Chapter 32

Hermione sat still on the wooden chair of Alicia’s room. It had been a week and a half and still no improvement with Alicia’s condition. That last encounter with Draco and Astoria still had shaken her. All those years she thought Astoria knew about the things Draco did, but how wrong she was. Astoria was clueless and confused, Hermione didn’t plan on her getting hurt, and she never meant Astoria any harm.

 She sighed and ran her slender fingers over her brown hair. She couldn’t think of any way to change what happened. Every plan had a flaw and this was it, she wasn’t a heartless person to let one person, so clueless get involved with such complicated problems. But it was great that Astoria had been so nice and understanding to her, she was nothing like her plastic mother.

 “This is my first time to see you again Hermione.” Hermione let out a heavy sigh after she heard a woman’s voice. She knew who it belonged to.

 “I had to stay hidden Pansy.” Hermione replied and stood up from the wooden chair.

 Pansy Parkinson now married to Blasie Zabini had known that Hermione was alive after their last visit to Hermione’s grave last Christmas. She was in a great shock but she took it better than anyone she knew.




 “I think it’s time to know her.” Hermione spoke up and sat on the small space on Alicia’s bed.

 She rubbed her daughter’s pale cheek and a sigh escaped her lips. The time she had parted with her Alicia was painful but it was the best for her. It was already time to reveal herself to her daughter and to get her back. It was time to fill that hole that she had missed to fill while Alicia was growing up.

 “But first I need to go to talk to Draco Malfoy.” Hermione said with her confident voice but in truth she was shaking inside.

 “Hogwarts.” Pansy said before Hermione could leave the room.

 “Thanks Pansy.” Hermione replied and pulled her friend into a hug before she could continue to leave the room.

 Hermione appartaed to the Leaky Cauldron and taking the floo network to Hogwarts.

  It was already time. It was time to reveal all the secrets that were hidden. It was time for the real chaos to start. Everything will change by only a two different drops of blood. Nothing would be the same.
