Chapter 9

When Alex wakes up, the bed is no longer warm where Kara used to be, so she must have been gone for a while. While that is unusual, it isn't anything for her to panic about. Yet. Alex feels better rested than usual and sits up, stretching. She frowns at the sudden onset of coldness that seeps into her bones as her upper body comes out from under the covers.

She rubs the remaining tiredness from her eyes and then opens them. The first thing that catches her eye is a sheet of paper on the nightstand on Kara's side of the bed. Alex picks it up and reaches for her glasses, bulky ones that she doesn't like wearing but her sister always says she looks good in them. Alex always dismisses that because she is her sister and therefore biased.

She reads the note, smiling softly at Kara's familiar messy scrawl. "Alex, sorry you're waking up alone! I woke up early and you were still sleeping. You looked so peaceful, and we both know you don't get enough sleep, so I didn't wake you. Anyway, I'm off to talk to Cat about her article! And don't worry; I'm going to tell J'onn that you're sleeping in. Remember that I'm here for you, even if you aren't ready to talk about it yet! *smiley face* Love you! Kara."

Alex shakes her head fondly. Only her sister would draw a smiley face on a note. She reads it over again to make sure she didn't miss anything and frowns. Kara told J'onn that she would be sleeping in? She looks up at the clock on her wall that she built a year before Kara came down. She blinks in surprise and does a double take. Alex rarely sleeps past eight, even when she has a day off. So for her to have slept a little past nine is really unusual.

She gets out of bed and rushes over to her closet, pulling out one of her DEO uniforms. She quickly puts it on and grabs a quick breakfast from the kitchens, eating while she walks towards the DEO.

Some agents look at her weirdly but no one dares to ask her why she came in late. Based on some of the leers she gets, they must think she got laid last night. Alex ignores them and heads right for the main room.

J'onn looks up and nods to her as she walks in. "Good morning, Sir Alex. Sir Maggie?" He calls.

Maggie looks up from the desk she has been assigned in a room connected to the main one. There is only one other desk here, along with a bunch of lab equipment she doesn't know how to work. She found a few manuals that look like they've been looked through a few times and has been reading them because J'onn hasn't assigned her a case.

Maggie puts a bookmark in the one she's currently reading and sets it on the larger pile of unread manuals. She gets up and walks over to her boss and new partner. They stand close together, and something about how they have been interacting tells Maggie that they have been working together for a while and are closer than just boss and knight.

"Yes sir?" She asks, stopping a few feet in front of them.

"You and Sir Alex are going to train in the courtyard today." J'onn says.

Maggie carefully hides the disappointment she feels, but she is pretty sure they can tell anyways. At least, Alex can. She gives Maggie a knowing look then turns back to J'onn.

"Yes sir," Alex says.

She starts walking towards the exit and Maggie follows her. She has studied the map of the castle intensively, so she knows where she's going. She walks alongside her new partner, taking in her surroundings as they go.

They walk through the Queen's gardens to get to the courtyard, which Maggie knows isn't necessary but she appreciates Alex showing her this. It's just as beautiful as she has heard. There are all kinds of plants, some she doesn't even recognize so they must be from another Kingdom. She has studied plants as well; it's helped her more than once when she was on a difficult mission with little food or needed quick medicine for a comrade.

Maggie notices that she has paused and is looking at the gardens and hurries to catch up to Sir Alex again, noticing that her pace is slower until she's back by her side. So the incredible, seemingly unapproachable Sir Alex is secretly sweet. This new realization makes Maggie relax slightly, even though she's still intimidated by Alex's renowned brilliance.

They reach the courtyard quickly after that and Maggie studies it. Alex is silent, letting her look. They are in a field, and the place they're going to train must be where the soft grass ends and the dirt begins. There is a small building on one end of the training field where Maggie assumes the training weapons are stored.

Maggie decides to break the silence. "J'onn knows I'm a knight, right? I can fight."

Alex's lips turn up into a smile and Maggie swears her heart skips a beat. It's unfair that her new partner is the gorgeous, awesome genius that she is pretty sure she already has a crush on. Luckily for Maggie, it is just a crush because she hates when she falls for straight women.

"You don't know how to fight like we do," Alex replies.

Maggie gives her a skeptical look. She was top of her class and the best student her mentor ever trained. She isn't cocky like some of the men she has been forced to work with, but she is confident in her abilities as a knight. She once took down five men alone after they kidnapped a little girl that was the daughter of a nearby citizen. She was only alone because the other knights wouldn't bother because the parents had little money to offer them. Greedy bastards. She snaps out of her memory at the sound of Alex's voice.

"Alright, Sir Maggie." She tries to ignore how good her name sounds falling from her lips. "If you're so sure, come on. Show me you know how to fight like a DEO agent. We will start with hand to hand."

Alex steps onto the dirt and her entire demeanor changes. Her muscles relax and she seems more at home, more calm. She pulls off her top layer and then Alex is in a black tank top. Maggie knows for sure she is in trouble now. Alex has muscles, which she really should have expected but they're still impressive. And really hot.

She takes off her leather jacket, both not wanting to drool any longer like a creep or get warm in the middle of training. She doesn't miss Alex's appraising eyes that make a small sliver of doubt appear in her mind because maybe she isn't as straight as Maggie thinks. She dismisses the thought, not wanting to get up her hopes again.

Maggie sets her jacket on the grass, taking Alex's discarded shirt and gear and placing them beside it. Alex nods to her in thanks as she starts to stretch out her muscles. Maggie forces herself to look away as she rejoins her on the dirt, deciding to start on her stretches as well. Her back is to her new partner so she doesn't see how Alex's eyes focus on how her muscles move under her t-shirt.

Alex has to force her gaze away, shaking her head and finishing her stretches. This partnership is sure to be interesting. Maggie turns back to her when she's done and Alex gets into her stance.

Maggie studies how she's standing and notes that her stance is textbook perfect, no glaringly obvious weaknesses given away even to her trained eye. She gets into her stance as well, shifting on her feet. They circle each other for a while, watching how the other moves.

Alex is the first to throw a punch and Maggie takes advantage of it leaving her right side open. She ducks her punch and twists to kick Alex's side. Maggie holds back so it doesn't do much more than wind her partner, who looks impressed.

She gets back into her stance and they go back and forth for a while. Maggie's almost always the one who ends up in the dirt and she has to admit to herself that Sir Alex is better than she is at hand to hand combat. She does learn a lot from their nearly silent training, watching how Alex deflects or dodges a particularly difficult attack. The only time either of them speaks is to offer advice on how to improve something and honestly, it's the most fun Maggie has had in a while.

They are about to stop for lunch when they hear someone approaching. Both of them are in training mode and draw out their daggers. Lucy comes into view, clad in her uniform and looks amused at how they both look like they're ready to stab her. They sheathe their daggers, both breaking into smiles when they realize it's her.

"Sir Maggie," she greets her first. "Congratulations on the promotion."

"Thanks, Luce."

They hug and Alex is a little confused. "You know each other already?"

Lucy gives Alex a hug as well. "Yeah, we have worked together on a few cases." She explains. "She's pretty good, Danvers. Oh and there was that one night when James and I had broken up... Where was that, Maggie?"

"It was a camp an hour and a half from Gotham." Maggie reminds her.

Alex tries not to act as shocked as she feels. She knows Lucy is bi, she told Alex when they became friends and she has heard whispers from the other knights about Sir Maggie's sexuality since she's gotten here. She just didn't expect that they knew each other, especially not intimately.

"Yeah," Lucy nods. "That was a great one night stand. Oh Maggie, I'm back with James now."

"Good, I hated seeing you so broken up over him. He hadbetter not break your heart again. And Major, congratulations on your promotion." Maggie grins proudly at her friend.

This chapter turned out to be a lot gayer than I expected! Especially with all of the drooling between Alex and Maggie... Poor nerds. They'll figure it out eventually! And hey, Lucy's here and has slept with Maggie because why not! Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!