Chapter 47 (Book 2)




 Alicia was in her mother’s room early in the morning waking her mother’s sleeping figure. She heard screams from her mother’s bed room and instantly went there to check. She found her mother talking in her sleep and she was sure her mum was having a horrible nightmare.

 “MUM!” Alicia yelled once more, she was already shaking her mother’s body.

 “Draco!” Hermione shot up with cold sweat on her forehead and her breathing became heavy.

 “Mum, its okay Dad is back at his house.” Alicia explained and tried to comfort her mother.

 Hermione hugged her daughter instantly, making Alicia worry. She had heard her mother’s ear piercing scream from her room and it woke her. Alicia hugged her mother back and tried to soothe her mother’s feelings. She looked around the room and saw something that caught her eye; it was a picture of her mother and father during Hogwarts.

 “Mum?” Alicia spoke as her mother cried on her shoulder.

 “Hmm.” Hermione tried to make her voice audible.

 “Dad is alright, you want me to call him?” Alicia asked her voice comforting and yet worried.

 “N-no, it’s alright.” Hermione shuttered and let go of the hug. She wiped her tears and tried to smile to make Alicia feel better. “I’m sorry for waking you dear.”

 “It’s alright mum.” She replied and tucked her mother back in her bed. “Do you want me to sleep here?” Alicia asked eyeing her mother if she was going to be okay if she left.

 Hermione smiled widely and patted her extra pillow beside her. Alicia also smiled and laid her head on the pillow, Hermione wrapped Alicia with a blanket and kept her close to her. Hermione never expected that her daughter would be the one offering to tuck her in and tell her to sleep in her room. It was a mother’s duty to do what Alicia had done is she had a nightmare.

 “Good night Alicia.” Hermione whispered and kissed Alicia’s head.

 “Good night mum.” Alicia replied and returned the kiss.

 Alicia tried to move from her mother’s grip but she couldn’t. Her mother wasn’t going to let go any minute now. Ever since she heard her mother scream her father’s name, she knew something was extremely wrong.

  She whispered to herself and tried to drift into a dreamless sleep.

 = = =

 The sun rose causing one of its rays to penetrate the small space between the curtains of Draco’s room. He groaned when he felt the ray of sunshine hit his face. He wasn’t the usual morning person since the news about his wife hit the papers and the media.

 He cursed under his breath when he heard his alarm clock ringing. He slowly reached for the night stand and switched the clock off. He pushed his sheets off his body and made it way to the bathroom to freshen up before he goes down to their living room filled with friends and family.

 Since everyone knew about Astoria’s death they all visited their home and gave their condolences to the Malfoy and Greengrass family. Draco had an all- nighters for two days straight now and it was only last night when he got sleep.

 Dark bags were under his eyes and his face was paler than usual. In short he looked horrible. He hissed at his own appearance and splashed cold water on his face. The water was ice cold almost impaling his skin with its temperature.

 “Draco? Are you in there darling?” He switched off the faucet as he heard his mother knock on his bath room door.

 “Yes mother.” He replied as a soft sigh escaped his thin pale lips. “The minister is down stairs, he said he wants to give his condolences to you.” Said Narcissa her hand on the golden door knob.

 “Okay, I’ll be down in a minute.” Replied Draco as he turned on the shower.

 “Okay sweet heart.” Narcissa left Draco’s room and made her way down stairs to the other guest.

 The hot water wrapped Draco into a relaxing state and it made him forget what was down stairs. His mind suddenly floated to the images of him, Hermione, scorpius and Alicia that he saw in the mirror of Veritas. He didn’t know why those where the images that flashed into his head. He was happy seeing them like that, almost if he wanted it to really happen.

 “Are you planning on drowning yourself?”  Draco instantly jumped off the shower with the sound of a familiar voice from inside the bathroom.