and went in for the group hug.

Alicia was so blessed; she had friends that care about her. Guardians that took her in even they weren’t her blood. Maybe everything happened for a reason. If she could redo the past events she wouldn’t meet her friends and her family.

Suddenly the door opened and revealed two blonds. It was Scorpius and his father, the one the only Draco Malfoy. Scorpius was hold a bouquet of flowers and Draco was holding a paper bag.

“Sorry to interrupt.” Draco said politely and smiled at his students.

“It is okay Professor.” Seredity said as she let go of the group hug.

Alicia couldn’t speak because she just knew that the man standing in front of the door was already her father, the person she had been trying to seek out for the past years. It felt awkward that she felt the urge to hug him but she also wanted to yell at him and ask why he didn’t take responsibility of her.

“Hey Ali.” Alicia looked up and saw Scorpius approaching her bed. She smiled when she realized Scorpius used her nickname. Only Scorpius called her that, it was easier to call for her if he used her nickname.

“Hey Scorp.” She replied as both of them looked at each other. Scorpius gave the flowers to Alicia and placed a small kiss on her cheek. Alicia’s smile widen and touched the petals of the flowers.

“These are beautiful Scorp.” Alicia giggled and smelled the intoxicating scent of the flowers. “Thank you.” She said and returned the friendly kiss to her friend or so she found out her brother.

“Why don’t you put those in a vase?” Draco stepped in which caused Alicia to slightly stiffen.

“I’ll get it.” Seredity, Destiny and Patricia said in unison and giggled when they realized they acted like triplets.

“Thank you.” Alicia said and handed the flowers to Seredity’s waiting arms.

They watched the three girls disappear towards the mini kitchen and stared at each other. Scorpius was looking at Alicia as if he desperately wanted to tell her something but controlled himself because of his Father.

“So, how are you feeling Alicia?” Draco asked which caused Alicia to looka back at him.

“A-alright I guess.” Alicia replied and looked at her pale cold hands, she was really losing blood.

“Father said you that you are dying. Is it true?” Scorpius said and looked at her with sad eyes.

“Y-yes.” Alicia answered weakly.

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her chest and the room was spinning, even she was in bed she could still feel the room spinning and her head was pounding in pain. She let a small whimper and let her head fall on the pillow.

“I-it hurts.” She said weakly and tried to scream but only a whimper of pain escaped her lips.

“Scorpius go get a healer!” Draco commanded and Scorpius obyed, he ran out the room to find a healer.

“It’s going to be okay Alicia.” Draco said and sat on Alicia’s bed trying to calm her down.

“What’s going on?” Seredity came out of the mini kitchen with the vase in her hands.

“Girls owl Harry Potter!”  He cried which caused the girls to nod and Seredity placed the vase on the table. They three girls ran out of the room and made their way to the owlery.

Draco kept shushing Alicia and kept saying comforting words. He enveloped her in a hug and tried to calm her down or ease the pain. Was this it? Was this the sign that her time in the world is only short? Is she about to go?

Draco swallowed a large lump in his throat as he realized that he was going to be depressed when the girl in his arms would leave. Alicia was the only student that was so close to him except his son. He ran his fingers over Alicia’s curly blond hair as he thought about Hermione. She would also lose her way if she knew her daughter would die.


Draco turned around and saw Hermione behind the frame of the door, her eyes widening as she saw that Alicia whimpering in pain. She dropped her bag on the floor and ran beside Draco and Alicia. She quickly wrapped her hands around Alicia and Draco. Hermione didn’t care that she was already hugging Draco, but she only cared showing comfort to her daughter.

“Mommy is here dear. Everything will be alright.” Hermione said as she stroked Alicia’s blond hair.

“M-mom? D-dad?” Alicia said in a whisper before she blacked out.  Draco looked at Hermione after he heard those words from Alicia’s lips.

Draco’s head jerked up and caught Hermione’s terrified eyes. Did Alicia just call him Dad? As Draco was about to part his lips Hermione spoke.

“She’s yours, Draco!” Hermione cried as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Draco’s eyes widen with shock as he looked at his past girlfriend and the only student that caught his fatherly heart.


Draco and Hermione were seated on the bench outside of Alicia’s room while the healers tended her. Hermione had been crying her eyes out once she saw Alicia from the small window on the door. Alicia had loads of devices, machines connected to her and needles that plunged in her skin. She didn’t want her daughter to suffer such fate.

“H-how?” Draco broke the uncomfortable silence. His thoughts still were back where Hermione had told him that the girl inside the room was his daughter, his flesh and blood.

“Remember December 29th 1999?” Hermione said as a sigh escaped her red lips.

Draco looked at her confusingly. He wasn’t good with remembering dates or anything that happened long time ago that he had long forgotten. But for Hermione he tried to look back, each memory he passed until he hit that year. A lot of things happened that year, his wedding with Astoria, Scorpius being born, Narcissa and Astoria’s mother’s revelation about Hermione and more.

Suddenly it hit him, that specific day was magical to them. Love was in the air that time and that day was his so special to them. Astoria had finished her seventh year and she had agreed to the marriage stuff since she had been too obedient to her parents.

“I remember.” He said and hung his head. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“How could I tell you? I was in Azkaban!” Hermione suddenly snapped, her fists were clenching.

“What in Merlin’s beard we’re you doing there?” Draco asked surprisingly.

“Why not ask your mother and your mother-in-law what I was doing in prison?” Hermione said and placed her hands on her hips.

“They framed me Draco!” She half screamed, tears were forming in her eyes. “They framed me for the death of Astoria’s father. Murder! They told everyone I murdered him!”

“My mother would never do that!” Draco defended. He knew his mother too well and she could never frame someone in any crime especially murder.

“I was stuck in Azkaban for 3 months Draco! Good thing Harry was there to help me out if he wasn’t then I would be in there for life!” Hermione yelled causing some people to look at her.

Draco couldn’t believe what Hermione was saying. Was his mother that cruel he had to frame someone? He stood up and looked at Hermione with anger. How dare she use her mother as a cover up for what she did to him?

“Don’t use my mother as a cover up!” He snapped and grabbed Hermione’s wrist. “You were the one who left me! You used me!”

“I never did such a thing!” Hermione yelled. “I was going to tell you that day but-“

“But what?” Draco spat with venom.

“But you already said to her.” Hermione said softly, the memory hurt every time she tried to remember it. She clutched her fists together once more anger enveloped her as she clenched her fists.

“I was there Draco! I was behind the bushes! You saw me; you even took a small pause before you said I do. “Hermione narrated what she saw that day.

“You’re crazy.” Draco said after her took a long pause after her answer.

“I know what I saw Draco.” Hermione said and slipped her hand from his grip.

Draco and Hermione looked at each other. Their eyes filled with anger, regret, guilt and mixed emotions, you couldn’t determine if they would pull out their wand and hex each other. Or Hermione would punch him like what she did to him in their third year.