Chapter 45 (Book 2)

“Are you this stupid, Singers?!” Narcissa exclaimed. Her pointing finger and her thumb were just a few inches from each other forming a gap.

 “I did what you asked me to do Narcissa.” James defended and crossed his arms on his chest. “I didn’t touch Draco and I had to blow up a whole train just to get you satisfied.” He added as a scowl appeared on his face.

 “Did you realize that killing Astoria would make things worse?” Narcissa said frustrated as her knuckles started to pale.

 “It was the best plan you know-“

 “HOW IN MERLINS WAS THAT THE BEST PLAN?!” Narcissa cut him off with her high pitched voice.

 “Astoria knew the secret and if she tells Hermione about it the more she and Draco will get back together.” James explained but it only made Narcissa want to yell at him because of his stupidity.

 “You’ve gone absolutely mental.” Narcissa muttered.

 “What?” James asked.

 “I said you just made things worse. You gave them both a reason to get back together!” Narcissa exclaimed and pointed a finger at James.

 “With Astoria gone, both of them will re unite and become a family. Didn’t you realize that?” Narcissa explained her eyes trying to convince him.

 James thought about what Narcissa said and he was surprised that she was right. How can he be so stupid to kill Astoria? His plan was just to silence her but he didn’t think of the other possibilities when he did it. He fell down on his arm chair and looked at the floor, he was convinced and he it was true that he was stupid, it was like a bold move gone the wrong path. he murmured and faced palmed.

 “I won’t let Hermione reunite with that prat.” He said with Narcissa sending him a death glare.

 “My son maybe a prat Singers but he isn’t stupid.” She snapped and trying to warn him about what Draco is about to do.

 Astoria is still Draco’s wife meaning he would do everything to know what really happened. Astoria rode a muggle train and if he knew James’ henchmen ambushed the train then they would be in trouble. If the evidence pointed to James then James would have no trouble saying that Narcissa gave the orders.

 “Your want for Granger’s love is blinding you, you know?” Narcissa said crossing her arms on her chest and supporting herself on her black mohogamy desk.

“Damn it!” He said. His tone frustrated and angry. 

 Meanwhile in McLaggen Mansion, everyone in the home was wearing ear muffs to block out all the shouting and yells. Well, let’s say Hermione was lashing out on poor Draco. Before Astoria entered the train she sent a patronus saying Hermione wanted to talk to him. Draco apparated instantly to McLaggen manor.

 “Why didn’t you tell me?!” Hermione demanded and crossed her arms.

 “It skipped my mind?” Draco replied unsure. He really didn’t know why he didn’t tell her.

 “It skipped your mind? IT SKIPPED YOUR MIND!” She yelled again causing innocent looking Draco to back away a little

 “I was about to tell you but I was waiting of the right moment.” He pleaded his eyes turning slightly glassy.

 “And when was this “right moment” going to happen?” Hermione asked in a rather calm yet annoyed voice and quoting the right moment.


 “See you don’t even know.” She said and turned her heel, she was now facing the crackling fire.

 There was silence in the room and not one of them wanted to break it. They had been talking with heated heads for almost an hour and it was tiring especially for Hermione, who did most of the yelling.

Hermione’s breathing became slower and calmer; her stiffened crossed arms started to loosed and untangled themselves.

 “I-I did lot of things Draco, I felt Alicia, just to seek out revenge. What you did to me made my heart turn to ice.” Hermione explained as she watched the fire dance in the fire place. “Seeing you say I do to Astoria broke my heart into a million pieces. You were so happy with them and all I wanted was to make you see what happened to me. My motivation for all these years was Alicia and my pride to crush your mother’s reputation but I’ve seen that I was wrong, Alicia melted my ice heart and made me realize that all this revenge and pride made me loose myself. Do you know why I act cold towards you?”

 “Why?” Draco asked as he listened attentively to Hermione’s story.

 “Because believe it or not I still may have those feelings for you.” Hermione admitted and wrapped herself with her arms.

 A tear fell from Hermione’s eyes as her feelings for Draco started to fill her body again; it feels like they were teenagers again. And after 15 long years she had admitted something to herself and to someone else.

 Suddenly silence ate the room and made it a little awkward for Hermione. It’s quite different admitting your feelings when you’re a teenager and a grown woman. She closed her eyes hoping Draco would answer or even just talk so she won’t look stupid there admitting her feelings and get nothing in return.

 “Hermione…” Draco started and tried to reach Hermione’s shoulder.

 “If you don’t feel the same, I understand, you moved on already.” Hermione said as she tried to control her tears. By letting a sob leave her mouth she failed.

 She was about to turn around but upon turning her lips met his and instantly sparks of electricity filled her body and fireworks ignited. It was still the same kiss they shared years ago but this time it was true and more passionate than before.

 They broke apart and Hermione opened her eyes. She saw those familiar silver pools that always made her melt. She didn’t know if she was happy or sad at the moment.