Chapter 43

As I scanned through the papers on the coffee table the doorbell suddenly rang causing me to place the white sheet on the table. I sent everyone in the mansion for their holidays so it was only me and Alicia at home but she was asleep in her bedroom upstairs.

 "Coming!" I answered as I made my way to the front door.  

 When I opened my door the smile that was on my face instantly dropped upon the sight of her and her bloodshot eyes.

  "Hello, Hermione." Astoria Greengrass? Why was she here?

"Er... Hi... So, what are you here for?" I asked, puzzled. I know Astoria is a good woman but showing up in my door step wasn’t a good sign.

  "I have something that I have to get off my chest." She replied. I’m confused.

 "And that would be...?" I urged her to continue.

 She looked hesitant about it. She was shaking and she would constantly run her fingers over her dark hair. Is it something I need to know now? Was it very important?

 “You don’t hav—“

 "Scorpiusisntminehesyours." She blurts. I honestly did not understand what she just said.


"Scorpius.” She started. A large lump formed in the throat and I could feel some heaviness in the air.

“H-He isn't mine.” She says. Okay? What has that to do with me?

 “Am I the best person you should be telling that now?” I questioned her.

 “You’re the only person.” She said softly. Okay she is really confusing me right now.

 “Okay.” I trailed awkwardly.

 “He's yours..."


 “What?” I was caught off guard with her words. Scorpius Malfoy? My son? What? My head is currently swarming with absolute confusion. Am I even hearing things right? Did I have too much wine or something?

 “Scorpius is your son, your flesh and blood.” She clarifies.

"That's impossible.” I tell her.  “My son d-died at birth." Why would someone play such a cruel trick?

 "No, you see-My son d-died at birth. I overheard Narcissa talking to one of the nurses... They switched the babies... They made it appear that it was your baby that d-died, not mine." WHAT?!

 Everything was trying to sink in my head. But when I heard Narcissa’s name the confusion that I was feeling started to lift and changed into anger. She is someone crueler than Voldemort himself. My senses were coming back and my head was comprehending with her shocking words.

 "I have a question." I parted my lips. I was staring her intensely. I wanted to be sure if she wasn’t lying but her bloodshot eyes and tear stained face was enough proof for me.

"Ask anything." She encourages.

 "Does Draco know about this?" I asked.

"Yes.” She replies. It wouldn’t be a surprise. To think everything was going well with Draco this happens!

"Could you send him over when you go home?" I asked. "There are some things I need to say to him."

 Astoria simply nodded and adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

"Alright, bye." I basically pushed her out the door while saying my goodbyes. How could Draco know something this big and not tell me? It concerns my children as well! I grabbed my phone and instantly dialed Pansy’s number.

 “Pansy Zabini speaking.”


  "Hi Hermione." She greeted. “Is everthing alright?” She asks. Of course bloody not!

 "Okay, so apparently my son is alive."  I said straight forwardly.

"WHAT?!" She almost screams in the other line.

 "That was my reaction as well! Astoria told me that her son and my son were switched at birth, and that Scorpius Malfoy is my son!"

 "That's great, he's alive!"

 "But what’s horrible, is that Draco knew, and didn't tell me. I cried for days at the loss of my son and having to leave my daughter, and he knows my son is alive, yet he hides it? I mean, I'm the child's mother, for Godric's sake!"

 "You know what that reminds me of?" She speaks losing the cheery tone all of the sudden.


"You.” She points out. What?

“You left Alicia when she was born to go seek revenge, and you didn't even tell your friends, or even her! She's your daughter, Woman! Don't be mad at Draco if you can't admit what you did wrong and go back and apologize to the people who deserve it. Just swallow your pride and be the Hermione I was best friends with. Be Hermione Granger. Not Jean McLaggen. Be the girl we all love and miss."

 Did I really push hard with all this? Pansy was right. I did feel like revenge was consuming me every single day. I was in a constant battle being Jean McLaggen and Hermione Granger. I just pushed the whole thing off like it was nothing at all.

 "You're right..." I admitted.  What was I supposed to do? How do I just 'swallow my pride' if I can't bear to lose it? I liked Jean McLaggen. She would never get taken advantage of like the silly school girl, Hermione Granger. I guess I could try in order to restore my relationships... But it took a lot to build up Jean McLaggen... How am I to just tear down an image that took so long to create? But then I thought about the circumstances. I had to do anything I could for Alicia, and now Scorpius. So then, my decision was final. Goodbye, Jean McLaggen.